TLS overview
Kdb+ version 3.4 onwards supports SSL/TLS connections. The KX Delta Platform supports TLS from version 4.0.2 onwards on both Linux and Windows.
In order to use TLS you need to provide the following certificates and key files.
Name | Description |
server-crt.pem | Server certificate file |
server-key.pem | Server key file |
ca.pem | Certificate Authority file |
You can generate self-signed certs for testing using the instructions provided on
The following components in the KX Delta Platform support TLS
Component | TLS Enabled |
KX Control | All connections to KX Control are required to be secure (attempted insecure connections will result in `TLS only to be displayed in the DeltaControl.log) |
KX Delta Platform Processes | KX Delta Platform processes can have TLS turned on in their instance configuration. This will restrict connects to secure only. |
AppServer | Connections to and from the AppServer must be secure. AppServer loads a Java Keystore. |
Linux TLS configuration
Enabling TLS at deploy time
Bundle Installer
Place the files above in a known location on each deploy host. When prompted to Deploy with TLS/SSL Encryption Enabled answer yes.
Deploy with TLS/SSL Encryption Enabled [no] : yes
Mixed mode
KX Delta Platform 4.3.0 supports running Control and/or individual processes in TLS mixed mode. Processes in mixed mode can accept connections that are initiated with/without TLS.
To enable answer yes when prompted to deploy with Control in TLS mixed mode.
Deploy Control using TLS Mixed Mode [no] : yes
Note: answering YES will also result in the following setting in the delta.profile
environment variable in the delta.profile controls the default connection type for processes connecting to processes running in mixed mode.
If the value is NO the connection will default to non TLS if it is YES then all connections made to mixed mode processes will use TLS.
The value can be configured post deploy.
Client certs
By default TLS configuration omits the Client certificate but if you wish to include your client Certificate in the TLS deploy you can do so by answering yes to the prompt below.
Deploy TLS/SSL Client Certificate [client-crt.pem] [no] : yes
The installer will prompt for the location of a directory containing your certificates. Each certificate it finds will be copied into the scripts directory which is the default location for the installer.
TLS/SSL Certificates
Location of server certificate file (server-crt.pem]) [dir] : ~/certs
The deploy should now proceed with TLS enabled.
Using certificate [/home/user/certs/server-crt.pem]
Using certificate [/home/user/certs/server-key.pem]
Using certificate [/home/user/certs/ca.pem]
The script will check the current directory, the scripts directory and any directory you provide when prompted for each of the required certificate files. Any files which are not found in these locations will be prompted for.
In the example below the certificate directory has been provided but the ca.pem is not present so the script prompts for the location of this file:
Location of server certificate file (server-crt.pem]) [dir] : ~/certs
Using certificate [/home/user/certs/server-crt.pem]
Using certificate [/home/user/certs/server-key.pem]
Location of certificate authority file (ca.pem]) [dir] :
Custom installation
If you are installing using a custom install config with the bundle installer ( or the main install script (
) then you can configure the TLS options in your config file as follows:
Additional options
To enable client authentication add the following to the install.config
To enable TLS mixed mode add the following:
Enabling TLS post deploy
If TLS was not enabled at deploy time it can be enabled post deploy using the following steps.
The required certificates should be copied into the config/tls-certs directory inside the deploy (delta-bin/config/tls-certs
These certificates are referenced in the delta.profile as follows:
export KX_SSL_CERT_FILE=${DELTA_CONFIG}/tls-certs/server-crt.pem
export KX_SSL_KEY_FILE=${DELTA_CONFIG}/tls-certs/server-key.pem
export KX_SSL_CA_CERT_FILE=${DELTA_CONFIG}/tls-certs/ca.pem
When you place the files above in the tls-certs directory the environment variables will point to the location to each file.
Generating keystore
Once the certificates above are in place you need to use them to create a Java Keystore which will be used by the App Server to connect to the TLS enabled kdb+ processes including KX Control.
In order to create the keystore you must have openssl (1.0.1+) installed and a Java JRE/JDK 1.8 on your PATH.
To create the keystore cd into the delta-bin/config/tls-certs directory and run the following commands.
$ cd ~/kxinstall/delta-bin/config/tls-certs
$ cat server-crt.pem ca.pem > all.pem
$ openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey server-key.pem -in all.pem -name serverKeyStore -out all.p12 -passin pass:changeit -passout pass:changeit
$ keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore all.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore keystore.jks -srcstorepass changeit -deststorepass changeit
$ rm all.p12 all.pem
You should now a Java Keystore named keystore.jks inside the tls-certs dir.
$ ls -1
Enabling TLS on control
With the certificates and keystore in place the next step is to enable TLS by opening the delta.profile and setting:
$ vi ~/kxinstall/delta-bin/delta.profile
If you wish to use Mixed Mode TLS then you can enable this by setting
$ vi ~/kxinstall/delta-bin/delta.profile
4.1.0+ additional steps
If enabling TLS on a 4.1.0+ deploy there is an additional step required if you are using HTTPS Tomcat connectors with TLS enabled back end. The additional step involves exporting your certificates from the connector keystore and importing it into your
The steps required to do this are given below and they assume your connector keystore is in your home dir (~/.keystore).
$ cd ~/kxinstall/delta-bin/config/tls-certs
$ keytool -export -alias tomcat -keystore ~/.keystore -rfc -file tomcat.cer -srcstorepass changeit -deststorepass changeit
$ keytool -import -alias tomcat -keystore keystore.jks -rfc -file tomcat.cer -srcstorepass changeit -deststorepass changeit -noprompt
$ rm -f tomcat.cer
The command above assumes the key you wish to export has the alias "tomcat" in the connector keystore (~/.keystore) and that the password of that keystore is changeit
(-srcstorepass changeit).
Restart Environment
Any configuration changes made post-deploy will require a full restart to pick them up.
See the Linux Administration section for more details
Windows TLS configuration
Enabling TLS at deploy time
Bundle installer
Place the files above in a known location on each deploy host. When prompted to Deploy with TLS/SSL Encryption Enabled answer Y.
Deploy with TLS/SSL Encryption? [Y/N]: Y
Client certs
By default TLS configuration omits the Client certificate but if you wish to include your client Certificate in the TLS deploy you can do so by answering Y to the prompt below.
Deploy TLS/SSL Client Certificate [client-crt.pem]? [Y/N]: Y
The installer will prompt for the location of a directory containing your certificates. Each certificate it finds will be copied into the scripts dir which is the default location for the installer.
Location of TLS Certs [dir] :C:\certs
Using certificate [C:\certs\ca.pem]
Using certificate [C:\certs\server-crt.pem]
Using certificate [C:\certs\server-key.pem]
Mixed mode
KX Delta Platform 4.3.0 supports running Control and/or individual processes in TLS mixed mode. Processes in mixed mode can accept connections that are initiated with/without TLS.
To enable answer yes when prompted to deploy with Control in TLS mixed mode.
Deploy Control using TLS Mixed Mode? [Y/N]: Y
Note: answering Y will also result in the following setting in the delta.profile
environment variable in the delta.profile controls the default connection type for processes connecting to processes running in mixed mode.
If the value is NO the connection will default to non TLS if it is YES then all connections made to mixed mode processes will use TLS.
The value can be configured post deploy.
Enabling TLS post deploy
If TLS was not enabled at deploy time it can be enabled post deploy using the following steps.
The required certificates should be copied into the tls-certs dir inside the deploy (delta-bin\config\tls-certs).
These certificates are referenced in the delta.profile.bat as follows:
set KX_SSL_CERT_FILE=%DELTA_CONFIG%\tls-certs\server-crt.pem
set KX_SSL_KEY_FILE=%DELTA_CONFIG%\tls-certs\server-key.pem
set KX_SSL_CA_CERT_FILE=%DELTA_CONFIG%\tls-certs\ca.pem
When you place the files above in the tls-certs directory the environment variables will point to the location to each file.
Generating keystore
Once the certificates above are in place you need to use them to create a Java Keystore which will be used by the App Server to connect to the TLS enabled kdb+ processes including KX Control.
In order to create the keystore you must have openssl (1.0.2+) installed and a Java JRE/JDK 1.8 on your PATH.
To create the keystore cd into the delta-bin\config\tls-certs directory and concatenate the certificates together as follows:
> type client-crt.pem > all.pem
> type server-crt.pem >> all.pem
> type ca.pem >> all.pem
Next use openssl.exe to generate a PFX binary file from the certificates by running the following command inside the tls-certs dir:
> openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey server-key.pem -in all.pem -name serverKeyStore -out all.p12 -passin pass:changeit -passout pass:changeit
Now use Java keytool to import the PFX binary file into a keystore which will be used by all Java components in KX Delta Platform (Daemon, Email Server, Tomcat).
> keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore all.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore keystore.jks -srcstorepass changeit -deststorepass changeit
You should now have a Java Keystore file called keystore.jks
in the tls-certs directory.
Enabling TLS on control
With the certificates and keystore in place the next step is to enable TLS by opening the delta.profile.bat
and setting:
If you wish to use Mixed Mode TLS then you can enable this by setting
4.1.0+ additional steps
If enabling TLS on a 4.1.0+ deploy there is an additional step required if you are using HTTPS Tomcat connectors with TLS enabled back end. The additional step involves exporting your certificates from the connector keystore and importing it into your (delta-bin\config\tls-certs\keystore.jks).
The steps required to do this are given below and they assume your connector keystore is in dir (C:\user\test\keystore).
> cd C:\kxinstall\KxPlatformWinDeploy_4_4_1_1910111311\delta-bin\config\tls-certs
> keytool -export -alias tomcat -keystore C:\user\test\keystore\keystore -rfc -file tomcat.cer
> key tool -import -alias tomcat -keystore keystore.jks -rfc -file tomcat.cer
The command above assumes the key you wish to export has the alias tomcat
in the connector keystore (C:\user\test\keystore\keystore) and that the password of that keystore is changeit
(-srcstorepass changeit).
Restart Environment
Any configuration changes made post-deploy will require a full restart to pick them up.
See the Windows Administration section for more details.