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Dummy process to allow the times Delta Control runs various housekeeping jobs to be changed. Also allows the jobs to be run manually (by right-click “run process instance” or “run task”).


Saves all the entities as an xml export package called checkpoint_ to $DELTACONTROL_CHKPTDIR. By default runs at midnight every Monday.


Backs up the current $DELTACONTROL_QSRC folder (contains the q processfiles) to ${DELTADATA_HOME}/DeltaControlData/qsrcarchive. By default runs once every 12 hours.


Backs up the current $DELTACONTROL_TDIR folder (contains the Delta Control tables) to ${DELTADATA_HOME}/DeltaControlData/tdirarchive. By default runs once every 12 hours.


Saves the latest in-memory tables in Delta Control to the $DELTACONTROL_TDIR folder. By default runs once every hour.


Deletes old data from the in-memory tables in DeltaControl and saves to ${DELTADATA_HOME}/DeltaControlData/tdirhist into a HDB directory structure. The tables to delete from and the number of days to keep are taken from the housekeeping config parameter in the active profile. By default runs at midnight every day.


Exports autoExportPackages listed in DC_EXPORT config parameter.

See Also: Housekeeping