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This module contains functionality to perform different modes of protected evaluation. The mode can be switched at will and is useful when troubleshoot issues. The default mode is normal protected evaluation. If an issue is encountered, the mode can be switched to print a stack trace or enter debug mode. The latter should only be used if running a process interactively (usually in development).

The .trp.execute API can be used in place of normal @ or . protected evaluation. It takes a statement to execute and an error handler. Depending on the trap mode, the execution of the statement will differ.

  • trap executes a normal protected eval using value on the statement
  • debug executes the statement with no protection, allowing the process to throw the exception and enter debug mode
  • trace uses the .Q.trp function to print a stack trace

Internal frameworks use .trp.execute so switching the mode can provide further information on errors thrown by the Control.


Used to run protected evaluation. Trap mode set by .trp.setMode.


Name Type Description
statement untyped Executable statement
catch function|default Error handler or default value to apply


Type Description
untyped Depends what function or catch returns


 .trp.execute[(`f; 10); { -2"Error executing: ",x; 0N}]
 /=> 10
 .trp.execute[(`f; `e); { -2"Error executing: ",x; 0N}]
 /=> Error executing: type
 /=> 0N


 .trp.execute[(`f; `e); { -2"Error executing: ",x; 0N}]
 /=> 'type
 /=>   [2]  f:{1*x}
 /=>            ^
 q))(.z.ex; .z.ey)
 /=> *
 /=> (1;`e)


 .trp.execute[(`f; `e); { -2"Error executing: ",x; 0N}]
 /=> <->2017.06.19D11:51:36.863 ### Trap         ### warn.. ### (31261): Error during execution, printing stack trace ###
 /=>   [3]  f:{1*x}
 /=>            ^
 /=>   [2]  (.Q.trp)
 /=>   [1]  (.trp.i.executeTrace)
 /=>   [0]  .trp.execute[(`f; `e); { -2"Error executing: ",x; 0N}]
 /=>        ^
 /=> Error executing: type
 /=> 0N


Sets the error trap mode \e


Name Type Description
mode int Error mode




Sets the error trapping mode. Supported modes are;

  • trap - evaluate statement and call error handler if signal thrown
  • debug - evaluate and enter debug mode if signal produced
  • trace - evaluate and print stack trace


Name Type Description
mode symbol Sets the trap mode


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