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Service discovery

This module provides the ability to do service discovery. Solutions can use it to subscribe to updates of processes starting and stopping. The Control process acts as the discovery service by publishing messages when services logon or logoff.

This module is instantiated by a call to This subscribes to Control for service updates and caches the current state locally in the process.

For simple clients who only need to periodically check the service state, they can use the APIs described in this module to check the current state.

Supported operations are; - get cached services table - get details for single or multiple services - get host & port for single or multiple services - get services by class or template

Other clients may need to actively know when the service list changes. In this mode clients should implement handlers for logon and logoff events. For processes that take actions on logoff, please note the warning below.

Service logoff

Broadcast messages only indicate the status of the service to Control connection. A service may disconnect from Control but still be running. In this case it's up to the client to decide how to handle this scenario.

The suggested approach is to only treat the process as disconnected if a logoff broacast is received and the connection from the client to this service is disconnected. Therefore, the client should implement logoff and disconnect handlers that check both the Control and the handle status.

Active client

An example service client is implemented to illustrate how this works. The example is going to create a module to connect to running services. This module creates a table to maintain the online state of each service and connection to each of them. The state of each service is updated through logon/off event handlers.

  • Define a table which will store running services
  • Define a timer function to connect to each service and cache the handle
  • Define the disconnect function
  • this disconnects services if still they're still running
  • if not running, it removes them from the table
// Store running services 
.sol.runningServices:1!flip `process`class`handle!"ssi"$\:();

// Define the logon callback analytic 
  data:select process, handle:@[hopen; ; 0Ni] each[process] from;
  `.sol.runningServices upsert data;

// Add connect function to timer
.d.prcl.addFunctToTimer[`.sol.connect; (); 0Nz; 0Wz; 1000i; 1b];

// Define the logoff callback analytic which takes the handle 
  cl:0!select from .sol.runningServices where handle=hn;
  if[not count cl; :()];    
  .log.out[.z.h;"Service disconnect for process "; pname:first cl`process];

    update handle:0Ni from `.sol.runningServices where process=pname;
    delete from `.sol.runningServices where process=pname

The below code defines the logon and logoff callbacks. These will be triggered whenever the list of running services changes.

  .log.out[.z.h;"New service available";`process`port!(x`process;x`port)];
  `.sol.runningServices upsert select process, class from x;

  if[not null .sol.runningServices[x`process]`handle; :()];

  .log.out[.z.h;"Service logged off";`process`port!(x`process;x`port)];
  delete from `.sol.runningServices where process=x`process;

After the above functions are defined, the module can be initialised by
defining the callbacks and running the init method.

```q[`.sol.serv.logon; `.sol.serv.logoff];[]

Passive client

For a passive client, services details can be requested on-demand using a set of public APIs.

  • - Check if a service is running
  • - Get services based on their class
  • - Get the hostport of a services
  • - Gets the cached services
  • - Get all running services based on their template

Adds callbacks for logon and logoff events. Each API should take a single parameter. Provide a null symbol for a null callback.


Name Type Description
logon symbol Logon API name
logoff symbol Logoff API name


 `[`.qr.serv.logon; `.qr.serv.logoff]`

Example: No logoff handler

 `[`.qr.serv.logon; `]`

Called to check if a service is running


Name Type Description
proc symbol Process name


Type Description


 /=> 1b

Gets host & port for service


Name Type Description
names Symbol/Symbol[] name of process/processs


Type Description
table Table of running services


 /=> `

Gets host & port for a list of services


Name Type Description
names Symbol/Symbol[] name of process/processs


Type Description
table Table of running services


 /=> ``

Return cached service


Name Type Description
names Symbol/Symbol[] Name of process


Type Description
dictionary/table Dictionary/table of running service/services


 /=> process | fx_rdb_143
 /=> class   | fx_rdb
 /=> host    |
 /=> port    | 33715
 /=> tls     | off
 /=> template| DS_RDB

Gets the cached services


Name Type Description
names Symbol/Symbol[] Name of process


Type Description
dictionary/table Dictionary/table of running service/services


 /=> process    class  host                            port  tls template
 /=> --------------------------------------------------------------------
 /=> fx_rdb_140 fx_rdb 38040 off DS_RDB  
 /=> fx_rdb_141 fx_rdb 46576 off DS_RDB  
 /=> fx_qp_142  fx_qp 45737 off DS_QP   
 /=> fx_rdb_143 fx_rdb 33715 off DS_RDB 

 /=> process    class  host                            port  tls template
 /=> --------------------------------------------------------------------
 /=> fx_qp_142  fx_qp 45737 off DS_QP   
 /=> fx_rdb_143 fx_rdb 33715 off DS_RDB

Gets services based on templates


Name Type Description
names Symbol/Symbol[] Template name of process


Type Description
table Table of running services


 /=> process    class  host                            port  tls template
 /=> --------------------------------------------------------------------
 /=> fx_rdb_140 fx_rdb 38040 off DS_RDB
 /=> fx_rdb_141 fx_rdb 46576 off DS_RDB
 /=> fx_rdb_143 fx_rdb 33715 off DS_RDB

Called to initiate the module state



Called when a service logs off


Name Type Description
topic symbol Broadcast topic
data dict Service details


 data:`process`class`host`port`tls`template!(`fx_rdb_a; `fx_rdb; `localhost; 3000; `; `DS_RDB);
 `[`Service.Logoff; data]`

Called when a new service comes online.


Name Type Description
topic symbol Broadcast topic
data dict Service details


 data:`process`class`host`port`tls`template!(`fx_rdb_a; `fx_rdb; `localhost; 3000; `; `DS_RDB);
 `[`Service.Logon; data]`

Execute new logon callback for all running services


Name Type Description
logon symbol Logon API name

Gets services based on class


Name Type Description
names Symbol/Symbol[] Class name of process


Type Description
table Table of running services

 /=> process   host                            port  tls template class
 /=> --------------------------------------------------------------------
 /=> fx_qp_142 45737 off DS_QP   fx_qp