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If no data is visible in the processes that should be receiving them, try to isolate the problem by considering the following;

  1. Are the schemas associated with the relevant processes?
  2. Is the messaging server DS_MESSAGING_SERVER:DS set in the parameters of the TP, RDB, and RTEs?
  3. Is the TP receiving data?
    • If there are errors in the feed logic, data may not be created
    • Check the publishChannel of the feed
    • Check the subscriptionChannel of the TP
    • Check the TP logs on disk and see if they are increasing in size
  4. Are the subscribing processes not receiving data although TP is publishing them?
    • Check if the subscriptionChannel is same as the TP publishChannel
  5. Are the subscribers receiving data but not updating the table?
    • Check the realTimeMsgFunct
  6. If the RDB is receiving data, but the IHDB isn't
    • Check if the LR and intraday log directory is configured correctly
  7. If the HDB doesn't have data after EOD
    • Check if the LR and hdb log directory is configured correctly

Below are useful tables to reference to ensure the correct processes are publishing and subscribing to the correct channels.

  • Connect to the messaging server:
table name return table
.dm.source processes signed up with MS for publishing data
.dm.consumer processes signed up with MS for receiving data
.dm.qipc processes you are connected to
.dm.subscription matches between the publisher and subscriber
  • Connect to publisher processes:
table name return table
.dm.filters the topics on the publisher
.dm.qipc processes you are connected to