Set of APIs for interacting with the configuration parameters in Control. These parameters are sets of tables defined in Control,
used to configure the system. Each parameter can have its own schema definition, defined in DEFAULT
override, and each override
can have different rows and values. This can be used to set different behavior depending on the system, host, process etc.
Static Configuration
A process can call to Control to retrieve configuration for a given parameter and override using .uc.getActiveParamValue
. If the parameter is static or rarely changed,
it should be retrieved once during the start-up phase and cached as a variable. Repeatedly calling to Control to retrieve parameters
is not advised as it increases load and risks blocking the process.
Dynamic Configuration
For frequently changing configuration it's advised to subscribe to the parameter using .uc.getAndSaveActiveParamValue
This caches the parameter locally in a variable from where it can be directly accessed and is updated automatically
whenever the Control version changes.
Actions to run on receiving a change can also be specified. Parameters can also be edited using .uc.editActiveSingleParamData
In cases where the list of overrides might not be known in advance or the user doesn't want to worry about providing variable cache names, a utility script has been
provided as an instruction in Stream called Configuration
. This wraps the calls of this module but handles the specified cases.
Deletes a configuration parameter from Control.
Name | Type | Description |
pName | symbol | Name of config parameter |
pOverride | symbol | Override |
Called to update a configuration parameter in Control.
Schema of the table must match the schema of the DEFAULT
The call is synchronous.
Name | Type | Description |
param | symbol | Parameter name |
orride | symbol | Override name |
data | table | Table of updated details |
.uc.editActiveSingleParamData[`DS_EMAIL_SERVER; `DEFAULT; ([] MAIL_HOST:`fd01; MAIL_PORT:`25; MAIL_FROM:enlist `$"")]
Gets a configuration parameter from Control.
If the override is blank or not configured, it will return the DEFAULT
Retrieves the parameter at the version the process is operating at.
Name | Type | Description |
paramName | symbol | Parameter name |
profOverride | symbol | Override name |
Type | Description |
table | Returns table of configuration |
Example: Override specified
.uc.getActiveParamValue[`DS_MESSAGING_SERVER; `DS]
/=> instance
/=> --------
/=> ds_ms_a
/=> ds_ms_b
Example: Override not specified, default used
.uc.getActiveParamValue[`DS_MESSAGING_SERVER; `]
/=> instance
/=> --------
Subscribes to a configuration parameter in Control. User specifies a local variable name to save the parameter to. When the parameter updates, the in-memory variable will be updated accordingly. The dictionary parameter allows the user to optionally specify key columns and actions to take when the parameter updates.
If the parameter has one column, the results will be returned as a list instead of a table.
The action will not be run automatically on initial call to .uc.getAndSaveActiveParamValue
Initially retrieves the parameter at the version the process is operating at.
If the process is not operating at the latest version, updates will only be received
when .uc.republishUpdates
is invoked
Name | Type | Description |
paramName | symbol | Parameter name |
profOverride | symbol | Override name |
variableName | symbol | Name of variable to save to |
dict | dict | Allowed keys are; keyCols {symbol[]} List of columns to key the saved details by, action {string|functional} An action to run when the parameter updates. Can be a functional form or string, will be executed using value |
Type | Description |
table|list | Returns the parameter details. List format returned if parameter only has one column. |
Example: With key columns and action as functional form
.uc.getAndSaveActiveParamValue[`DS_EMAIL_SERVER; `DEFAULT; `.email.server; `keyCols`action!(`MAIL_HOST; (`updateEmailServers; `))]
/=> ---------| ---------------------------------------
/=> fd01 | 25
Example: Action only. In string form
.uc.getAndSaveActiveParamValue[`DS_EMAIL_SERVER; `DEFAULT; `.email.server; enlist[`action]!enlist "updateEmailServers[]"]
/=> -------------------------------------------------
/=> fd01 25
Example: No action or key columns specified. Result returned as list
.uc.getAndSaveActiveParamValue[`DS_MESSAGING_SERVER; `DS; `.dm.dmservername; ()!()]
/=> `ds_ms_a`ds_ms_b
Subscribes to all overrides of a configuration parameter including newly added ones. An internal variable is created to save the parameter data to for each override. When the parameter updates, the in-memory variable will be updated accordingly.
Parameters can be retrieved using .uc.getSavedData
Key columns can be specified and also a callback defining actions to take when each parameter updates. The action should be the name of a function or a lambda taking one parameter. It will be called with the name of the changed override.
The action will not be run automatically on initial call to .uc.getAndSaveAllParam
Initially retrieves the parameter at the version the process is operating at.
If the process is not operating at the latest version, updates will only be received
when .uc.republishUpdates
is invoked
Name | Type | Description |
param | symbol | Parameter name |
keyCols | symbol[] | Columns to key by |
callback | lambda|functional | Action to run when an override updates |
Type | Description |
symbol[] | List of existing overrides |
Example: With key column and functional callback
logOverrideChange:{[x] .log.out[.z.h; "parameter update"; x]}
.uc.getAndSaveAllParam[`DM_ColourThresholds; `sym; `logOverrideChange]
/=> `DEFAULT`ProcessCPU`ProcessMemory`ServerCPU`ServerFileSystem`ServerMemory
.uc.getSavedData[`DM_ColourThresholds; `ProcessCPU]
/=> sym minThreshold maxThreshold
/=> ---------------------------------------
/=> DEFAULT 0 50
/=> RDB 0 10
/=> RTE 0 1
/=> DeltaControl 0 1
Example: With key columns and projection for the callback
logParamChange:{[x;y] .log.out[.z.h; "parameter update"; ":" sv (string x;string y)]}
.uc.getAndSaveAllParam[`DM_ALERT_PARAMETERS; `sym`warningThreshold; logParamChange[`DM_ALERT_PARAMETERS;]]
/=> `DEFAULT`MemoryUsage`Server1MinLoad`ServerCPU
Calls to Control to get the list of overrides for a parameter along with the config tables. This will be the state of the parameter and overrides at the version specified
Name | Type | Description |
param | symbol | Parameter name |
ver | long | Version number |
Type | Description |
dict | Override names with values corresponding to the config tables |
.uc.getParamVer[param; ver]
/=> DEFAULT | +`directory`file!(,`;,`)
Called to get parameter data for an override. Used in conjunction with
where parameters are saved to hidden variables.
Reads parameter data from local cache and therefore will return data
at the version the process is operating at.
Name | Type | Description |
parameter | symbol | Parameter |
overr | symbol | Override |
Type | Description |
table | Parameter data |
.uc.getSavedData[`DM_ColourThresholds; `ProcessCPU]
/=> sym minThreshold maxThreshold
/=> ---------------------------------------
/=> DEFAULT 0 50
/=> RDB 0 10
/=> RTE 0 1
/=> DeltaControl 0 1
Gets the list of existing overrides for a parameter. Reads this from the local cache and therefore will return the list at the version the process is operating at.
Name | Type | Description |
parameter | symbol | Parameter |
Type | Description |
symbol[] | List of overrides |
/=> `DEFAULT`ProcessCPU`ProcessMemory`ServerCPU`ServerFileSystem`ServerMemory
Calls to Control to push out config updates to all, or a subset of process instances subscribed for those entities in the table provided. This will be the latest config entity version up to the active version number associated with the process. If the config entity has been deleted at the active version number for a process, the subscription to it will be removed when .uc.republishUpdates is called with the process in the list to publish to. The process handle will be removed from the subscriber list for that config entity on Control. If the active version of a process is changed, .uc.republishUpdates should be called for the process to push out any relevant config updates for it's new active version
Name | Type | Description |
entTab | table | Entity table of parameter name and override |
procs | symbol[] | List of process instances to publish to, `all for all, empty list to publish to calling handle only |
Type | Description |
Nothing returned |
.uc.republishUpdates[tab; procs]
/=> ::