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Log scraping

Log Scraping is a SysMon collector which tails log files looking for specific messages.


Log scraping is configured on the Monitor_Config dashboard, in the File Size/Growth Configuration tab, the DM_LOG_SCRAPING parameter. Specify Host, Directory, File and Scrape Pattern.

Screenshot Log Scraper configuration

To add a new configuration you simply click the add row button.

Screenshot Log Scraper configuration using the HTML5 Monitoring_Config dashboard

Specify the Log Scraper Entry details as described in the following table:

Log Scraper Entry

control effect wildcard
ID ID of the log scraper entry None
Host Host the logfile is located on (wildcards allowed) * can be used in place of host name
Directory Directory the log files are located in: when files are added to this directory a new listener is started and the new file will be scraped if a pattern match is detected Can use Absolute path or an enviromental filepath e.g. "ENV=TOMCATLOGDIR="
File Name Log file name Direct file name or glob pattern to find multiple files e.g. *.log
Scrape Pattern Pattern to search for None
isRegex Literal Expression or Regular Expression None
Level ERROR, INFO or WARN None
Active Boolean value if scraper active or not None
Alert Options Fields to be filled in for context specific alerts None

Scrape patterns

A scrape pattern can be either a literal expression or a regular expression.

Literal expression

A literal expression is a string of characters to be matched. E.g when input is "unable" and the isRegex field is set to false it will search for that exact word.


This will translate to these results in the Monitoring Dashboard, each log return has the exact word "unable" to be valid in this configuration.


Regular expression

A regular expression (regex) allows more complicated text patterns to be matched, and can allow one search to do the work of many. For example, search for the word separate and its common misspellings with regex s[ae]p[ae]r[ae]te. The Scrape Pattern Editor rejects invalid regexes. Regex 101, Regexpal

The log scraper will check for each string specified. To use regex instead of literal expression simply set the isRegex value to true.


Alert options

Configure context-specific alerts and negative alerts.

Context-specific alerts

Firstly define a comma seperated email list. Then Specify Content Analytic and Content Config Parameter.


parameter effect
email Comma separated string which specifies the emails and/or distribution list
contextAnalytic Analytic to look up the context of the Alert
contextConfig Associated Context Config Parameter

Screenshot Setting a context-specific alert

Example above:

  • DS_LOG_RECOVERY_ERROR_EMAILLIST is the distribution list
  • dxGCContextCheck context alert analytic used to check alert data for specific garbage collection use case
  • within the DM_Log_Context:DM_GC_Context contextConfig parameter the colValue set to 95, a DM_GC_Context of the garbage collector value of memory in use as a percentage of total memory size, an analytic that means exceeds, and a colValue of 95, an alert is written to the log if the observed value exceeds 95%. Screenshot

Example in KX Control:

  • the configuration parameter DM_SYSMON_CONFIG_DEFAULT attribute maxScrapersPerHost is used to specify the maximum number of log scrapers per host. An error message will be written to the log file and a warning displayed on the Log Scraper dashboard if the number of scrapers defined for the host exceeds this maximum.

Negative alerts

Negative alerting settings

Negative alerts are triggered by an absence in the log. Signify this by checking Negative Alert in the Alert Options Editor.

parameter effect
executionTime time of day to make the check
TTL (mins) Time To Live: the period (in mins before the Execution Time) in which the scrape pattern is sought in the logs
negativeID identifier: group alerts together by giving them the same ID
schedule frequency of the check: ONCE, HIGHFREQ, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY. The schedule option chosen determines further details: e.g. DAILY requires a start date and an option to exclude weekends.
monWeekends boolean to check if log scraper should check for item on weekends
weekDay schedule:WEEKLY, this column contains 3 letter representation of the days of the week to indicate that the event should occur every e.g. mon, tues
dayOfMonth schedule:MONTHLY, this column contains an integer representing a day of the month.
date schedule:ONCE, this is an exact date for the check
freq schedule:HIGHFREQ to run HighFreq , this column contains a timespan representing every how many minutes the event should occur.
earlyNotifications raise the alert if the scraped value appears before the TTL period

Schedule options

executionTime TTL negativeID schedule monWeekends weekDay dayOfMonth date freq earlyNotifications
01:00:00.000 15 1 DAILY false
01:00:00.000 15 2 ONCE false 2020.04.23
01:00:00.000 15 3 WEEKLY false wed
01:00:00.000 15 4 MONTHLY false 10
01:00:00.000 15 5 HIGHFREQ false 30

Example Daily: Screenshot schedule:DAILY; Check occurs once a day at 01:00:00

Example Once: Screenshot schedule:ONCE, date:2020:04:23; The exact date that the negative alert will run.

Example Weekly: Screenshot schedule:WEEKLY, weekDay:mon; The negative alert will be ran weekly on Monday.

Example Monthly: Screenshot schedule:MONTHLY, dayOfMonth:10; The negative alert will be ran on the 10th of each month.

Example HighFreq: Screenshot schedule:HIGHFREQ, freq:30; The negative alert will be ran every 30 minutes.

Log scraper dashboard


The KX Monitoring - Log Scraper tab provides a view of all scraped logging information.

Filter the display based on Start Date, End Date, Host, File, Level (INFO, WARN, ERROR, ALL) and Time Bucket. On Submit, the Filtered Logs table is updated.

Double-click on an item in the Filtered Logs table to populate the Filtered Log Details table.

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