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Set of APIs for dealing with schemas defined in Control.

Schemas loaded from Control will automatically register meta information in the .schema data structures;


time sym alertkey triggered source tag1 tag2 description data


Compare in-memory table to Control version

Syntax: .tbl.compareTableWithSchema[tabName;configProfile;scemaName]


  • tabName is the name of a table to compare (symbol)
  • configProfile is a config profile as a symbol. Use a null symbol or .ex.configprofile.
  • schemaNameis a schema name as a symbol

returns a table of meta info joined from both tables. See example for full format:

q).tbl.compareTableWithSchema[`dfxTrade; `; `dfxTrade]
column  idx dataType  dataTypeChar attribute columnNew idxNew dataTypeNew dataTypeCharNew attributeNew defaultNew
time    0   Timestamp p                      time      0      Timestamp   p                            0Np
sym     1   Symbol    s            g         sym       1      Symbol      s               g            `
price   2   Float     f                      price     2      Float       f                            0n
size    3   Integer   i                      size      3      Integer     i                            0Ni
seqNum  4   Long      j                      seqNum    4      Long        j                            0N
src     5   Symbol    s                      src       5      Symbol      s                            `
srcTime 6   Timestamp p                      srcTime   6      Timestamp   p                            0Np
cond    7   Symbol    s                      cond      7      Symbol      s                            `
status  8   Symbol    s                      status    8      Symbol      s                            `
side    9   Character c                      side      9      Character   c                            " "
msgrcv  10  Timestamp p                      msgrcv    10     Timestamp   p                            0Np


List of loaded schemas

Syntax: .tbl.getloadedschemas[]

Returns schema names as a symbol list.



Schema metadata at the version the process is operating at

Syntax: .tbl.getinfo tbls

Where tbls is schema names as a symbol list returns a table of schema metadata.

If tbls is empty, information on all schemas is returned.

table    keycols colnames     coltype                 colattr tablegroup
schema1          time sym src Timestamp Symbol Symbol  g      dtxFX


Load a schema into memory

Syntax: .tbl.gettable sn

Where sn is the name of a schema as a symbol, loads the schema into memory.



Schema metadata

Syntax: .tbl.gettabledetails sn

Where sn is the name of a schema as a symbol, returns a dictionary of schema metadata.

Executed on Control as deltacomponent. If deltacomponent is configured to be a non-Administrator user then the results will be subject to a permission check.

ucname      | `delta_install_default
table       | `dfxTrade
keycols     | `symbol$()
description | "Schema for the dfxTrade table"
colnames    | `time`sym`price`size`seqNum`src`srcTime`cond`status`side`msgrcv
coltype     | `Timestamp`Symbol`Float`Integer`Long`Symbol`Timestamp`Symbol`Symbol`Character`Timestamp
default     | ("";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"")
colattr     | ``g`````````
coldesc     | ("";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"")
schemagroups| ,`dtxFX


List schemas for a group

Syntax: .tbl.gettablesbygroup gn

Where gn is the name of a schema group as a symbol, returns the schema names for that group as a symbol list.



Load all schemas for a group

Syntax: .tbl.loadgrouptables gn

Where gn is the name of a schema group as a symbol, loads all schemas for that group.



Load a list of schemas

Syntax: .tbl.loadtables sns

Where sns is a list of schema names as a symbol vector, loads the schemas.



Register meta information for a table

Syntax: .tbl.regTab sn

Where sn is the name of a table as a symbol, populates the table schema and columns in and .schema.cols respectively. Structures can be accessed directly.

Handled automatically for schemas loaded from Control.

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