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This module allows processes to programmatically trigger reports. When enabled the process will;

  • connect to the QR framework
  • pull report instance definitions and actions from Control.
  • allow the process to execute reports on the report generator

To enable the client functionality, use .rpt.client.enable. This takes a callback function to be executed when the QR registration is complete. Once this happens, the client will be able to execute reports.


Enables reporting client functionality. Registers with the QR framework and loads reports from Control.


Name Type Description
callback symbol | fn Function or lambda called after registration


 .rpt.client.enable[{[] rptsAvailable::1b}]


Get report instance definition


Name Type Description
instance symbol Report


Type Description
dict Report details


 /=> report             | `DS_FX_DAILY_DATA
 /=> process            | `ds_gw_fx_eval
 /=> freq               | (`D;1i)
 /=> startTime          | 2010.01.01T22:00:00.000
 /=> endTime            | 2014.02.07T14:15:09.000
 /=> timeout            | 0i
 /=> action             | `dxReportSaveToCSV`dxReportSaveToPDF
 /=> instancedescription| ""
 /=> processtype        | `instance
 /=> lastRun            | 2018.07.13D09:38:21.420568000
 /=> analytic           | `dgwfxGetDailyData
 /=> description        | "generate daily data"
 /=> reportprocess      | `ds_gw_fx_eval
 /=> reportprocesstype  | `instance
 /=> reportaction       | `symbol$()
 /=> paramnames         | `symList`startDate`endDate
 /=> usedefaults        | 000b
 /=> paramvalues        | ("ALL";"today";"today")
 /=> actionparamnames   | (`csvpath`csvfilename;`reportoverride`filepath`filename`filetype)
 /=> actionusedefaults  | (00b;0000b)
 /=> actionparamvalues  | (("ENV=DELTADATA_HOME=/DeltaFxEvalData/reports";"DAILYDATA_TODAY_$STARTDATE$");("DeltaReportDocDefinitions:dynamicReportNoJRXML";"ENV=DELTADATA_HOME=/DeltaFxEvalData/reports";"DAILYDATA_TODAY_$STARTDATE$";"pdf"))
 /=> hostport           | (`;6092i)
 /=> nextRun            | 0Nz


Gets the details of a several report instances.


Name Type Description
instance symbol[] Report instance names


Type Description
table Multiple rows of .rpt.client.instances table


 meta .rpt.client.getInstances[`DS_FX_DAILY_DATA_TODAY`DS_FX_BUCKET_DATA_WEEK]
 /=> c                  | t f a
 /=> -------------------| -----
 /=> reportinstance     | s    
 /=> report             | s    
 /=> process            | s    
 /=> freq               |      
 /=> startTime          | z    
 /=> endTime            | z    
 /=> timeout            | i    
 /=> action             | S    
 /=> instancedescription| C    
 /=> processtype        | s    
 /=> lastRun            | p    
 /=> analytic           | s    
 /=> description        | C    
 /=> reportprocess      | s    
 /=> reportprocesstype  | s    
 /=> reportaction       | S    
 /=> paramnames         | S    
 /=> usedefaults        | B    
 /=> paramvalues        |      
 /=> actionparamnames   |      
 /=> actionusedefaults  |      
 /=> actionparamvalues  |      
 /=> hostport           |      
 /=> nextRun            | z    


Runs a report instance with specific parameters and actions. Parameters to the report and actions can be specified to override the defaults. Can optionally override the report target and timeout values.

The dict parameter format is described below (R - required, O - optional);

key required description
params Y same as .rpt.client.runActions
actions Y same as .rpt.client.runActions
target N connection or instance name
timeout N report timeout


Name Type Description
instance symbol Report
dict dict Report parameters
opts dict QR options
callback symbol | fn Functional callback


Type Description
long Run ID


 params:`startDate`symList`endDate!("today"; "ALL"; "tomorrow")
 actions:([] action:`dxReportSaveToCSV`dxReportSaveToCSV; pname:`csvfilename`csvpath; param:("DAILYDATA_TODAY_$STARTDATE$"; "ENV=DELTADATA_HOME=/DeltaFxEvalData/reports"))
 callback:{.log.out[.z.h; "ran report instance"; ()]}
 .rpt.client.runDict[`DS_FX_DAILY_DATA_TODAY; `params`actions`target`timeout!(params; actions; `ds_gw_fx_eval; 30i); ()!(); callback]
 .rpt.client.runDict[`DS_FX_DAILY_DATA_TODAY; `params`actions!(params; actions); ()!(); callback]

Runs a report instance. Uses the default report parameters and actions.

  • opts - optional parameter for dictating how the QR handles the request. See .qr.client.sendRequest for more info
  • callback - function or lambda to execute when report is accepted or rejected. Should take a single parameter.


Name Type Description
instance symbol Report
opts dict QR options
callback symbol | fn Functional callback


Type Description
long Run ID

Example:[`DS_FX_DAILY_DATA_TODAY; ()!(); {.log.out[.z.h; "ran report instance"; x]}]


Check the status of a run ID


Name Type Description
rptId long ID


Type Description
table Run details


 /=> time        | 2018.08.09D02:02:02.979915000
 /=> instance    | `DS_FX_DAILY_DATA_TODAY
 /=> params      | ()
 /=> actions     | ()
 /=> actionparams| ()
 /=> status      | `success
 /=> reason      | ""


Updates the target database or connection where reports run.

By default reports will be sent to the ds_report_generator connection group. If using a different target, this API will update it.


Name Type Description
target symbol New target




Runs a report instance with specific parameters actions. Parameters to the report and actions can be specified to override the defaults.

  • opts - optional parameter for dictating how the QR handles the request. See .qr.client.sendRequest for more info
  • callback - function or lambda to execute when report is accepted or rejected. Should take a single parameter.


Name Type Description
instance symbol Report
params dict Report parameters
actions table Report actions
actions.action symbol
actions.pname symbol
actions.param char
opts dict QR options
callback symbol | fn Functional callback


Type Description
long Run ID


 callback:{.log.out[.z.h;"ran report instance";first exec instance from .rpt.client.requests where id=first exec id from x]}
 .rpt.client.runActions[`DS_FX_DAILY_DATA_TODAY; params; actions;()!(); callback]