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Realtime feed

One of the ways to populate data in the warehouse is through a feed. In a normal system there will be a real feed, usually from an external source; a sensor, market adaptor etc. This data is fed through the TP to the other subscribers. For the purposes of this guide, a dummy feed will be created in place of a real feed of monitoring data.

Create feed process

The feed will be created as a service using the DS_RTE template.

  • Right-click on the workspace tree and select New > Analytic from the context menu.
  • Give it a name .mon.initFeed and add to the KxWarehouse package and hit Save. Leave the analytic parameters and code as the defaults for now, these will be configured later.
  • Now create a new service class by right-clicking and selecting New > Service Class
  • Name the process mon_feed, set the template to DS_RTE, and click Add.


  • Add a description.
  • Configure the Service Parameters.
parameter value
publishTableList monCPU, monMem, monDisk
subscriptionChannel NO_TABLES
initialStateFunct .mon.initFeed
  • In the Schemas subtab, associate the monCore group.
  • Save the service class.

Writing feed code

In order to create the feed, code needs to be developed to generate and publish the feed data. To do this;

  • Run the mon_feed service class
  • Right-click the running service in the Process Library Status Viewer
  • Hit Connect to open an Analyst IDE


  • In Analyst, a scratchpad should be opened by default, which will allow you to type and execute code.
  • Copy and paste the following code. This uses a random walk logic to generate mock monitoring data.
BASE:HOST!20 35 50 65;
MV:HOST!4?rand 0.5f;

  usage:HOST!{[host] sums?[n?1.<MV host;neg MV host; MV host]} each HOST;
  (base HOST) + usage

t: .z.p + 00:00:02 * til n;
ts:raze 4#enlist t; 
hosts:raze flip n#enlist HOST;

CBase::last each CPU;
CUsage:raze {max(0;min(x;100))} each CPU;

MBase::last each MemV;
MVUsage:raze {max(0;min(x;100))} each MemV;
MPUsage:raze {min(x;100)} each (first 1?10f) + MVUsage;

DBase::last each Disk;
DUsage:raze {max(0;min(x;100))} each Disk;

CPUData:([] time:ts; sym:hosts; usage:CUsage);
memData:([] time:ts; sym:hosts; virtual:MVUsage; physical:MPUsage);
diskData:([] time:ts; sym:hosts; usage:DUsage);
  • Highlight the lines you want to execute, right-click, and select Display from the context menu. The keyboard shortcut ctrl + d can be used also.


  • Execute the lines to create tables individually and see data generated. The result of the operation will appear in the Console at the bottom of the screen.


  • Once the code to generate the tables is working correctly, use the function to publish it to subscribers.


  • To test if this dummy data was published across processes, connect to the kxw_rdb and enter monCPU in the Scratchpad. Display the results and check to see if there is data populated. Repeat this for the other tables; monMem, monDisk

Deploying feed code

  • Previously we've manually generated and published data from the mon_feed process. To automate this, create an instruction and write a function that generates and publishes data on a timer. Then load the instruction at startup.

  • Right-click Analytics Libary and select New Instruction.


  • Name the instruction .mon.feedLogic.

  • In the Instruction Details subtab, give it a description. For example, Logic to generate and publish random data

  • Copy and paste the code from the appendix to the Content subtab of your .mon.feedLogic instruction and save.

Feed code

  • Next, in the .mon.initFeed analytic, copy and paste the code below to the Content subtab.
// load instruction
  • The .al.loadinstruction loads an instruction into a process, like loading a q script.

Check feed

After creating the feed code, restart the service to check it's working correctly.

  • To shutdown, right-click mon_feed in the Process Library Status Viewer
  • Select Stop > Shut Down Q Process.


  • Run the mon_feed service class again and Connect again.

  • Look in the tree on the left, and open the (.mon) module and Functions folder. Find the genData analytic.


  • The data creating analytics in .mon.feedLogic is called in the initial state (.mon.initFeed), so data should already be generating in three tables.

  • To check that the feed is working correctly end to end, connect to the kxw_rdb service and validate that there's data populating in the tables. Once this is confirmed, the feed part of the system is working correctly.


  • An alternative way of looking at the tables is to inspect them as shown below. The Visual Inspector allows users to inspect data values in a table view as well as explore their data graphically.


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