Datatypes in kdb+¶
Different types of data have different representations in q, corresponding to different internal representations in kdb+. This is of particular importance in the representation of vectors: Lists of atoms of the same type are called vectors (sometimes simple or homogeneous lists) and have representations that vary by type.
Every object in q has a datatype, reported by the type
q)type 42 43 44 / vector of longs
q)type (+) / even an operator has a type
Datatypes for a complete table.
type atom vector null inf
short 42h 42 43 44h 0Nh 0Wh
int 42i 42 43 44i 0Ni 0Wi
long 42j 42 43 44j 0Nj 0Wj
42 42 43 44 0N 0W
real 42e 42 43 44e 0Ne 0We
float 42f 42 43 44f 0n 0w
42. 42 43 44.
The default integer type is long, so the j
suffix can be omitted.
A decimal point in a number is sufficient to denote a float, so is an alternative to the f
Nulls and infinities are typed as shown.
Text data is represented either as char vectors or as symbols.
"a" / char atom
"quick brown fox" / char vector
("quick";"brown";"fox") / list of char vectors
Char vectors can be indexed and are mutable, but are known in q as strings.
q)s:"quick" / string
q)s[2] / indexing
q)s[2]:"a" / mutable
Symbols are atomic and immutable. They are suitable for representing recurring values.
`screw / symbol atom
`screw`nail`screw / symbol vector
q)count `screw`nail`screw / symbols are atomic
The null string is " "
and the null symbol is a single backtick `
Dates and times¶
type atom vector null inf
month 2020.01m 2020.01 2019.08m 0Nm
date 2020.01.01 2020.01.01 2020.01.02 0Nd 0Wd
minute 12:34 12:34 12:46 0Nu 0Wu
second 12:34:56 12:34:56 12:46:30 0Nv 0Wv
time 12:34:56.789 12:34:56.789 12:46:30.500 0Nt 0Wt
type atom null inf
timestamp 2020.02.29D12:11:42.381000000 0Np 0Wp
datetime 2020.02.29T12:14:42.718 0Nz 0Wz
timespan 0D00:05:14.659000000 0Nn 0Wn
Datetime is deprecated. Prefer the nanosecond precision of timestamps.
Booleans have the most compact vector representation in q.
q)"Many hands make light work."="a"
In general, there should be no need for char vectors for IDs. IDs should be int, sym or guid. Guids are faster (much faster for =
) than the 16-byte char vectors and take 2.5 times less storage (16 per instead of 40 per).
Use Deal to generate unique guids.
cf74afa1-6c49-8e11-d599-736eba641207 6080b044-aa79-2d30-62a4-34390a4c81d1
Q for Mortals §2.4 Basic Data Types – Atoms