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This module contains logging functions. These are available in all processes and by default will log to both standard out and the process logfile. There are four logging levels with each having their own functions.

  • normal .log.out
  • warn .log.warn
  • error .log.err
  • debug .log.debug

The log message format includes the timestamp, logging key (usually the host, .z.h), level, message, payload. Sample message below;

<->2017.02.28D13:09:31.314 ### coredev1.fir ### normal ### (29526): Batch job started ### (`endOfDay;2010.11.12)
<->2017.02.28D15:50:41.090 ### coredev1.fir ### ERROR. ### (29526): Batch job failed ### (`endOfDay;2010.11.12;"type")

Padding and truncation are applied to logging key and level parameters to ensure they are 12 and 6 characters respectively. Hence the full log message will be fixed length up to the PID (29526 in the example) making it easier to programatically parse the logfile if required.

Debug logging can be enabled/disabled using .log.cmp.setDebug or .log.cmp.toggleDebug. Time will always be local time (.z.P).

Logging components

The first parameter to each of the APIs is treated as a component and by convention each framework should have its own component. Debug logging can then be toggled at a component level.

When debug logging is enabled for a component, table and dictionary payloads will be printed in a formatted manner (similar to

Two APIs exist for component debug status; .log.cmp.setDebug and .log.cmp.toggleDebug. See the example below for usage.

// debug disabled for `Foo component
.log.out[`Foo; "Bar"; ([]x:til 3)]
/=> <->2018.11.14D15:02:08.481 ### Foo          ### normal ### (7978): Bar ### +(,`x)!,0 1 2
.log.debug[`Foo; "Bar"; ([]x:til 3)]

// debug enabled for `Foo
.log.cmp.setDebug[`Foo; 1b]
.log.out[`Foo; "Bar"; ([]x:til 3)]
/=> <->2018.11.14D15:06:09.260 ### Foo          ### normal ### (7978): Bar ### 
/=> x
/=> -
/=> 0
/=> 1
/=> 2
.log.debug[`Foo; "Bar"; ([]x:til 3)]
/=> <->2018.11.14D15:06:49.606 ### Foo          ### debug. ### (7978): Bar ### 
/=> x
/=> -
/=> 0
/=> 1
/=> 2

// no debug for `Bar component
.log.debug[`Bar; "Foo"; ([]x:til 3)]

// disable debug for `Foo
.log.debug[`Foo; "Bar"; ([]x:til 3)]


Sets debug mode for a component. The ALL component can be used as the default for components that aren't set explicitly.


Name Type Description
component symbol Logging component
mode boolean On or off


 .log.cmp.setDebug[`Foo; 1b]
 .log.out[`Foo; "Bar"; ([]x:til 1)]
 /=> <->2018.11.14D15:06:09.260 ### Foo          ### normal ### (7978): Bar ### 
 /=> x
 /=> -
 /=> 0
 .log.cmp.setDebug[`Foo; 0b]
 .log.out[`Foo; "Bar"; ([]x:til 1)]


Toggles the debug mode for a component.


Name Type Description
component symbol Logging component


 .log.cmp.setDebug[`Foo; 0b]
 .log.out[`Foo; "Bar"; ([]x:til 1)]
 .log.out[`Foo; "Bar"; ([]x:til 1)]
 /=> <->2018.11.14D15:06:09.260 ### Foo          ### normal ### (7978): Bar ### 
 /=> x
 /=> -
 /=> 0


Log a debug message. Message only printed if debug logging enabled using .log.setdebugmode


Name Type Description
nm symbol Symbol tag for message. .z.h usually used
msg string Message string payload
opts untyped Additional message data. Printed using -3!


 .log.cmp.setDebug[`Foo; 0b]
 .log.debug[`Foo; "Logging to standard out"; `Any`q`Object]
 .log.cmp.setDebug[`Foo; 1b]
 .log.debug[`Foo; "Logging to standard out"; `Any`q`Object]
 /=> <->2019.06.14D07:04:27.353 ### Foo          ### debug. ### (2412): Logging to standard out ### `Any`q`Object


Log an error message.

Can also use .log.error


Name Type Description
nm symbol Symbol tag for message. .z.h usually used
msg string Message string payload
opts untyped Additional message data. Printed using -3!


 .log.err[.z.h; "Logging to standard out"; `Any`q`Object]
 /=> <->2017.02.07D15:09:06.222 ### coredev1.fir ### ERROR. ### (32302): Logging to standard out ### `Any`q`Object


Returns the debug enabled flag


Type Description
boolean Debug enabled flag

Example: Debug logging enabled

 /=> 1b


Logs the process memory usage from .Q.w. Formats values to units of bytes, KB, MB or GB. Number of decimals and memory values to include are configurable through .utils.setMemLogParams. By default used, heap and peak memory are displayed to two decimal places.


 /=> <->2017.07.24D15:12:40.210 ### Memory       ### normal ### (12635): Utilisation: used=7.19M, heap=67.11M, peak=67.11M ###


Log normal message


Name Type Description
nm symbol Symbol tag for message. .z.h usually used
msg string Message string payload
opts untyped Additional message data. Printed using -3!


 .log.out[.z.h; "Logging to standard out"; `Any`q`Object]
 /=> <->2017.02.07D15:05:17.070 ### coredev1.fir ### normal ### (32302): Logging to standard out ### `Any`q`Object


Configures format of .log.mem output. Sets the decimal precision and which usage stats to include.


Name Type Description
mkeys symbol[] Memory values to include. List corresponds to keys of .Q.w
prec int Precision of values


 /=> <->2017.07.24D15:12:40.210 ### Memory       ### normal ### (12635): Utilisation: used=7.19M, heap=67.11M, peak=67.11M ###
 .log.setMemLogParams[`used`heap`peak`wmax`symw; 3]
 /=> <->2017.08.31D10:16:52.256 ### Memory       ### normal ### (26668): Logging keys and precision set ### (`used`heap`peak`wmax`symw;3)
 /=> <->2017.08.31D10:16:55.201 ### Memory       ### normal ### (26668): Utilisation: used=153.183M, heap=201.327M, peak=201.327M, wmax=0.000, symw=1.670M ###



Set debug logging on/off


Name Type Description
d boolean Debug flag

Example: Enable debug logging



Log a warning message


Name Type Description
nm symbol Symbol tag for message. .z.h usually used
msg string Message string payload
opts untyped Additional message data. Printed using -3!


 .log.warn[.z.h; "Logging to standard out"; `Any`q`Object]
 /=> <->2017.02.07D15:09:06.222 ### coredev1.fir ### warn.. ### (32302): Logging to standard out ### `Any`q`Object