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Query log


On the KX Monitoring dashboard the DeltaOps dxQueryLog screen shows summary statistics on queries running on each kdb+ process in the system that has the query logging turned on.

QueryLog analysis

The QueryLog analysis displays queries that have been received by processes. Filter the tabulated information with the following controls:

control filters
Report a report from the dxQueryLog table
Date date of log
Start start time
End end time
Process process name
User user name

Set all filter criteria and click Submit. Among the information displayed:

column content
sym process name
Executed number of executed queries
Failed number of failed queries
>100ms number of queries taking more than 100ms to return
10-100ms number of queries taking between 10 to 100 ms to return
0-10ms number of queries taking between 0 to 10 ms to return
>10MB number of queries taking more that 10Mb memory
1kb_1MB number of queries taking between 1kb and 1Mb of memory
0_1KB number of queries taking less than 1kb memory

Process querylog stats bucketed over time

The Process QueryLog Stats Bucketed Over Time displays process-level statistics for all queries received by processes. Statistics are shown in a time-series grid, bucketed according to the grouping selected. this populates when a process is selected from the QueryLog Analysis section.

One Report option is TimeAndMemProfile, which displays QryTime (ms) and QryMemMB (Mb) grouped into small, medium and large buckets.

Filter the information displayed with the following controls:

control filters
Report a report from the dxQueryLog table
Date date of log
Start start time
End end time
Group By hour, minute, or second
Amount corresponding number for Group By; e.g. to group by 5 minutes, set Group By to minute, and Amount to 5
Process process name

Among the information displayed:

column content
time time the reading was taken
sym process name
Executed number of executed queries
Failed number of failed queries
>100ms number of queries taking more than 100ms to return
10-100ms number of queries taking 10 to 100 ms to return
0-10ms number of queries taking between 0 to 10 ms to return
>10MB number of queries taking more that 10Mb memory
1kb_1MB number of queries taking between 1Kb and 1Mb of memory
0_1KB number of queries taking less than 1Kb memory

Query log

Details of all queries made for the selected period.

Filter the information displayed with the following controls:

control filters
Date date of query
Start start time of query peiod
End end time of query period
Process process instance name
Status Success/Failure of the query
Exectime minumum execution time for queries (ms)
User user name
QrySearch string to be found in queries

Set filter criteria and click Submit. The information displayed:

column content
date date query was made
sym process instance queried
time time query was made
id query ID
user user who made the query
query query that was made against process instance
exectime execution time for the query
querytype async or sync
ip IP address from which the query was made
status status of the query
memory memory in bytes required to execute the query
error if status is failed, the error message
execmemory memory required for the result set
handle handle query executed over
process name of process instance
host host name of the process instance
pid process ID
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