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Reconnection tuning

How quickly a process reacts to reconnect after a failure can be tuned to suit an application's requirements. The values are configurable by functional area, usually with settings for how often to try (the interval) and how long to wait at each attempt (the timeout).

The table below shows the settings for the different components with default values in brackets. The env types are parameters in delta.profile and the instance params are available through configuration.

area interval timeout type
Client to Control .pl.r.reconnInterval (10000) .pl.r.reconnTimeout (3000) instance param
MS cluster .rpl.reconnFreq (10000) .rpl.openTimeout (1000) instance param
Client to MS .dm.i.reconnFreq (10000) .dm.i.openTimeout (250) instance param
MS client to client .dm.i.retryInterval (10000) .dm.i.retryTimeout (500) instance param
QR cluster .rpl.reconnFreq (10000) .rpl.openTimeout (1000) instance param
Client to QR & QP .rpl.reconnFreq (1000) .qr.openTimeout (500) instance param

Instance params

Process to Control connection

Additionally processes contain many APIs that depend on the Control connection being available. If this connection is lost, these APIs will throw an exception. For some applications it might be desireable for the process to try to reconnect for a period of time before failing. This behavior is disabled by default but is configurable by setting .pl.r.reconnRetryTimeout - an integer number of milliseconds to retry for.

Parallel hopen

By default KX Delta Platform processes are set up and report a single host or IP address to communicate. In multi-homed environments this means they don't take advantage of the other network interfaces, especially when a failover occurs. KX Delta Platform can be configured to utilise additional interfaces in this type of situation. This is underpinned by a parallel hopen, phopen, function provided by a shared library.


In the above scenario, the default interface has been lost. With the addition of phopen, the other interface is used and connectivity is restored.

One of the other benefits of phopen is that it's capable of reconnecting many processes at the same time in parallel whereas regular hopen does each process sequentially. Where reconnectivity must be established quickly, this can provide a major performance gain.


In order to utilise phopen, a host to IP alternates mapping file must be setup. An example is given below;,,

The first column corresponds to the host or IP the process will be running on, with the second column containing the corresponding network addresses for each. A delta.profile environment variable configures the KX Delta Platform to use this file. It will automatically be parsed and read into memory.


When setup and loaded correctly, the .px.ipc.useAlternates variable will be set to true on the process. Some components will use this variable to determine whether to use phopen, others have specific instance parameters. These are summarized in the table below.

area setting default
Control cluster .px.ipc.useAlternates -
Client to Control .pl.r.reconnParallel off
MS cluster .px.ipc.useAlternates -
Client to MS .dm.i.retryParallel off
MS client to client .dm.i.retryParallel off
QR cluster .px.ipc.useAlternates -
Client to QR & QP .px.ipc.useAlternates -


  • TLS is not supported - will default back to regular hopen for TLS connections
  • Messaging clients - MS host resolution must be disabled link
  • Control cluster - Host resolution must be disabled link