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Deferred response


Ideally, for concurrency, all messaging would be async. However, sync messaging is a convenient paradigm for client apps.

You can use -30!x to allow processing of a sync message to be ‘suspended’, by indicating the response for the currently-executing sync message to be sent explicitly later.

This allows other messages to be processed prior to sending a response message.

You can use -30!(::) at any place in the execution path of, start up some work, allow to complete without sending a response, and then when the workers complete the task, send the response explicitly.


Below is a simple script to demonstrate the mechanics of -30!x in a gateway. Further error checking, .z.pc, timeouts, sequence numbers, load-balancing, etc., are left as an exercise for the reader.

workerHandles:hopen each 6000 6001 / open handles to worker processes

pending:()!() / keep track of received results for each clientHandle

/ this example fn joins the results when all are received from the workers

/ each worker calls this with (0b;result) or (1b;errorString) 
 pending[clientHandle],:enlist result; / store the received result
 / check whether we have all expected results for this client
 if[count[workerHandles]=count pending clientHandle; 
   / test whether any response (0|1b;...) included an error
   isError:0<sum pending[clientHandle][;0]; 
   result:pending[clientHandle][;1]; / grab the error strings or results
   / send the first error or the reduced result
   r:$[isError;{first x where 10h=type each x};reduceFunction]result; 
   pending[clientHandle]:(); / clear the temp results
  neg[workerHandles]@\:(remoteFunction;.z.w;query); / send the query to each worker
  -30!(::); / defer sending a response message i.e. return value of is ignored

Blog: Deferred Response