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Library of functions for sending emails, working with mail templates and recipients.

The send APIs require the JAVA email engine to be running. See the KX Control Email Engine section for more information on setting up this process.


Email recipients can be provided as users, email addresses or distribution lists. The API resolves them all to a corresponding list of email addresses.


Name Type Description
targets symbol[] List of emails, users and distribution lists


Type Description
symbol[] Email addresses


 /=> ``
 /=> ````


Gets list of templates


Type Description
symbol[] Template names


 /=> `DS_AT_NewItem`DS_AT_Reassign`DS_AT_Timeout`DS_AT_Transition`FX_SPREAD_TEMPLATE`PasswordReset`Pas..


Gets the details for a template. Can optionally replace tags in the email subject and body with tag values


Name Type Description
template symbol Template name
dict dict Dictionary of tags to replace in template text


Name Type Description
<returns> dict Template details with tags replaced from dict parameter
<returns>.subject string
<returns>.body string


 /=> subject| "$SYSTEM$ Password Reset"
 /=> body   | "Hi $USER$,<br>\r<br>\rYour password has been reset, please login with your new credentials<br>\rPassword: $..

 .email.getTemplateReplace[`PasswordReset; `user`system!(`Administrator; `ControlForKx)]
 /=> subject| "ControlForKx Password Reset"
 /=> body   | "Hi Administrator,<br>\r<br>\rYour password has been reset, please login with your new credentials<br>\rPass..


Gets the email subject and body for a template


Name Type Description
n symbol Template name


Name Type Description
<returns> dict Subject and body details
<returns>.subject string
<returns>.body string


 /=> subject| "$SYSTEM$ Password Reset"
 /=> body   | "Hi $USER$,<br>\r<br>\rYour password has been reset, please login with your new credentials<br>\rPassword: $..


Get table of email details.


Name Type Description
<returns> table Table of template details
<returns>.name symbol
<returns>.subject string
<returns>.body string


 /=> name                         subject                                                            body                 ..
 /=> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------..
 /=> DS_AT_NewItem                "[Delta Action Tracker] Issue [$ID$] - $ACTIONTRACKER$ updated"    "$USER$ updated issue..
 /=> DS_AT_Reassign               "[Delta Action Tracker] Issue [$ID$] - $ACTIONTRACKER$ reassigned" "$USER$ reassigned is..
 /=> ..


Sends an email while replacing any tag values in template contents. Tags should be included in the contents as upper-case names between dollar signs \$STOCK\$. These will be matched against the keys of the dictionary parameter and corresponding values will replace the tags. Dictionary keys will be converted to upper-case when being matched.


See .email.send and .email.getTemplateReplace for parameter formats and tag examples.


Name Type Description
dict dict Email parameters
data dict Dictionary of tags and values


 dict:`to`cc`bcc`subject`body!(`$("";"SupportList"); "s"$(); "s"$(); "Alert raised for $SYM$"; "Credit alert raised - $PERCENTAGE$% utilisation");
 .email.sendTags[dict; `sym`percentage!(`EURUSD;95.5)]


Sends an email using the subject and body from a template. The mail subject and body will be taken from the template so are not required. Will also replace any tag values as with .email.sendTags.


See .email.send and .email.getTemplateReplace for parameter formats and tag examples.


Name Type Description
template symbol Template name
dict dict Email parameters
data dict Dictionary of tags and values


 dict:`to`cc`bcc`html!(`$("";"SupportList"); "s"$(); "s"$(); 0b);
 .email.sendTemplate[`emailLogRecovery; dict; `sym`component`time`summary`detail!(`EURUSD; "Log Replay"; .z.p; "Failed to replay"; ([]ind:til 10))]


Sends an email. The argument table describes the required values.

All keys are optional

key type description
to,cc,bcc symbol[] List of recepients. Must be at least one recipient. Can be a mix of email addresses, user names and distribution lists
source symbol Used to override the default from address
reply symbol Used to specify a reply to address
subject,body string Email contents
html boolean Treat contents as HTML
files (see example) Used to pass attachments directly by value. Contains the filename and bytestream
filenames (see example) Used to pass attachments by reference using full filepath.


Name Type Description
dict dict Email parameters


 dict:`to`cc`bcc`subject`body!(`$("";"SupportList"); "s"$(); `Administrator; "Alert raised for EURUSD"; "Credit alert raised - 95% utilisation");


 data:read1 hsym `$getenv[`HOME],"/file.txt";
 attachments:`files`filenames!(((`file.txt; data); (`file2.txt; data)); ("ENV=HOME=/file.txt";"ENV=HOME=/file.txt"));
 dict:`to`cc`bcc`subject`body!(`$("";"SupportList"); "s"$(); `Administrator; "Alert raised for EURUSD"; "Credit alert raised - 95% utilisation");


Sends a SNMP trap message. Takes a dictionary of key-value pairs.


Name Type Description
dict dict SNMP parameters


 dict:`alert`data!("Alert raised for EURUSD"; "Credit alert raised - 95% utilisation");