Install config options
General options
Option | Values | Details |
accept-defaults | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
When enabled (1) the user will not be prompted for package environment variables, the script will accept the default value where it exists. |
fail-on-duplicate-port | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
Fail if a duplicate host/port value is detected in a user supplied instances CSV file. |
prompt-when-ports-in-use | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
Prompt the user for input when a port the deploy is attempting to use is currently in use |
debug-mode | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
Print debug info to the log file |
quiet-mode | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
Reduces screen output |
no-prompt | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
Set always-overwrite, always-upgrade, accept-defaults, delta-package-auto-import to 1. Set prompt-when-ports-in-use to 0 |
skip-port-check | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
Don't get a list of ports which are in use via netstat |
skip-cleanup | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
Skip removal of tmp directories during clean up |
no-taskset | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
No taskset. Do not set taskset option during install |
tmp-dir | Absolute path | By default the install script unpacks all installation packages in the /tmp partition before copying their contents to the install directory. This config option allows the script to use a different location as the tmp package directory. |
delta-log-dir | Path | Change location where the installation logs will be written to. |
pre-install-script | Path to script | Bash or Perl script to execute before installing packages. Note: script name must end in .sh or .pl and must exit with 0 or 1 |
post-install-script | Path to script | Bash or Perl script to execute after installing packages. Note: script name must end in .sh or .pl and must exit with 0 or 1 |
strict-fqdn-check | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
When enabled use strict checks to get FQDN of host from either hostname or /etc/hosts |
always-use-hostname | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
When enabled use the output of the hostname command for the FQDN regardless of its completeness |
always-use-cp | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
Always use “cp” binary to copy packages instead of rsync |
skip-analyst-lib-check | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
Skip the check for Analyst library dependencies |
skip-etc-hosts-check | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
Skip check of /etc/hosts for IP/FQDN combination |
skip-dependency-check | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
Skip OS dependency check |
skip-env-dir-creation | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
Do not create directories specified as ENV variables in package install config files |
startup-workflows-file | Path to file | Copy workflows file into ${DELTA_CONFIG}/startup_workflows.txt |
skip-secure-deploy | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
Prevent deltacomponent user becoming non-admin. Secure deploy is now default (450+) |
enable-qr-sharding | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
Set environment variable DELTACONTROL_QR_USESERVICES=YES . See Control Docs for more details on QR Sharding |
single-node-deploy | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
If set, all _b process instanced port values will be set to NO_PORT_SET. |
use-kc-lic | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
Use a kc.lic for the install instead of the default k4.lic |
skip-admin-password-update | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
Skip Administrator user password update during startup |
admin-password-value | String | Automatically change the Administrator user password to the value provided |
admin-password-file | Path to file | Automatically change the Administrator user password to the value in the plaintext file |
Install layout
Option | Values | Details |
delta-install-dir | Path | Location where installation will be written to, default will be ~/kxinstall . Required option, will be prompt if not set. |
delta-bin-dir | Path | Overwrite the location where the /delta-bin will be written to. |
delta-package-install-dir | Path | Overwrite the location where the installed Control packages will be written to |
Control install
Option | Values | Details |
delta-install-type | Integer | 2 - Install Control Daemon only 3 - Install Control and Daemon |
delta-control-clustering | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
Set if Control deployment is a clustered install |
delta-control-leader-hostname | String | Hostname of the leader Control process in a clustered install |
delta-control-leader-port | Integer | Port of the leader Control process in a clustered install |
delta-control-follower-hostname | String | Hostname of the follower Control process in a clustered install |
delta-control-follower-port | Integer | Port of the follower Control process in a clustered install |
Package install
Option | Values | Details |
install-package-list | Comma separated list | Full list of packages to be installed. |
delta-exclude-packages | Comma separated list | List of packages that should be ignored and not installed |
kdb-node | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
When enabled (1), only Control/kdb+ packages will be installed on the node. e.g. KDBPlus, DeltaControl |
web-node | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
When enabled (1), only Web application packages will be installed on the node. E.g. Tomcat, Appserver |
custom-solution-package-list | Comma separated list | List of custom solution packages that are not known by the installation script. Packages will not be installed on node if web-node=1 |
custom-web-package-list | Comma separated list | List of custom web packages that are not known by the installation script. Packages will not be installed on node if kdb-node=1 |
custom-environment-package-list | Comma separated list | List of custom environment packages that are not known by the installation script. Packages will not be installed on node if web-node=1 |
AppServer install
Option | Values | Details |
install-dashboard-nodc | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
Install Delta Dashboards into a standalone Tomcat deploy which does not connect to a Delta Control instance. |
tomcat-install-type | 1 (Development Install) 2 (Production Install) |
Set the JVM Java Heap Size. Development install: 2560m Production install: 5120m |
tomcat-add-cors-filter | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
Enable the Cors filter in the tomcat installation. |
tomcat-keystore-file | Path | Path to Java RSA Keystore file for Tomcat SSL deploy |
tomcat-keystore-password | String | Keystore RSA password |
tomcat-keystore-alias | String | Keystore RSA alias, default is tomcat |
app-server-install-type | 1 (HTTP) 2 (HTTPS) 3 (HTTPS with SSL Offloaded to Netscaler) |
Set the configuration for HTTP, HTTPS with a certificate in the tomcat install and HTTP Offloaded where a netscaler handles the SSL traffic. |
tomcat-use-apr-connector | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
Use Tomcat native APR connector with HTTPS |
tomcat-ssl-cert-file | Path | Path to Tomcat server certificate file (server-crt.pem) (APR connector only) |
tomcat-ssl-key-file | Path | Path to Tomcat server certificate key file (server-key.pem) (APR connector only) |
tomcat-ssl-ca-cert-file | Path | Path to Tomcat server certificate authority file (ca.pem) (APR connector only) |
tomcat-ssl-protocols | Comma separated list | The list of ssl protocols to be configured in Tomcat's conf/server.xml file when using https ('sslEnabledProtocols' attribute). KX Default list is updated to remediate EOL and vulnerabilities so you don't usually need to configure this. |
tomcat-ssl-ciphers | Comma separated list | The list of ciphers to be configured in Tomcat's conf/server.xml file when using https ('ciphers' attribute). KX Default list is updated to remediate EOL and vulnerabilities so you don't usually need to configure this. |
dashboards-use-captcha | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
Enable CAPTCHA on dashboard login |
dashboard-install-type | 1 (Red 5) 2 (BlazeDS) |
Select the messaging type for flex dashboards |
app-server-jvm-initial-memory | Integer | Initial and minimum heap size for JVM (Megabytes) Default 1280 |
app-server-jvm-max-memory | Integer | Maximum heap size for JVM. (Megabytes) Default 2048 |
production-tomcat-install | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
Set Maximum heap size for JVM to 8192 (Megabytes) |
app-server-beans-buffer-size-limit | Integer | Adjust the value of bufferSizeLimit in App Server server-beans.xml |
app-server-allow-from-uri | URI | Allow listed URIs when antiClickJackingOption is enabled in Tomcat. Format is [URI1][URI2][URI3] |
tomcat-connection-timeout | Integer | Modify default connection timeout (20000) in tomcat connectors |
copy-tomcat-keystore-file | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
Copy the tomcat HTTPS connector keystore file into the ${DELTA_CONFIG}/ssl-certs/ directory |
Auto configure instances
Option | Values | Details |
global-portstart | port | Starting value for all port values in the deploy excluding: DELTACONTROL_PORT , TOMCAT_PORT & TOMCAT_SECURE_PORT |
auto-configure-instance-portstart | port | This is the seed value for all process instances configured by the install script. Each instance will have a port which is an increment of this value i.e. 3000, 3001, 3003 etc. |
auto-configure-instance-hostname-a | hostname | The host name which all process instances ending in _a will be assigned. Delta Stream is shipped with 2 copies of all tasks, instances and workflows. This is to allow for a resilient (A/B) configuration across 2 servers. |
auto-configure-instance-hostname-b | hostname | The host name which all process instances ending in _b will be assigned. If deploying a and b on the same host then each instance in the pair will have different port values, if deployed on different hosts each instance will have the same port value. |
auto-configure-instance-taskset | taskset CPU list | Taskset CPU list which will be applied to all processes in the delta.instance.profile. The syntax is the same as that which would be used when specifying a CPU mask with the –c option (see man taskset). |
app-server-hostname-a | hostname | Host to run ds_appServer_a (delta.instance.profile) |
app-server-hostname-b | hostname | Host to run ds_appServer_b (delta.instance.profile) |
app-server-hostname-taskset | taskset CPU list |
Taskset value for ds_appServer_a/ ds_appServer_b instances (delta.instance.profile) |
Package import
Option | Values | Details |
delta-package-auto-import | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
1 (Enabled) - Run the auto-import of XML packages without prompting the user. 0 (Disabled) - Do not run the auto-import, continue without prompting the user. |
always-import-on-follower | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
Default (Disabled) When enabled it allows auto package import on follower Control. |
max-import-check-retries | Integer | By default the install script will check up to 100 times if the auto import has completed. There is a 20 second interval between each check. |
Git package install
Option | Values | Details |
dev-package-git-repos | Comma separated list | Comma separated list of GIT repos Note: supports SSH access only. e.g. git@<giturl>:<group>/<RepoName>.git GIT Branch can be specified using the following git@<giturl>:<group>/<RepoName>.git|<BranchName> Recursive clone by default, supporting git submodules |
dev-git-multi-package-repos | Comma separated list | Comma separated list of GIT repos Note: supports SSH access only. e.g. git@<giturl>:<group>/<RepoName>.git GIT Branch can be specified using the following git@<giturl>:<group>/<RepoName>.git|<BranchName> Multi package repos can contain sub directories with package content (including .cfg files). The installer will run and additional auto import to pull in all of this content. Recursive clone by default, supporting git submodules |
SVN package install
Option | Values | Details |
env-package-urls | Comma separated list | Comma separated list of URLs for environment packages to be checked out from SVN by the install script. All packages in this list will be checked out to the $DELTA_DEV_PACKAGE_HOME ( |
env-package-base-url | URL | URL for environment packages. This string will be prepended to all urls in the env-package-urls list above and the result must form a valid SVN location. |
dev-package-urls | Comma separated list | Comma separated list of URLs for development packages to be checked out from SVN by the install script. All packages in this list will be checked out to the $DELTA_DEV_PACKAGE_HOME ( |
dev-package-base-url | URL | Base URL for development packages. This string will be prepended to all urls in the dev-package-urls list above and the result must form a valid SVN location. |
dc-package-url | URL | URL for Delta Control package when installing directly from SVN. (Please note this does not provide the Docgen or Delta Control Daemon and should only be used for dev purposes) |
Kdb+ install
Option | Values | Details |
license-dir | Directory | Directory which contains kdb+ and Delta License files |
skip-kdb-license-validation | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
When enabled the install script will Skip license check when DC is installed on kdb+ |
elastic-kdb-license | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
Install with elastic kdb+ license file (kc.lic) |
install-32bit-kdb | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
Install 32 Bit kdb+ on a 64 Bit host |
skip-license-copy | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
When enabled, the kdb+ license will be read from the license-dir , rather than copied into the delta-bin/config at install time |
TLS/SSL install
Option | Values | Details |
tls-encryption-enabled | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
Install with TLS Encryption enabled for Control without prompting at install time |
tls-encryption-mixed-mode | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
Install with TLS Encryption mixed mode for Control |
ssl-server-cert-file | File Path | Location of Server certificate file for TLS encryption |
ssl-server-key-file | File Path | Location of Server key file for TLS encryption |
ssl-ca-cert-file | File Path | Location of Certificate Authority file for TLS encryption |
tls-include-client-certificate | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
Include the client certificate file (ssl-client-cert-file) when deploying with TLS. Default disabled |
ssl-client-cert-file | File Path | Location of Client certificate file for TLS encryption |
overwrite-tls-certificate | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
overwrite-tls-certificate |
SAML install
Option | Values | Details |
enable-saml | 1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) |
Install with SAML, used to determine if saml should be configured |
saml-sp-metadata-entity-id | String | Entity ID, unique name for SAML entity |
saml-idp-metadata-file | File Path | Location of SAML metadata xml file |
saml-keystore-file | File Path | Path to SAML Keystore file for Tomcat SSL deploy |
saml-keystore-pass | String | SAML Keystore password |
saml-keystore-alias | String | SAML Keystore alias, default is serverkeystore |