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Building custom packages

Each KX Platform package is a collection of entities stored as a set of XML files. These files can be imported into a Platform instance to populate it with the entities defined in the package.

Package contents

The package XML files are organized into directories based on the entity type they represent. As well as the XML files there are 2 package manifest files which define the list of entities which are part of the package and also the name of the package in Control. There is often an optional XML file which contains the list of permissions to be set on each entity when importing into the Platform. Using the example of the DeltaStream package the files in questions are:

  • DeltaStream.cfg
  • DeltaStream_export.cfg
  • DeltaStream_permissions.xml

Packages should be named based on the solution they contain. Package names are typically camel case and there should be no spaces in the package name.

Package structure

In order for a package to be installable via the Installation script it must follow a set structure.

Package - Naming convention

The product name for a package is the string before the first “_” in the package name. i.e. for DeltaStream_4_5_0_200231082608.tgz the product name is DeltaStream

Note: All package config files (except version.txt) are based on the Product Name and it is important that these files are named correctly or else the install script will not find them in the package. The files required for a package and the naming conventions are described below.

KX Platform packages must be named as follows:


They must untar (tar -xvzf <package>.tgz) into a directory with the following name:



tar -xvzf DeltaStream_4_5_0_200231082608.tgz

Package - Required files

This section describes the files which must be present in the package in order for it to be installed with the script.

File Naming Convention Location
*.cfg CustomSolution.cfg Package directory
*_export.cfg CustomSolution_export.cfg Package directory
*_permissions.xml CustomSolution_permissions.xml Package directory
Version file version.txt Package directory
Install Config CustomSolution.install.config Package directory/install_config/profiles



Package - Configuration options

Each package is required to have its own configuration file. This file defines at the bare minimum any dependencies for the package along with an optional list of environment variables to be written into the delta.profile.

The package configuration file should be named <PackageName>.install.config and should be placed into the following directory structure inside the package:


The basic package file will contain one line which defines the package dependencies. The CustomSolution is dependent on DeltaStream being deployed. So the contents of the file would look like this:

cat install_config/profiles/CustomSolution.install.config

The package configuration file allows package specific environment defaults to be updated when deploying the package using the install script.

Env Var type Value Notes
port int Default value for an environment variable which represents a port. The install script will check if the port is free
string string Any string which will be assigned to the environment variable.
Note cannot contain spaces
dir dir Create a new directory which the environment variable will point to.
For a new directory to be created inside the delta-data directory then it should be specified as follows: DELTA_DATA/CustomSolution/hdb

Environment variable naming

Environment variables within a package should be named as follows:

For example Delta Control Port variable is named DELTACONTROL_PORT.

The format of the configuration file should be as follows:

ENV | Variable Name | Variable Type | Variable Default | Update Option (0 or 1)

ENV Denotes that this line contains an environment variable definition
Variable Name The name of the environment variable (this is written into delta.profile)
Variable Type port, string or dir
Variable Default The default value to be assigned to the variable
Update Option 0 - variable is not prompted for on deploy the default value is taken
1 - variable is prompted for during interactive installation (accept-defaults=0)

See example package configuration file for a dummy CustomSolution package below:


Using the package configuration file above the user would be prompted only for the CUSTOMSOLUTION_DEBUGPORT and CUSTOMSOLUTION _DEBUGNODE values during installation.

The CUSTOMSOLUTION _TPLOGDIR would be created automatically inside the delta-data/ directory i.e. delta/delta-data/CustomSolution/tplog.

Deploying custom packages

The KX Platform bundles can also be used to deploy a Solution or Custom packages.

Solution packages

These are packages which form part of a solution built on top of the KX Platform. The packages are typically listed in the package ordering lists inside the KX Platform install script (scripts/ In order to deploy solution packages they should be placed into the packages/ directory inside the bundle prior to running the script.

Custom packages

These are packages which are not yet included inside the package ordering lists in the KX Platform install script (scripts/ Custom packages must have the same structure as Platform or Solution packages, They can be deployed by placing them inside the packages/ directory in the bundle then adding the following to the install.config file (scripts/install.config) prior to running the script.


The install config (custom-solution-package-list) should contain a comma separated list of package names minus any version information.

Once this has been configured the deploy can be run using ./

For more details on the available install options, see the Package List Options section of this guide.

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