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Installation scripts

The script is a user friendly wrapper around the script for Bundle deployments. Recommended for new users getting started. usage

   -e      Use elastic KX license (kc.lic)
   -i      Load instance csv file
   -p      Load custom install config file
   -r      Reinstall failed deploy
   -s      Skip post deploy startup
   -h      Skip host check
   -n      Skip env check
   -?      Show this message deploy modes

When running the script in interactive mode, you will be prompt to choose the deployment type.

 [1] Single
 [2] Control
 [3] Web Server
 [4] Daemon
 [5] Control + Web Server
 Select Node Type [1-5]: 
  1. Single: A single server installation, all processes will be run on the same host.
  2. Control: A Control only installation, will only install Control + kdb+ packages - excluding any front-end packages such as Tomcat/Appserver etc. Option to be used for when the kdb-node and the web-node will be installed on different servers.
  3. Web Server: A Web server only install, will only web packages such as Tomcat/Appserver/Dashboard etc. You will be required to point the deployment to an existing backend (Control node). See Web Server Deploy for more details.
  4. Daemon: Daemon only install, you will be required to point the deployment to an existing Control node.
  5. Control + Web Server: Cluster install, will install all components on the same server. Configure Leader/Follower control nodes. See KX Delta Platform Cluster (A/B) for more details. is the core installation script. By default the script is executed in interactive mode, where the user can respond to a series of prompts to configure a deployment. The script can also be executed in non-interactive mode by providing an Install config file.

Install script renamed

As of version 4.6.0 of the KX Delta Platform, the core install script has been renamed from -> will continue to be used for KX Delta Platform deployments pre 4.6.0 release. usage

   -a      Always upgrade/overwrite package without prompting user
   -c      Package directory. Location install tgz files
   -d      Debug mode
   -e      License Dir
   -f      Force KDB+ Upgrade (For KDB+ 3.6 and later)
   -i      Load instance CSV configuration file
   -k      Default KDB+ version i.e. -d 3_6_0
   -l      Print a list of the installed package versions
   -m      Name of a single package to deploy
   -n      Don't get a list of ports which are in use via `netstat`
   -o      Comma separated list of environment package SVN URLs
   -p      Load profile file for install
   -q      Quiet mode. Reduce output to screen
   -r      Reinstall mode. Write new env variables for package
   -s      Install with TLS Encryption
   -t      No taskset. Do not set taskset option during install
   -u      Skip removal of tmp directories during cleanup
   -v      Print version and exit
   -w      Write install profile
   -?      Show this message