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Running the KX Delta Platform requires 2 license files.

License Descriptions
k4.lic kdb+ license
.delta.lic KX Delta Platform license

Then KX Delta Platform runs on kdb+ and so requires a kdb+ license file (k4.lic/kc.lic). For more details on the kdb+ license, see code.kx

The KX Delta Platform itself is licensed separately via the (.delta.lic) which enables certain features of KX Delta Platform.

For access to license files, if you are an existing client kindly contact your KX Account Rep copying

If you are a prospective client kindly contact

Deploying license files

License files are required in order to deploy and run the KX Delta Platform. kdb+ and KX Delta Platform licenses are tied to either a hostname (e.g. or a domain name ( The kdb+ license is typically restricted to a number of CPU cores.

  • Linux license files are prompted for by the installer.
  • Windows license files are manually copied into the config directory (<deploy-dir>/delta-bin/config)
  • To use a kc.lic instead of the default k4.lic set the use-kc-lic option at install, see install options