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Changes in 4.3.0

SAML IDP assertion group support

Added support for 3rd party IDP's to provide group information at time of authentication. This has extended the support around user creation and group assignment within the Platform

SSO user and group configuration

Password policy support for special characters

User and user group password policies now allow the KX Platform to enforce special characters are included in the make up of passwords.

Authentication and access control

User management API

The ability to manage users has been added to the Template API. APIs are provided to;

  • add, update, delete a user
  • set groups a user is a member of
  • lock/unlock a user's account
  • reset a user's password
  • change a user's password policy

User Management section of the KX Control Template API for details of the API.


TLS mixed mode is now supported when configuring instances. Processes with this mode set will be accept both plain and TLS connections simultaneously. The client decides the protocol.

To ensure backward compatability for any APIs and frameworks that handle host-port connections, an environment variable has been introduced to default connections to TLS or plain system-wide.

  • If set to NO, all connections and host-port details will be defaulted to plain.
  • If set to YES, all will default to TLS



A new mode has been added to the group membership check for LDAP users. The default mode checks a user by querying the members for each configured group. The new mode gets the list of groups from the user directly.

One advantage of the new mode is that it should be more performant by executing one query instead of n, where n is the number of configured groups. It might also be more suitable for enviroments where the LDAP permissions are stricter, i.e. users may not have permission to query all of the groups and the membership check would fail with the old mode.

The table below shows the new fields to be added to the LDAP config file.

field default description
groupsFromUser no Use new mode when set to yes
groupFieldInUser memberOf Field which contains group membership in user object

Query router

kdb+ client

Heartbeat timeouts

In previous versions, heartbeat timeouts would be actioned at both ends; by the QR and by the client. If the client wasn't heartbeating to the QR, it would get disconnected. This is not the default behavior now, disconnects are only actioned by the client if the QR is unresponsive. Previous behavior can be re-enabled by setting the .qr.client.registerHB instance parameter to true.

Multiple responses

Now only processes the first response for a one-shot request. Previously all responses would be processed. Fixes a race condition around timeouts and results both being received. Logs a warning for any responses after the first.

QP cache

The QP caches results for a period of time for clients that aren't connected. The default interval is two minutes but can be configured by setting the .qr.cacheTimeQP instance parameter to the number of seconds desired.


Enhancements have been made to the logging framework to better handle debugging and make use of logging components. The first parameter to each of the APIs is now treated as a component and by convention each framework should have its own component. Debug logging can then be toggled at a component level where previously it was on possible for all log messages.

When debug logging is enabled for a component, table and dictionary payloads will be printed in a formatted manner (similar to

Two APIs exist for component debug status; .log.cmp.setDebug and .log.cmp.toggleDebug. See the example below for usage.

// debug disabled for `Foo component
.log.out[`Foo; "Bar"; ([]x:til 3)]
/=> <->2018.11.14D15:02:08.481 ### Foo          ### normal ### (7978): Bar ### +(,`x)!,0 1 2
.log.debug[`Foo; "Bar"; ([]x:til 3)]

// debug enabled for `Foo
.log.cmp.setDebug[`Foo; 1b]
.log.out[`Foo; "Bar"; ([]x:til 3)]
/=> <->2018.11.14D15:06:09.260 ### Foo          ### normal ### (7978): Bar ### 
/=> x
/=> -
/=> 0
/=> 1
/=> 2
.log.debug[`Foo; "Bar"; ([]x:til 3)]
/=> <->2018.11.14D15:06:49.606 ### Foo          ### debug. ### (7978): Bar ### 
/=> x
/=> -
/=> 0
/=> 1
/=> 2

// no debug for `Bar component
.log.debug[`Bar; "Foo"; ([]x:til 3)]

// disable debug for `Foo
.log.debug[`Foo; "Bar"; ([]x:til 3)]


Query manager


The Query Manager process now uses the group mode when targeting a connection group. Previously it would default to selecting the first available connection in a group.

  • DEFAULT will load-balance across connections in the group, assigning to the least-busy one.
  • ROUND_ROBIN groups will attempt to rotate through the list of connections, assigning requests to each in an ordered manner

Startup instructions

A parameter has been added to allow multiple instructions to be loaded on startup of an instance. These get get loaded after the template code has executed. The parameter is called .al.startupInstructions and is a comma-separated list Configuration,Investigations.


  • Updated report doc generator to protect against Jackson vulnerability CVE-2017-7525.
  • Enhanced password-reset service to protect against cross-site scripting attacks.

Non-Control authenticated users

Users with authentication which is not governed by KX Control, i.e. LDAP or SSO users, will have the Authentication & Access Control tab unavailable in the KX Control user editor.

Email for LDAP users

LDAP users can now have an email address which will be saved in KX Control. This address will be persisted on export and import of LDAP users.

Control UI remembers window state

The Control UI page now remembers which viewers and editors were open and re-opens these tabs on page refresh or when the user logs in with the same browser.

Multiple packages in a Git repo

KX Control now supports multiple packages in one Git repo. When importing a new Git package, after the repo has been cloned, there will be the option to choose the package to import. For more details

Git import a new package

Upload and import from local ZIP

KX Control now supports uploading a ZIP file containing a package structure and importing it into the system.

Import from a local ZIP

Copy tab name from UI


The Navigator, Analytic Viewer, and Parameter search have been improved to allow wildcards. Previous to 4.3, whatever wildcards were entered were stripped out. Now the position of the wildcards is preserved and the backend APIs support the matching. A search for test*4 will now match test4, test1234 for example.

Remove multiple items in package exporter list

The list now supports multi-select and the context menu can be used to remove multiple items.



APIs added to encode strings as integers and visa versa. These are similar to the .Q.j10/.Q.x10 and .Q.j12/.Q.x12 pairs but with a configurable base alphabet.

.utils.encode[alphabet; str]
/=> 219189999j

/=> "grmz49"

Function validator

Previous versions had some issues around validating analytics, mainly around curly brackets embedded in strings and comments. The use of whitespace and comments outside the function definition was also restricted. These issues and restrictions have now been fixed, which allows qDoc-style markdown within analytics.

// @fileOverview Adds two numbers
// @param x {int|float}
// @param y {int|float}

The function validator used is .utils.isfunctionstring and is available for re-use as part of the public Template API.

Action tracker documentation

The Action Tracker documentation has moved from the KX Control documentation to the KX Stream documentation.

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