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Process to replay tickerplant log files. There are two runtime modes for the log recovery process, EOD mode and Intraday mode.

In EOD mode the log recovery process runs after EOD and replays the tickerplant logfiles, data is flushed to the hdb whenever a certain number of rows have been replayed, the tables are then sorted by sym and the hdb is reloaded. The process then shuts down.

In Intraday mode the log recovery process runs during the day. When a new hourly tickerplant logfile appears it is replayed and data is flushed to an intraday directory whenever a certain number of rows have been replayed, the tables are partitioned by sym. After end of day, data is transferred from the intraday directory to the hdb and recombined into tables sorted by sym, the daily tickerplant logfile is also replayed and saved directly to the hdb. The process stays running and waits for new logfiles for the next day.


The below table details the LOG RECOVERY template parameters.

name type default value description
emailList Symbol[] Recipients for emails if no errors
errorEmailList Symbol[] Recipients for emails if there are errors
initialStateFunct Analytic dxEmptyFunctionNull Sets the analytic to run on start up
logFileList Symbol[] List of TP logfiles to replay
date Date 1970.01.01 Date to save to in HDB if default unchanged, take date from TP log files
lsProcess Instance Logstreamer to use if TP logfiles are on a different server
replayTableList Symbol[] Tables to replay from TP logfiles
filterList Symbol[] Syms to replay, leave blank for all syms
logReplayFunct Analytic dxLogReplayRecovery Analytic to replay TP logfile
logMsgFunct Analytic dxUpdInsert Upd function
blockSize Long 500,000 Number of rows replayed before saving to disk
saveTableList Symbol[] Tables to save to HDB. Blank for existing tables on startup, ALL_TABLES for existing tables after replaying
hdbProcessList Instance[] HDB processes to reload when finished
finalStateFunct Analytic dxFinalRecover (dxFinalRecoveryIntraday) Specifies final state tasks for EOD mode
intradayDirectory Symbol Directory to save intraday tables to
intradayTableList Symbol[] Tables to save to intradayDirectory
intradayFrequency Integer 60 Frequency in seconds to check for new tickerplant logfiles
intradayHdbProcessList Symbol[] Intraday HDBs to reload after replaying hourly tickerplant logfile
rdbProcessList Symbol[] RDBs to delete from after replaying hourly tickerplant logfile
gwProcessList Symbol[] Gateways to take RDBs + HDBs offline
hdbServices Service Class[] HDB services to reload when finished
rdbServices Service Class[] RDB services to flush after replay
ihdbServices Service Class[] IHDB services to reload