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kdb+ in astronomy

by Andrew Magowan & James Neill

The field of observational astronomy has always been data-driven, but like many other fields, technological advances are causing something of a paradigm shift, and – according to experts – a bit of a headache! Currently under construction are new infrastructures that have the potential to record volumes of data that have not been seen before in the field. The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) and Square Kilometer Array (SKA) are set to record such huge amounts of data that experts are concerned about their ability to make sense of this data, purely due to its sheer size.

The LSST is expected to be fully operational and start recording data in 2021, producing 15TB every night. It will take an image of half the sky every three nights, and so the same objects will be photographed again and again. This gives the data from the LSST a time dimension – how an object moves over time is something that will be studied from this data. In the 2020s, the SKA will produce 160TB of data per second. This is in the region of exabytes per night, and zettabytes per year. If this data were processed in real time, any large differences in objects (e.g. brightness/position) could then be investigated immediately. Use cases of the data on a non-real-time basis include discovering the formation and structure of our solar system, investigating distant galaxies, and the evolution of the universe.

There is no single choice of programming language in astronomy, but C is used for many astronomical applications. C is one of the most popular and commonly-used programming languages in the world with a wide range of uses varying from powering operating systems to building application software. kdb+ has the ability to extend its functionality through dynamically-loaded C/C++ modules, so we have the ability both to make use of existing utilities, and to create our own.

We believe that due to the amount of data collected, its time-series nature, and the potential need for both real-time and historical-based analysis, kdb+ would be very well suited to the data collected in the astronomy industry, and would be an ideal fit for many future astronomy projects.

This paper serves to provide an example of how this data collected in astronomy can be processed using the power and speed of kdb+. With future projects collecting data at increasing scales, this is an ideal time for the power of kdb+ to be applied to the field of astronomy. To demonstrate, we have loaded some raw astronomical data in to kdb+. In addition, we make use of kdb+’s versatility in extending with C to show how it takes a relatively small amount of q code to load some raw astronomical data in to kdb+ and run some simple analysis on the dataset.

The European Space Agency’s (ESA) Gaia project is a mission to chart a three-dimensional map of the Milky Way galaxy. Gaia is a billion-pixel camera that will take images of the galaxy to eventually record over one billion stars across the next five years, with also the anticipation of making other discoveries along the way. It recently released its first set of data to the public in the form of FITS files. This can be downloaded from ESA’s website.

Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)

The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) – based in New Mexico – began surveying the sky in 2000. It covered roughly one third of the sky, and observed around 500 million objects. It has produced more than 100TB of data, of which all is available free to the public through its website. This has resulted in the SDSS often being described as the project that genuinely brought astronomy in to Big Data territory, and so its significance in this field cannot be underestimated. The data can be accessed through SQL queries, or through the raw FITS files that are also publicly available. We describe FITS files below.

FITS files

Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) is a digital file format used for storing scientific data. It is the format most widely used by astronomers and astrophysicists for transporting, analyzing and archiving scientific data since the early 1980s. The data in the SDSS database is archived in FITS files. These files are primarily designed to store images in the form of multidimensional numerical arrays or data in the form of tables. One FITS file can contain multiple tables and images.

FITS files consist of segments called Header Data Units (HDUs). Every FITS file has a primary HDU which is usually an image and optional extension HDUs which may contain images or tables. Each HDU contains a Header Unit and a Data Unit. The Header Unit contains metadata pertaining to the information stored in the Data Unit and the Data Unit is the image or table referenced by the metadata.

Processing the data – linking FITS and kdb+ using C

KX provides a header file, k.h, for interacting with C from kdb+. It provides the link between kdb+ and C by converting the different data types and structures between the two languages. Using this header file, we created a shared object that could natively parse a FITS file and load the data into a kdb+ database. This C extension can read metadata in HDUs and extract columns from binary tables, converting the information into a format usable by kdb+. The C functions are loaded into kdb+ from the shared object by using the Dynamic Load operator 2:, which is described in more detail later.

Interfaces: C client for kdb+
“C API for kdb+”
James Neill’s repository for kdb+ in astronomy: jpneill/fitsToKdb

The shared object

There are five functions for extracting metadata about the FITS file and the tables. Each of these takes in one or more K objects from a kdb+ process and returns a K object to that process.

// Function which prints a list of the number of HDUs and their types
// x – q symbol that is the FITS file `$”example.fits”
K listHDUs(K x)

// Function which returns number of rows in a table from a FITS file
// x - q symbol that is the FITS file `$"example.fits"
// y – q int or long representing the HDU of the binary table
K num_rows(K x, K y)

// Function which returns number of columns in a table from a FITS file
// x - q symbol that is the FITS file `$"example.fits"
// y – q int or long representing the HDU of the binary table
K num_cols(K x, K y)

// Function which returns a list of columns in a binary table in a FITS file
// x - q symbol that is the FITS file `$"example.fits"
// y - q int or long representing the HDU we're looking for
K cols(K x, K y)

// Function which returns a column type from a binary table in a FITS file
// x - q symbol for name of FITS file
// y - q symbol for column name
// z - q int or long representing the HDU we're looking at
K getColType(K x, K y, K z)

There are four functions for extracting columns of different types:

// All of the following take in the same parameters:
// x - q symbol for FITS file name
// y - q symbol for column name
// z - q long for number of rows to extract
// h - q int or long representing the number of the HDU we're looking at
K readLongCol(K x,K y,K z,K h)
K readIntCol(K x,K y,K z,K h)
K readDoubleCol(K x,K y,K z,K h)
K readSymCol(K x,K y,K z,K h)

Importing table data to kdb+

In kdb+, the Dynamic Load 2: operator is a binary function used to dynamically load C functions from a shared object. The left argument is the library from which the function is loaded (of type symbol), and the right argument is a list containing the function name (type symbol), and the number of arguments that function takes (type integer). Dynamically loaded functions have the datatype value 112h. Below is an example of how the listHDUs function is loaded:

q).astro.listHDUs:`fitsToKdb 2:(`listHDUs;1)

Once the function is loaded into the kdb+ process it can be called in the same way as any q function:

Number of HDUs: 2

The other functions can then be loaded in in the same manner.

.astro.getFitsRowCount:`fitsToKdb 2:(`num_rows;2)
.astro.getFitsColCount:`fitsToKdb 2:(`num_cols;2)
.astro.getFitsColNames:`fitsToKdb 2:(`cols;2)
.astro.getFitsColType: `fitsToKdb 2:(`getColType;3)
.astro.readLongCol:    `fitsToKdb 2:(`readLongCol;4)
.astro.readDoubleCol:  `fitsToKdb 2:(`readDoubleCol;4)
.astro.readIntCol:     `fitsToKdb 2:(`readIntCol;4)
.astro.readSymCol:     `fitsToKdb 2:(`readSymCol;4)

The source file for these example analytics is the specObj-dr12.fits file from the SDSS database.

This is a 2.9GB file containing the redshifts and classifications of all 4 million+ objects observed, including galaxy, quasar, and stellar spectra. We are able to use the functions defined above to create a kdb+ database from this FITS format file.

q)c:.astro.getFitsColNames[file;2] // columns in table 
q)t:.astro.getFitsColType[file;;2]each c // types of columns 
q)n:1000000 // number of rows to extract from the table 
q)icols:c where t=`I // get only the int columns
// build a dictionary containing the int columns
q)icols:lower[icols]!.astro.readIntCol[file;;n;2]each icols
// repeat for each of the long, float and sym cols

Interfaces: Using foreign functions with kdb+

Building tables in kdb+

Once the data is in dictionary form, combine and build the table:

q)specObj:flip raze(icols;jcols;fcols;scols)
nspecobs spectrographid bluefiber nturnoff boss_specobj_id .. 
2        1              -1        -1       0               -1 
2        1              -1        -1       0               -1 
2        1              -1        -1       0               -1 
2        1              -1        -1       0               -1 
2        1              -1        -1       0               -1 
2        1              -1        -1       0               -1 
2        1              -1        -1       0               -1 
2        1              -1        -1       0               -1 
3        1              -1        -1       0               -1 
q)count specObj

At this point, we have successfully loaded the data from a FITS file in to an in-memory kdb+ table. From here we can run some sample queries to take a look at the data and what it contains.

Obtaining a breakdown by class of the data:

q)select count i by class from specObj
class | x
------| ------
GALAXY| 678098
QSO   | 112701
STAR  | 209201

// Time(ms) and memory(bytes) taken to compute across 1m rows
q)\ts select count i by class from specObj 
18 16777872

Calculating recessional velocity

Calculating the recessional velocity (recessional velocity is the rate at which an object is moving away from Earth) of each object using the observed redshift (z column):

q)rv 1.6
q)select class,subclass,plug_ra,plug_dec,z,recVel:rv z from specObj 
class  subclass   plug_ra  plug_dec   z            recVel 
GALAXY            146.7142 -1.041304  0.02127545   0.02104918 
GALAXY            146.9195 -0.9904918 0.2139246    0.1914661
QSO    BROADLINE  146.9023 -0.9849133 0.6521814    0.4637643
GALAXY            146.8598 -0.8089017 0.1265536    0.1186022

// Time(ms) and memory(bytes) taken to compute above query
q)\ts select class,subclass,plug_ra,plug_dec,z,recVel:rv z from specObj
30 33555104

// breakdown of average recessional velocity by class
q)select recVel:avg rv z by class from specObj
class | recVel
------| -------------
GALAXY| 0.1374245
QSO   | 0.6371058
STAR  | -6.876509e-05

q)\ts select recVel:avg rv z by class from specObj
53 53478144

The kdb+ function fby aggregates values from one list based on groups in another list. It is commonly used to extend the functionality of the Where clause in a select statement. Placing fby in a Where clause allows an aggregate function (e.g. sum, max, avg) to be used to select individual rows across groupings. The left argument is a list containing two items – the first being the aggregation function, the second being the data vector (list/column) – and the right argument is the ‘group by’ vector. Below we make use of the fby function to obtain a breakdown by class of the objects with above average recessional velocity.

q)select count i by class from (select class, recVel:rv z from specObj) 
  where recVel>(avg;recVel) fby class
class | x
------| ------
GALAXY| 242519
QSO   | 68750
STAR  | 116152

q)\ts select count i by class from (select class, recVel:rv z from specObj) 
  where recVel>(avg;recVel) fby class
84 36701520

We can infer from these results that quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) have the greatest recessional velocities of the three classes in this data set on average, whereas stars’ negative recessional velocity suggests they are moving towards us on average. Only roughly one third (242,519 of 678,098) of the galaxies in this data have an above-average recessional velocity by class, while over half of stars, and closer to two thirds of QSOs are above average in their respective classes.

As previously mentioned, the positive impact of having the SDSS data available to the public has been massive. Since it was released, over 3,000 papers have been written on a range of different topics in the field, based on data from the SDSS.

The SDSS is just one example of several projects, but it shows the benefit of making the data accessible to all interested parties, both professional and amateur. This impact throughout the wider astronomical community has pushed leaders in the field to continue this development – to further promote sky surveys by building bigger, more powerful telescopes. However, this doesn’t come without its problems, with data storage and computational processing power being pushed to the limits. kdb+ has the ability to scale to these extremes. Sean Keevey’s “A natural query interface for distributed systems” discusses how data distributed over several processes and machines can be seamlessly accessed from a single starting point by the end user.

We previously mentioned how astronomy data can often come with a time domain, which would be well suited to kdb+ and how the data would be stored on disk. The data set in this example does not have a time domain, as it just provides information on given objects recorded once, but this certainly does not mean that it is not suited to kdb+.

We could apply an attribute to this data for optimization, such as the sorted attribute to the class column in the example data set. The benefits of this would become more apparent as more files were being loaded in. Ciaran Gorman’s “Columnar database and query optimization” gives an in-depth explanation as to how they can be applied.

Further reading


Andrew Magowan is a kdb+ consultant who has developed data and analytic systems for some of the world's largest financial institutions. Andrew is currently based in New York where he maintains a global tick capture application across a range of asset classes at a major investment bank.

James Neill works as a kdb+ consultant for one of the world’s largest investment banks developing a range of applications. James has also been involved in the design of training courses in data science and machine learning as part of the First Derivatives Capital Markets Training Programme.