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load, rload

Load binary data from a file or directory


Load binary data from a file

load x     load[x]

Where x is

  • a symbol atom or vector matching the name/s of datafile/s (with no extension) in the current directory, reads the datafile/s and assigns the value/s to global variable/s of the same name, which it returns
  • a filesymbol atom or vector for datafile/s (with no extension), reads the datafile/s and assigns the value/s to global variable/s of the same name, which it returns
  • a filesymbol for a directory, creates a global dictionary of the same name and within that dictionary recurses on any datafiles the directory contains

Signals a type error if the file is not a kdb+ data file

There are no text formats corresponding to save. Instead, use File Text.

q)t:([]x: 1 2 3; y: 10 20 30)
q)save`t             / save to a binary file (same as `:t set t)
q)delete t from `.   / delete t
q)t                  / not found

q)load`t             / load from a binary file (same as t:get `:t)
x y
1 10
2 20
3 30
q)\l sp.q
q)\mkdir -p cb
q)`:cb/p set p
q)`:cb/s set s
q)`:cb/sp set sp
q)load `cb
q)key cb
q)cb `s
s | name  status city
--| -------------------
s1| smith 20     london
s2| jones 10     paris
s3| blake 30     paris
s4| clark 20     london
s5| adams 30     athens

Operating systems may create hidden files, such as .DS_Store, that block load.


Load a splayed table from a directory

rload x     rload[x]

Where x is the table name as a symbol, the table is read from a directory of the same name. rload is the converse of rsave.

The usual, and more general, way of doing this is to use get, which allows a table to be defined with a different name than the source directory.

q)\l sp.q
q)rsave `sp           / save splayed table
q)delete sp from `.
q)rload `sp           / load splayed table
s  p  qty
s1 p1 300
s1 p2 200
s1 p3 400
q)sp:get `:sp/        / equivalent to rload `sp

save, rsave
.Q.dsftg (load process save), .Q.fps (pipe streaming), .Q.fs (file streaming), .Q.fsn (file streaming with chunks), .Q.v (get splayed table)
File system
Q for Mortals ยง11.2 Save and Load on Tables