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Single node deploy


When starting a single-node deploy the platform can be started from the delta-bin/bin dir.

The installer will start your environment after the initial deploy but for subsequent restarts you will need to follow these steps:

$ cd ~/kxinstall/delta-bin/bin/
$ ./
 KX Platform Start-up
 Starting Control                                  .....done
 Starting Daemon                                   .....done
 Starting App Server                               .....done
 Starting Workflow [DS_launch_MS_A]                .....done
 Starting Workflow [DS_launch_ALERT_A]             .....done
 Starting Workflow [DS_launch_OPS_A]               .....done
 Starting Workflow [DS_launch_REPORT_A]            .....done
 Starting Workflow [DS_launch_AT_A]                .....done


When stopping a single-node deploy the platform can be brought down from the delta-bin/bin dir.

$ cd ~/kxinstall/delta-bin/bin/
$ ./
 KX Platform Shutdown
 Stopping App Server                               .....done
 Stopping Workflow [DS_launch_MS_A]                .....done
 Stopping Workflow [DS_launch_ALERT_A]             .....done
 Stopping Workflow [DS_launch_OPS_A]               .....done
 Stopping Workflow [DS_launch_REPORT_A]            .....done
 Stopping Workflow [DS_launch_AT_A]                .....done
 Stopping Workflow [ALL]                           .....done
 Stopping Remaining Processes                      .....done
 Stopping Daemon                                   .....done
 Stopping Control                                  .....done

Once the shutdown scripts have been executed a final check should be performed at OS level on all hosts in the deploy to ensure the processes have successfully terminated.

You can check that the processes have been shut down using the ps command if you know the install directory (default in $HOME/kxinstall. To do this run the ps command as follows.

$ ps -ef | grep $USER/kxinstall | grep -v grep

If the running the command above gives no output as above then the environment has been successfully shutdown. If there are still processes running they should be killed using the "kill" command.

Multi-node deploy


When starting a multi-node deploy the order in which each of the nodes are brought up in is important. The Control layer should always be started before the web layer. The steps to bring up a multi-node deploy are detailed below.

KX Control layer

The process for starting the KX Control instances depends on the type of Deploy i.e. clustered or standalone.

KX Control cluster

When starting a clustered Deploy the preferred KX Control leader node should be started first with the follower node being start immediately afterwards.

The KX Control process can be started on each cluster node as follows:

$ cd ~/kxinstall/delta-bin/bin/
$ ./
Sourcing [../delta.profile]
Sourcing [../delta_user.profile]
Sourcing [../delta.instance.profile]
KDB+ license valid
Setting CPU Affinity using [taskset -c 0]
Starting Control 4.4.0P6 on port 2001 using KDB+ 3.6.0
Control [PID:17879] started successfully

With both KX Control nodes started check the status of each node as follows:

This node is the leader

$ cd ~/kxinstall/delta-bin/bin/
$ grep "This process is now" ../../delta-data/DeltaControlData/logdir/DeltaControl.log
<->2019.12.10D15:43:24.844 ### control-a   ### normal ### (17879): This process is now the leader ###

This node is a follower

$ cd ~/kxinstall/delta-bin/bin/
$ grep "This process is now" ../../delta-data/DeltaControlData/logdir/DeltaControl.log
<->2019.12.10D15:43:25.422 ### control-b   ### normal ### (17927): This process is now a follower and has synced with leader ### `host`port`handle`uid!(`;2001i;11i;0)

With the KX Control instances running the Daemon process should now be started on each KX Control Cluster node. This process allows backup instances to be run on the follower nodes as well as being responsible for collecting stats for the Monitoring workflows.

To start the Daemon run the following on each node.

$ cd ~/kxinstall/delta-bin/bin/
$ ./
Sourcing [../delta.profile]
Sourcing [../delta_user.profile]
Setting CPU Affinity using [taskset -c 0]
Starting Daemon from [/home/kxplatform/kxinstall/delta-bin/software/DeltaControl_4_4_0P5/jcore/Daemon]
Daemon running as pid 16075
Daemon [PID:16075] started successfully
KX Control single server

When starting a non-clustered deploy the KX Control process can be started on as follows:

$ cd ~/kxinstall/delta-bin/bin/
$ ./
Sourcing [../delta.profile]
Sourcing [../delta_user.profile]
Sourcing [../delta.instance.profile]
KDB+ license valid
Setting CPU Affinity using [taskset -c 0]
Starting Control 4.4.0P6 on port 2001 using KDB+ 3.6.0
Control [PID:17879] started successfully

The Daemon process should be started next

$ cd ~/kxinstall/delta-bin/bin/
$ ./
Sourcing [../delta.profile]
Sourcing [../delta_user.profile]
Setting CPU Affinity using [taskset -c 0]
Starting Daemon from [/home/kxplatform/kxinstall/delta-bin/software/DeltaControl_4_4_0P5/jcore/Daemon]
Daemon running as pid 16075
Daemon [PID:16075] started successfully

Web layer

The process for starting the Web Server instances depends on the architecture of the Deploy.

Separate web nodes

If the deploy contains separate Web Nodes then the Daemon process which is used to start the AppServer (Tomcat) process should have been started at deploy time.

The daemon will continuously try and connect and should registrar with the KX Control instances when they are brought online.

Before starting the KX Control cluster check that the daemons are running by logging onto each Web node and using ps to check for the Daemon process as follows:

$ ps uxwww | grep DeltaDaemonServiceMain

If the command above does not return process information then the Daemon should be started manually from the command line on the Web node as follows:

$ cd ~/kxinstall/delta-bin/bin/
$ ./
Sourcing [../delta.profile]
Sourcing [../delta_user.profile]
Setting CPU Affinity using [taskset -c 0]
Starting Daemon from [/home/kxplatform/kxinstall/delta-bin/software/DeltaControl_4_4_0P5/jcore/Daemon]
Daemon running as pid 16075
Daemon [PID:16075] started successfully

Before proceeding check that the Daemon processes have registered with KX Control.

This can be done by logging onto the KX Control leader node and running:

kxplatform@control-a [bin] > grep "Daemon logon from" ../../delta-data/DeltaControlData/logdir/DeltaControl.log
<->2019.12.10D15:43:27.628 ### control-a   ### normal ### (17879): Daemon logon from ### `ip`OS`handle!(`;`linux;11i)
<->2019.12.10D15:43:27.723 ### control-a   ### normal ### (17879): Daemon logon from ### `ip`OS`handle!(`;`linux;13i)
Start web application

The Web Application is started via the script which is run on the leader KX Control node. The script will attempt to start 2 workflows (DS_launch_APPSERVER_A, DS_launch_APPSERVER_B) which contain the App Server processes and supporting kdb+ Processes (QR, QP). The App servers can be started as follows:

KX Control node

$ cd ~/kxinstall/delta-bin/bin/
$ ./
running command: .wf.runWF'[`DS_launch_APPSERVER_A`DS_launch_APPSERVER_B]

Process workflows

The KX Enterprise platform comes with a set of pre-configured workflows which are used to start kdb+ and Java processes which are part of the Platform. The list of pre-configured workflows can be found in the Default Workflows section.

Workflows are launched via a script which should be run on the leader KX Control node. The script reads a file (delta-bin/config/startup_workflows.txt) and starts each workflow listed. The script should run as follows:

KX Control Node

$ cd ~/kxinstall/delta-bin/bin/
$ ./


As with starting a multi-node deploy, the order in which each node is brought down is important. The KX Control Layer should always be brought down last.

App server and process workflows

The AppServer and kdb+/Java processes (Including the Daemon) should be brought down before the KX Control cluster. KX Control is responsible for stopping these processes so it need to be up in order to do so.

The following script should be run in turn on the KX Control leader node:

$ cd ~/kxinstall/delta-bin/bin/
$ ./
$ ./
$ ./

KX Control layer

The process for shutting down the KX Control instances depends on the type of Deploy i.e. clustered or standalone.

Clustered deployment

When stopping the KX Control instances you should take care to ensure that the follower nodes are shutdown before the leader. Before bringing down any node check the DeltaControlData/cluster/status file or DeltaControl.log to confirm its state (Leader or a Follower) i.e. don't assume the Preferred Leader is always the current Leader in the cluster. On each node run:

$ . ../delta.profile
$ cat $DELTACONTROL_DATA_HOME/cluster/status

Value of 1 = Leader, 0 = Follower.

Note: if the file does not exist use the DeltaControl.log

$ cd ~/kxinstall/delta-bin/
$ . delta.profile
$ grep "This process is" $FD_LOGDIR/$DELTACONTROL_LOGFILE | tail -1
<->2019.11.14D14:11:16.793 ### control-a. ### normal ### (731): This process is now the leader ###
$ grep "This process is" $FD_LOGDIR/$DELTACONTROL_LOGFILE | tail -1
<->2019.11.14D14:11:16.793 ### control-b. ### normal ### (731): This process is a follower, leader is

Once you have confirmed which nodes are follower the KX Control instance on these node should be brought down by running:

$ cd ~/kxinstall/delta-bin/bin
$ ./
Sourcing [../delta.profile]
Sourcing [../delta_user.profile]
KDB+ license valid
Shutting down Control [PID:17927]
Control [PID:17927] shutdown

Lastly the Leader KX Control instance should be brought down by running:

$ cd ~/kxinstall/delta-bin/bin
$ ./
Sourcing [../delta.profile]
Sourcing [../delta_user.profile]
KDB+ license valid
Shutting down Control [PID:17927]
Control [PID:17927] shutdown
KX Control single server

When bringing a non-clustered deploy the KX Control process can be stopped by running the same stop script as above:

$ cd ~/kxinstall/delta-bin/bin
$ ./
Sourcing [../delta.profile]
Sourcing [../delta_user.profile]
KDB+ license valid
Shutting down Control [PID:17927]
Control [PID:17927] shutdown

Enable Tomcat logging

As of KX Platform 4.5.0, a utility script has been delivered with the AppServer package that allows you to toggle the Log Category and Log Levels of the Tomcat application. This can be found in the $DELTAAPPSERVER_HOME/scripts directory called

Usage  -l [Log Level]
                  -c [Log Category]
                  -p -Print available Log Categories
                  -h -Print usage


Enable DEBUG logging for all components (root logger)

./ -l DEBUG -c root
Changing Log type [INFO] -> [DEBUG] for [root]

This will update the logback.xml file, setting the root logger log level to DEBUG.

        <level value="DEBUG" />
<!--        <appender-ref ref="CONSOLE" /> -->
        <appender-ref ref="FILE" />
        <appender-ref ref="ERRORFILE" />

To turn DEBUG off, the script can be run again with log level INFO

./ -l INFO -c root
Changing Log type [DEBUG] -> [INFO] for [root]

If enabling debug on the root logger provides too much information, you can specific loggers. To retrieve a list of available loggers, you can run the script with the -p option.

./ -p
./ -l DEBUG -c clientLogging
Changing Log type [INFO] -> [DEBUG] for [clientLogging]

If there is a Log Category that does not already exist in the logback.xml, you will be prompt with the option to add it.

./ -l DEBUG -c com.fd.remote.service.handlers.servlets.RegisterClientServlet
 Warn: Did not find a logger matching ["com.fd.remote.service.handlers.servlets.RegisterClientServlet"] in [/home/kxplatform/kxinstall/delta-bin/software/Tomcat_9_0_19/latest/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml]
 Logger does not exist for [com.fd.remote.service.handlers.servlets.RegisterClientServlet], would you like to add one?

Available Log Levels

  • INFO
  • WARN
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