, ujf
Union join
x uj y uj [x;y]
x ujf y ujf[x;y]
Where x
and y
are both keyed or both unkeyed tables, returns the union of the columns, filled with nulls where necessary:
- if
have matching key column/s, then records iny
update matching records inx
- otherwise,
records are inserted.
q)show s:([]a:1 2;b:2 3;c:5 7)
a b c
1 2 5
2 3 7
q)show t:([]a:1 2 3;b:2 3 7;c:10 20 30;d:"ABC")
a b c d
1 2 10 A
2 3 20 B
3 7 30 C
q)s,t / tables do not conform for ,
q)s uj t / simple, so second table is inserted
a b c d
1 2 5
2 3 7
1 2 10 A
2 3 20 B
3 7 30 C
q)(2!s) uj 2!t / keyed, so matching records are updated
a b| c d
---| ----
1 2| 10 A
2 3| 20 B
3 7| 30 C
is a multithreaded primitive.
generalizes the ,
Join operator.
Changes in V3.0
The union join of two keyed tables is equivalent to a left join of the two tables with the catenation of unmatched rows from the second table.
As a result a change in the behavior of lj
causes a change in the behavior of uj
q)show x:([a:1 2]b:`x`y;c:10 20)
a| b c
-| ----
1| x 10
2| y 20
q)show y:([a:1 2]b:``z;c:1 0N)
a| b c
-| ---
1| 1
2| z
q)x uj y / kdb+ 3.0
a| b c
-| ---
1| 1
2| z
q)x uj y / kdb+ 2.8
a| b c
-| ----
1| x 1
2| z 20
Since 2017.04.10, the earlier version is available in all V3.5 and later versions as ujf
Q for Mortals
§9.9.7 Union Join