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Realtime aggregation

So far there are three data streams of monitoring statistics. Let's say a consumer (user dashboard, reporting application etc) needed a realtime, consolidated view of server health. One option is to query the databases periodically and join the three tables on the fly. This will work initially but will get increasingly expensive as data volume grows. In contrast, a streaming, realtime aggregation approach is much more computationally efficient and simplifies things for the consumer.

Instead of aggregating data across the three database types, an RTE subscriber will be created to consume the raw streams and build the aggregated state in realtime. In this example, the aggregated view is computed as the average load per one minute time window. At the end of the minute window, the aggregated stream is published downstream. This is just one approach; the time window could be narrowed or the data could be simply joined and published with no aggregation window.


Create an instruction

  • Create an instruction to define the subscriber logic.
  • Right-click Analytics Library and select New Instruction.
  • Name the instruction .mon.aggLogic.
  • In the Instruction Details subtab, give it a description. For example, Logic to aggregate and publish data.
  • In the Content subtab, copy and paste the code from the appendix. Again, it will be easier to write code if a connection is made to a running process.

Aggregation instruction

Briefly, it does the following;

  1. Contains an initialization function .mon.initAggTables to create three internal aggregation tables. These tables will be used to track the usage within a time window.

  2. Define callback functions for each of the three data streams. Each callback is associated with the corresponding table; .mon.updAvgCPU, .mon.updAvgMem, and .mon.updAvgDisk. Here, we take the sum and count of the incoming data by sym, and append the values to the aggregated tables defined above.

  3. Add callback functions by using the .dm.addCallback function. Pass two parameters: table name and the function to call back. For every update the table receives, the function set in the second parameter is called.

  4. Define a function .mon.updAvg to aggregate, join and publish data to the monAvgLoad table.

  5. Set a timer using .d.prcl.addFunctToTimer to call the .mon.updAvg function every minute.

Table callbacks

The ability to specify function callbacks against a table is available in subscribers. Each table can have one or more functions to be executed whenever an update is received.

The standard model would be to;

  • setup the table to function(s) callbacks on process startup.
  • apply the callbacks whenever a new message is received to the upd or realTimeMsgFunct.

This allows multiple instances to share one generic upd function but specify different callbacks per process.

A general example of the API calls is provided below.

 callback:{[t;x] 0N!(t;x) };
 monMem:([] time:.z.p; sym:`A`B; usage:10 20)

 // add a callback
 .dm.addCallback[`monMem; `callback];

 // execute callbacks
 .dm.applyCallbacks[`monMem; monMem];
 /=> (`monMem;+`time`sym`usage!(2018.08.06D05:42:44.188299000 2018.08.06D05:42:44.188299000;`A`B;10 20f))
  • Create a callback analytic .kxw.updCallbacks

  • Set the parameters.


  • Set the contents as below:
  .dm.applyCallbacks[tab; data];

Messaging Callbacks

Create an init function

Now that there is the code to publish aggregated data, create an analytic to load the code. We will later set this to the parameter of the RTE so it will be called once at start up.

  • Create an analytic .mon.initAgg.
  • Use the code below in the Content tab.
// load instruction

// initialize aggregated tables

The actual analytics of aggregating and publishing data resides in the .mon.aggLogic instruction.

Create a RTE

  • Create a RTE process. Name it mon_agg and set the template to DS_RTE.
  • Add a description.
  • Configure the Service Parameters.
parameter value
subscriptionChannel kxw_tp
subscriptionTableList monCPU, monMem, monDisk
publishTableList monAvgLoad
initialStateFunct .mon.initAgg
realTimeMsgFunct .kxw.updCallbacks
  • In the Schemas subtab, associate the monCore group.
  • Save the service class.

Realtime aggregation

The diagram below shows the flow of data from the realtime feed(mon_feed), to the Tickerplant(kxw_tp) then to the Aggregation Engine(mon_agg).


Testing the analytics

  • Next, run this process to ensure that data it's working correctly.

  • To test this, make sure that the following processes are running: ds_ms_a, kxw_tp, kxw_rdb, mon_feed, mon_agg.

  • Now, open an IDE on the mon_agg and kxw_rdb service classes. Right-click on the mon_agg in the Process Library Status and select Connect. Do the same for kxw_rdb. It will open an KX Analyst session.

  • Next, see if the aggregated tables have data.


  • If everything is working properly, the function inside the .mon.aggLogic instruction should publish the aggregated data to the monAvgLoad table. The RDB should be receiving this data stream and storing.

  • In the kxw_rdb Analyst session, see if data is in the aggregation table. Type monAvgLoad into a scratchpad and display the results in the Console.


You now should have an RTE that aggregates realtime data and publishes a stream of aggregated data.