Server health
On the Monitoring dashboard the Server Health tab provides a real-time and a historical view of current server.
The Today label displays real-time CPU, memory and disk utilization.
This table and meter show % and GB memory used as well as the total available on selected server. Click on chart icon to view time series.
This table shows CPU usage per core. Click on chart icon to view time series.
This table and meter show % and GB disk used as well as the total available. Click on a row to update the meter.
This table shows CPU usage per process. Click on chart icon to view time series.
Overview displays a quick real-time view across all servers and monitored resources. Click row to update server selection for Details
Table allows a user to quickly see high levels of utilization.
The History label will display historical CPU, memory and running PID information for selected server and date.
Select historical date from date picker to populate graphs
Server CPU/Memory
Server Chart is CPU and Memory time series for selected date and server
Process CPU/Memory
Process Chart is CPU and Memory time series for selected date, server and pid
Process list
Process List shows processes running on selected date and server. Click row to update Process Chart.