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Action Tracker client

This module allows any KX Delta Platform process to subscribe to replicated updates from the Action Tracker cluster. On initialisation all the action tracker tables (.rpl.tables) can be downloaded by the subscribing process. Any changes to these tables will then be published to the process. This will include any changes to action tracker items, such as item transitions, comments and item payload edits. Callbacks can be defined that will be triggered when an update is made, allowing any custom code to be executed.

Summary of usage;

  • Define callbacks for initial download of data, data update and data amend, as well as other optional callbacks. Set these as the handlers using .px.atsub.setHandlers
  • Define data structures required on client process, e.g. load required schema
  • Call initialisation function to subscribe to a connection group or service class for the desired action tracker cluster, .px.atsub.init
  • Client process will connect to the AT cluster and download data from the leader AT process
  • The processes in the AT cluster will be stored in the .px.atsub.procs table
  • The update and amend callbacks will be triggered whenever there is a change on the leader AT process
  • If the connection to the leader AT process is dropped, either the module will attempt to re-subscribe on a timer, or a disconnect callback will be triggered, depending on configuration.

Set handlers

The API to configure the callbacks, .px.atsub.setHandlers, must be called before the subscription is initialised using .px.atsub.init. Callbacks can be configured using an INSTANCE_CONFIG override or by passing function names in the dictionary parameter to .px.atsub.setHandlers, but in either case .px.atsub.setHandlers must be called before .px.atsub.init.

Example subscription

An example of subscribing to the dxATItemCurrent table from the ds_action_tracker cluster would be as follows. Load the AT subscription module


Load the dxATItemCurrent schema

update alertkey:string[alertkey] from `dxATItemCurrent

Changes to AT behaviour as of KX Delta Platform version 4.6.0

The alertkey column is a string, as of KX Delta Platform version 4.6.0, not a symbol as in the schema entity. This must be cast to a string when the schema is loaded by the client prior to upserting data to the table from the subscription. In addition, there is no end-of-day trigger to the subscribing client - the client needs to handle any end-of-day actions itself.

Define functions to be used for initialisation and update, these could also be analytics loaded by the client process

   if[`.rpl.uid in key d;
   if[`dxATItemCurrent in key d;


Set the defined functions as the callbacks for initialisation and update


these function names could instead be configured using the INSTANCE_CONFIG override for the process, as the .px.atsub.init and .px.atsub.upd entries in the override. If that were the case then to set the same handlers the API could be called with a null key and value

.px.atsub.setHandlers[(enlist `)!enlist `]

Initialise the subscription to the ds_action_tracker_a cluster


This will initialise the subscription with the default reconnect behaviour, which is to attempt reconnection every 60 seconds if a connection to a process in the cluster is dropped. This behaviour can be overwritten with a false boolean value for a reconnect key in the dictionary parameter, or with a false .px.atsub.arg.reconnect setting in INSTANCE_CONFIG. The cluster to connect to can be configured with an INSTANCE_CONFIG setting for .px.atsub.arg.cluster, in which case a null symbol should be passed into .px.atsub.init as the cluster.

The leader action tracker process in the ds_action_tracker cluster will call .sol.atsub.init on the client process, populating the local dxATItemCurrent table. The client process will then receive updates published from the remote action tracker process whenever changes occur.


Callback triggered when an amend occurs on the leader action tracker process in the subscribed cluster. There is no default action for this callback. The code of this callback can be overwritten using an INSTANCE_CONFIG setting for .px.atsub.i.amend and using .px.atsub.setHandlers


Name Type Description
apply Table name being updated
variable symbol Variable name
index Where to apply the update
newvalue Value to update to


 .px.atsub.i.amend[@; `.at.reissuemap; `CreditAlert.CreditAlert.EUR/USD`CreditAlert.CreditAlert.EUR/USD; 0Nj]


 .px.atsub.i.amend[.; `.at.infoID; (); 20j]


 .px.atsub.i.amend[@; `.at.iteminfo; 10j; 1j]


Callback triggered when a handle is disconnected. A separate callback will update the subscriptions table (.px.atsub.procs). This callback allows any custom action to be taken. There is no default action for this callback. The code of this callback can be overwritten using an INSTANCE_CONFIG setting for .px.atsub.i.disconnect and using .px.atsub.setHandlers


Name Type Description
hnd int Handle that as disconnected




Callback triggered when a subscription to an Action Tracker cluster is established. This will be called by the leader action tracker process in the cluster on the subscribing client. The default action for this callback sets the client uid number, .px.atsub.uid, equal to the uid of the leader process in the action tracker cluster, .rpl.uid. The code of this callback can be overwritten using an INSTANCE_CONFIG setting for .px.atsub.i.init and using .px.atsub.setHandlers


Name Type Description
d dict With table names as keys and table values as the values. The tables will be the contents of the .rpl.tables list on the leader action tracker process. This will also include the uid number .rpl.uid


 .px.atsub.i.init[`.rpl.uid`dxATItemCurrent!(1500;+(,`dItemID)!,`u#0 1 2 7 52 77 80 83......)]


Callback triggered when there is a new leader process in the subscribed action tracker cluster. The default action of this callback is to make a call to the new leader process to have it trigger the .px.atsub.i.init callback. The code of this callback can be overwritten using an INSTANCE_CONFIG setting for .px.atsub.i.newLeader and using .px.atsub.setHandlers


Name Type Description
name symbol Name of new leader process




Callback triggered when there is an unexpected uid/sequence number gap. There is no default action for this callback. The code of this callback can be overwritten using an INSTANCE_CONFIG setting for .px.atsub.i.seqNoGap and using .px.atsub.setHandlers


Name Type Description
u long uid/sequence number
cmd message accompanying the out of sequence uid


 .px.atsub.i.seqNoGap[3060; (`rUpdRT; `dxATItemCurrent; +(,`dItemID)!,,270)!+`alertTime`recvTime`alert`alertkey.....)]


Callback triggered when there is a uid/sequence number update outside of the regular increments. The default action of this callback is to make a call to the leader process in the cluster to have it trigger the .px.atsub.i.init callback. The code of this callback can be overwritten using an INSTANCE_CONFIG setting for .px.atsub.i.uidUpdate and using .px.atsub.setHandlers


Name Type Description
name symbol Name of leader process
uid long New uid number


 .px.atsub.i.uidUpdate[`ds_action_tracker_b; 3050]


Callback triggered when an update occurs on the leader action tracker process in the subscribed cluster. There is no default action for this callback. The code of this callback can be overwritten using an INSTANCE_CONFIG setting for .px.atsub.i.upd and using .px.atsub.setHandlers


Name Type Description
table symbol Table name being updated
data Value of data in update




Initiates a subscription to an Action Tracker cluster


Name Type Description
cluster Symbol Name of cluster, can be connection group or service class. If null is passed the INSTANCE_CONFIG setting for .px.atsub.arg.cluster will be used
arg dict With optional key, reconnect, taking a boolean value. If true, for any dropped connections to AT cluster processes, an attempt will be made to re-establish them every 60 seconds. If this flag is absent the INSTANCE_CONFIG setting for .px.atsub.arg.reconnect will be used, which defaults to true


Type Description
Nothing returned


 .px.atsub.init[`ds_action_tracker;(enlist `reconnect)!enlist 0b]






Sets callback functions. This must be called before .px.atsub.init. Takes a dictionary parameter with the callbacks as keys (e.g. init, upd, amend etc.) and function names as values. The function names could be analytics loaded on the process or functions defined in an instruction for example. If a callback is not present in the input dictionary the INSTANCE_CONFIG setting for the callback will be used. If there is also no INSTANCE_CONFIG setting configured for a callback then the default callback function will be used. This API must still be called to set callbacks configured using INSTANCE_CONFIG. If configuring using INSTANCE_CONFIG, the parameter names to define the callbacks are:

  • .px.atsub.arg.upd
  • .px.atsub.arg.amend
  • .px.atsub.arg.init
  • .px.atsub.arg.disconnect
  • .px.atsub.arg.newLeader
  • .px.atsub.arg.uidUpdate
  • .px.atsub.arg.seqNoGap


Name Type Description
arg dict Possible keys (all optional) init, upd, amend, disconnect, newLeader, uidUpdate, seqNoGap. Values should be the callback function names




 .px.atsub.setHandlers[(enlist `)!enlist `]