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u.q is available from KxSystems/kdb-tick


Contains functions to allow clients to subscribe to all or subsets of available data, publishing to interested clients and alerting clients to events, for example, end-of-day. Tracks client subscription interest and removes client subscription details on their disconnection.

This script is loaded by other processes, for example a tickerplant.


To allow the ability to publish data to any process, do the following:

  • load u.q
  • declare the tables to be published in the top level namespace. Each table must contain a column called sym, which acts as the single key field to which subscribers subscribe
  • initialize by calling .u.init[]
  • publish data by calling[table name; table data]

The list of tables that can be published and the processes currently subscribed are held in .u.w.

Subscriber processes must open a connection to the publisher and call .u.sub[tablename;list_of_symbols_to_subscribe_to].

If a subscriber calls .u.sub again, the current subscription is overwritten either for all tables (if a wildcard is used) or the specified table. To add to a subscription, for example, add more syms to a current subscription, the subscriber can call .u.add).

Clients should define a upd function to receive updates, and .u.end function for end-of-day events.


Name Description
.u.w Dictionary of registered client interest in data being processed (for example, tables->(handle;syms)
.u.t Table names


Functions are open source and open to customisation.


Initialise variables used to track registered clients.


Initialises variables by retreiving all tables defined in the root namespace. Used to track client interest in data being published.


Delete subscriber from dictionary of known subscribers (.u.w) for given table


  • x is a table name
  • y is the connection handle


Select from table, given optional sym filter. Used to filter tables to clients who may not want everything from the table.


  • x is a table
  • y is a list of syms (can be empty list)

returns the table x, which can be filtered by y.

Publish updates to subscribers.[x;y]

  • x is table name (sym type)
  • y is new data for table x (table type)

Actions performed:

  • find interested client handles for table x and any filter they may have (using .u.w)
  • for each client
    • filter y using .u.sel (if client specifed a filter at subscription time)
    • publish asynchronously to client, calling their upd function with parameters table name and table data.


Add client subscription interest in table with optional filter.

Where * x is a table name (sym) * y is list of syms used to filter table data, with empty sym representing for all table data

Actions performed:

  • uses .z.w to get current client handle.
  • find any existing subscriptions to table x for client (using .u.w)
    • if existing, update filter with union on y
    • else a new entry is added to .u.w with client handle, x and y.

Returns 2 element list. The first element is the table name. The second element depends on whether x refers to a keyed table.

  • If x is a keyed table, .u.sel is used to select from the keyed table the required syms
  • otherwise returns an empty table x (schema definition of table), with the grouped attribute applied to the sym column.


Used by clients to register subscription interest.


  • x is a table name (sym)
  • y is list of syms used to filter table data, with empty sym representing for all table data

If x is empty symbol, client is subscribed to all known tables using y criteria. This is achieved by calling .u.sub for each table in .u.t. For the subscribing client, any previous registered in the given tables are removed prior to reinstating new criteria provided i.e. calls .u.del. Calls .u.add to record the client subscription.

Returns * a two item list if x is an indivial table name. First item is the table name subscribed to as a symbol. Second item is an empty table (table schema). * a list of two item lists as described above for each individual table, if x is an empty symbol (i.e. subscribe to all tables) * an error if the table does not exist.


Inform all registered clients that end-of-day has occured.


Where x is a date, representing the day that is ending.

Iterates over all client handles via .u.w and asyncronously calls their .u.end function passing x.


Implementation of .z.pc callback for connection close.

Called when a client disconnects. The client handle provided is used to call .u.del for all tables. This ensures all subscriptions are removed for that client.


tick.q is an example of a tickerplant that uses u.q for pub/sub.

In addition, the example scripts below demonstrate pub/sub in a standalone publisher and subscriber. They can be downloaded from KxSystems/cookbook/pubsub. Each script should be run from the OS command prompt as shown in the following example.

$ q publisher.q
$ q subscriber.q

The publisher generates some random data and publishes it periodically on a timer.

The subscriber receives data from the publisher and is displayed on the screen. You can modify the subscription request and the upd function of the subscriber as required. You can run multiple subscribers at once.