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Process templates

Every system consists of a series of processes with customized behavior. KX Control installs with a number of default process templates, each with a description and an example configuration.

process description
DS_LAUNCH A launch process with the ability to launch non-kdb+ processes and allow them to report back to the system. More details can be found here
DC_ARCHIVE A process to archive files based on configuration. More details can be found here
DC_Housekeeping Housekeeping tasks and checkpoints. Pre-configured. More details can be found here
DS_QM The Query Manager process. Part of the Query execution interface in the kx enterprise platform. More details can be found here
DS_QR The Query Router process. Part of the Query execution interface in the kx enterprise platform. More details can be found here
DS_QP The Query Processor process. Part of the Query execution interface in the kx enterprise platform. More details can be found here
DS_STARTER Starter Processes. These are for creating empty tasks which are used to kick off multiple workflows at the same time.

Templates can be created by defining the process metadata along with a valid q script within the KX Control UI.


There are seven tabs in the Process Template Editor.

Process template details

Describes the process, the name and path of the underlying q script for the Process Template.

Code Editing

Reserved parameters


Some parameters are reserved by default, as they are intrinsic to the functionality of a process. These reserved names cannot be used as user-defined parameter names in the template. The values can be set if required for more advanced control: e.g., Delta daemons, run on specific core, memory limits, etc. They can also be defined or overridden on a Process Instance basis.

property description example
Host Host machine to run the process on
Port Port to run the process on 9283
Taskset Specify which server core the process should be tied to. An environment variable may be used as the taskset value. To specify an environment variable in this field enter the value: ENV=<env_var_taskset> 3
Debug Whether to start process in debug mode Yes
32/64 bit Specify whether process will run on 32-bit or 64-bit kdb+ cores 64
Permissioned Enables permissions on the process. If enabled requires authenticated user logins Yes
No Client System Calls This must be set to Yes to prevent users of the instance from making call-outs to the system such as requests to get directory listings or to modify the system. Yes
Garbage Collection This sets whether the process should run garbage collection immediately or deferred to a later time. Yes
Bind Address Binds the process to a specific address for IP connections.
Number of Secondaries Number of secondaries available for parallel processing. A negative value indicates processes should be used, instead of threads 2
Timeout Maximum number of seconds to run a query before timing out 30
Memory Limit Maximum size of workspace in Mb 2000
Memory Backed FS Path to memory backed filesystem /path/to/file
Additional Files Additional q files that should be loaded in addition to the process file Local/file1.q
Analytic Groups Analytic Groups to be loaded on process startup AG1,AG2
Schema Tables When a schema table is included in an instance through reserved parameters it gets created when the instance is starting. If the dfxQuote table is selected at instance start, then can select from dfxQuote
Schema Table Groups A group of schema tables. When a group is included in an instance through reserved parameters, each table is included as if you checked them individually. Each table is also available for adding as permissioned variables and filters. daxADMIN, daxMarketData
Socket Sharding This socket option allows multiple sockets (kdb+ processes) to listen on the same IP address and port combination
TLS Any processes with this setting enabled will require connecting clients to also use TLS

Process parameters

Parameters are added and removed using the controls on the right. Save when complete.

property description
Name The parameter name must be unique within the process.
Is Required Set this value to true if the parameter is required within the process otherwise it is an optional parameter.
Type The datatype of the parameter. All q datatypes (except table) are supported; also a number of KX Control entities are supported as parameters: Analytic, Process Instance, Config Parameter, Analytic Group. Narrow down the available selection within the Value drop-down.
Value Depending on the Type selected this field will offer a differing type of input. Text for simple parameters; Pop-up Dialog for entering data for list parameter types.
Drop-down For entering selectable items (Analytics, Process Instances…)
Description Click to edit and type a description for the parameter.


Add or remove Analytic Groups from the process template



Add or remove Schemas or Schema groups from the process template



Update the Entitlements for the Process Template


History of changes to the Process Template

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