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Linux mmory configuration

The KX Delta Platform allows for the memory footprint of various components to be configured either during or post deploy.

The main components and the their Memory configuration options are given below:

Java components

Component Description Configuration
DocGen Java process used to generate PDF documents as part of the reports framework KX Control Config
Email Server Java email server used by KX Delta Platform to send emails triggered by alerts KX Control Config
Daemon Java process used to start process instances on remote nodes
AppServer Java Application server run under Tomcat. Provides the UI to KX Delta Platform delta.profile

DocGen / email server

The DocGen and Email server are started by KX Control. Their memory settings min/max JVM values can be configured via a set of overrides of the DS_LAUNCH_COMMANDLINE_PARAMS config parameter.

There is an override for each instance delivered with the platform. To change the memory characteristics edit the override for your instance and add the following:


Using the settings above the ds_report_doc_generator_a process will be launch with a min memory value of 512m and a max memory value of 1024 for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

If the process is launched you should see the following in the log file:

Memory Setting  found. Setting XMS to 512
Memory Setting  found. Setting XMX to 1024


The Daemon is delivered with KX Control, its memory settings are configured in a file called which can be found as follows:

$ cd ~/kxinstall/delta-bin
$ source delta.profile

The memory options relate to the Java Virtual Machine which runs the daemon

  • JAVA_XMS=1024. This is the initial amount of memory (in megabytes) claimed by the JVM when it starts

  • JAVA_XMX=2048. This is the maximum amount of memory (in megabytes) the JVM is allowed to claim.

The values above can be altered using a command line editor and the Daemon should be relaunch in order for the changes to take effect.

For example if we set XMS to 512 and XMX to 1024 you should see the following in the log

$ cd ~/kxinstall/delta-bin
$ source delta.profile
$ cd bin
$ ./
Java Memory Setting not found. Using default of XMS=512
Java Memory Setting not found. Using default of XMX=1024


From release 4.0.2 onwards the memory allocation for the App Server is controlled via the following environment variables in the delta.profile.

Environment Variable Default (Megabytes) Description
APPSERVER_JVM_INITIAL_MEMORY 1280 Initial and minimum heap size for JVM.
APPSERVER_JVM_MAX_MEMORY 2048 Maximum heap size for JVM.
JVM memory pre-sets

For production deploys of App Server the recommend values for the JVM heap sizes are:


These can be achieved by adding the following to the end of either the bundle install config (scripts/install.config) or a custom install config (passed in via -p).

# New / custom configuration
Custom memory allocation

If you wish to tune the memory allocation yourself then you can do this by adding the following to the end of either the bundle install config (scripts/install.config) or a custom install config (passed in via -p).

# New / custom configuration

Windows memory configuration

The KX Delta Platform allows for the memory footprint of various components to be configured either during or post deploy.

The main components and the their Memory configuration options are given below:

Java components

Component Description Configuration
DocGen Java process used to generate PDF documents as part of the reports framework KX Control Config
Email Server Java email server used by KX Delta Platform to send emails triggered by alerts KX Control Config
Daemon Java process used to start process instances on remote nodes startDeltaControlDaemon.bat
AppServer Java Application server run under Tomcat. Provides the UI to KX Delta Platform delta.profile.bat

DocGen / email server

The DocGen and Email server are started by KX Control. Their memory settings min/max JVM values can be configured via a set of overrides of the DS_LAUNCH_COMMNADLINE_PARAMS config parameter.

There is an override for each instance delivered with KX Delta Platform. To change the memory characteristics edit the override for your instance and add the following:


Using the settings above the ds_report_doc_generator_a process will be launch with a min memory value of 512m and a max memory value of 1024 for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

If the process is launched you should see the following in the log file:

Memory Setting  found. Setting XMS to 512
Memory Setting  found. Setting XMX to 1024


The Daemon is delivered with KX Control, its memory settings are configured in the start script startDeltaControlDaemon.bat.

The memory options relate to the Java Virtual Machine which runs the daemon

  • JAVA_XMS=1024. This is the initial amount of memory (in megabytes) claimed by the JVM when it starts

  • JAVA_XMX=2048. This is the maximum amount of memory (in megabytes) the JVM is allowed to claim.

The values above can be altered and will be picked up by a full system restart.


From release 4.0.2 onwards the memory allocation for the App Server is controlled via the following environment variables in the delta.profile.bat.

Environment Variable Default (Megabytes) Description
APPSERVER_JVM_INITIAL_MEMORY 1280 Initial and minimum heap size for JVM.
APPSERVER_JVM_MAX_MEMORY 2048 Maximum heap size for JVM.

On Windows these variables can be altered in the delta.profile.bat and will be picked up by a full system restart.