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The RDB is a Real-Time Database that stores intra-day data that can be queried by the user. The RDB is an extension of the RTE functionality. At start-up it reads in all of the RTE code. As such the RDB has all of the parameters of the RTE. The RDB typically subscribes to data from the Tickerplant and stores this data for intra-day queries. At start up the RDB loads the TP log file if it is required depending on the logMsgFunct specified in the input parameters. The RDB also supports End-Of-Day write down to a Historical Database. Depending on the required uses of the RDB it can subscribe to filtered lists of tables and syms. It can be queried via any q process, an IDE in Control, Dashboards or Excel.


The below table details the RDB template parameters.

name type default value description
messagingServer Configuration DS_MESSAGING_SERVER Messaging server
subscriptionChannel Symbol Messaging channel to subscribe to
subscriptionTablelist Symbol[] List of tables to subscribe to
subscriptionColumnList Symbol[] Column to subscribe to in each table for the subscriptionFilterList values
subscriptionFilterList Symbol[] List of symbols to subscribe to
publishChannel Symbol Messaging channel to publish on
publishTableList Symbol[] List of tables to publish on
logMsgFunct Analytic dxUpdInsertPub Specifies which log replay function to use, run for each incoming replayed data segment.
postLogMsg Analytic dxEmptyFunction Specifies task(s) to perform after the ticker replay function completes running.
bufferMsgFunct Analytic dxEmptyFunction Specifies message buffer function to use.
postbufferMsg Analytic dxEmptyFunction Specifies task(s) to perform after the message buffer updates have been processed.
initialStateFunct Analytic dxInitialDataState Specifies the Analytic to be used to initialize the RDB process.
realTimeMsgFunct Analytic dxUpdInsertPub Update function to be used by the RDB
logReplayFunct Analytic dxLogReplay Specifies log replay function
eodFunct Analytic dxEODSaveAndDelete End of day (EOD) actions
rollOverFunct Analytic dxRolloverMultiServer Function called by DS_EOD
hdbProcess Process Instance Historical Database Process
gatewayQuery Analytic dxQuery_basic Gateway Query utilised
monitoringInterval Integer Monitoring Interval
tableEodList Configuration DS_TABLES_EOD_LIST EOD tables
subscriptionSource Process Instance List of processes that the RDB should subscribe to
consumerProcesses Process Instance List of consumer processes
consumerAlertSize Integer Number of bytes in output queue of a consumer process to trigger an alert
consumerDisconnectSize Integer Number of bytes in output queue of a consumer process to trigger a disconnect
endInterval Analytic dxEndIntervalTemplate Function to call when TP sends endInterval trigger
intervalDelete Analytic dxRdbDeleteTables Function to delete data from tables when dxRdbDelete is called



Used to get the handle of a specific HDB.


Name Type Description
instance symbol HDB instance


Type Description
int HDB handle




Returns a list of all the handles to hdbs available to the process.


Type Description
int[] Handles available


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Returns the handle of the hdb available to the rdb process.


Type Description
int HDB handle available to rdb process




RDB is not restricted to a single HDB. Many HDB can be defined within the instance parameters. This method is used internally with a timer job - .ds.rdb.hdbReconn.

Timer job runs and checks handle of each of the defined HDB instances, passes instance name to hdbReconnByInst to get connection details and attempt a reconnect


Name Type Description
instance symbol HDB instance


Type Description
int HDB handle




Wrapper for the RDB to call to reload its Primary HDB. Allows RDB to reload HDB under the deltacomponent user.

It creates a handle and runs a reload under the that handle.


Type Description
boolean Successful or not

