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Kandinsky: circles in a circle
Circles in a Circle, 1923

Everything begins with a dot.
— W.W. Kandinsky

. Apply, Index, Trap
@ Apply At, Index At, Trap At

  • Apply a function to a list of arguments
  • Get items at depth in a list
  • Trap errors
rank syntax function semantics list semantics
2 v . vx
Apply v to list vx of arguments
Get item/s vx at depth from v
2 u @ ux
Apply At
Apply unary u to argument ux
Index At
Get items ux from u
3 .[g;gx;e] Trap
Try g . gx; catch with e
3 @[f;fx;e] Trap At
Try f@fx; catch with e


  • e is an expression, typically a function
  • f is a unary function and fx in its domain
  • g is a function of rank \(n\) and gx an atom or list of count \(n\) with items in the domains of g
  • v is a value of rank \(n\) (or a handle to one) and vx a list of count \(n\) with items in the domains of v
  • u is a unary value (or a handle to one) and ux in its domain

Amend, Amend At

For the ternary and quaternary forms

.[d; i; u]      @[d; i; u]
.[d; i; v; vy]  @[d; i; v; vy]


  • d is a list or dictionary, or a handle to a list, dictionary or datafile
  • i indexes d as d . i or d @ i (must be a list for Amend)
  • u is a unary with d in its domain
  • v is a binary with d and vy in its left and right domains

see Amend and Amend At.

Apply, Index

v . vx evaluates value v on the \(n\) arguments listed in vx.

q)add               / addition 'table'
0 1 2 3
1 2 3 4
2 3 4 5
3 4 5 6
q)add . 2 3         / add[2;3] (Index)
q)(+) . 2 3         / +[2;3] (Apply)
q).[+;2 3]
q).[add;2 3]

If v has rank \(n\), then vx has \(n\) items and v is evaluated as:

v[vx[0]; vx[1]; …; vx[-1+count vx]]

If v has rank 2, then vx has 2 items and v is applied to the first argument vx[0] and the second argument vx[1].


Variadic operators

Most binary operators such as Add have deprecated unary forms and are thus actually variadic.

Where v is such a variadic operator, parenthesize it to provide it as the left argument of Apply.

q).[+;2 2]
q)(+) . 2 2

If v has rank 1, then vx has one item and v is applied to the argument vx[0].


Q for Mortals §6.5.3 Indexing at Depth


Nullaries (functions of rank 0) are handled differently. The pattern above suggests that the empty list () would be the argument list to nullary v, but Apply for nullary v is denoted by v . enlist[::], i.e. the right argument is the enlisted null. For example:

q)a: 2 3
q)b: 10 20
q){a + b} . enlist[::]
12 23


d . i returns an item from list or dictionary d as specified by successive items in list i. Since 4.1t 2022.03.25, d can be a persisted table. The result is found in d at depth count i as follows.

The list i is a list of successive indexes into d. i[0] must be in the domain of d@. It selects an item of d, which is then indexed by i[1], and so on.

( (d@i[0]) @ i[1] ) @ i[2]

((1 2 3;4 5 6 7) ;(8 9;10;11 12) ;(13 14;15 16 17 18;19 20))
q)d . enlist 1      / select item 1, i.e. d@1
8 9
11 12
q)d . 1 2           / select item 2 of item 1
11 12
q)d . 1 2 0         / select item 0 of item 2 of item 1

A right argument of enlist[::] selects the entire left argument.

q)d . enlist[::]
(1 2 3;4 5 6 7)
(8 9;10;11 12)
(13 14;15 16 17 18;19 20)

Index At

The selections at each level are individual applications of Index At: first, item d@i[0] is selected, then (d@i[0])@i[1], then ((d@i[0])@ i[1])@ i[2], and so on.

These expressions can be rewritten using Over applied to Index At; the first is d@/i[0], the second is d@/i[0 1], and the third is d@/i[0 1 2].

In general, for a vector i of any count, d . i is identical to d@/i.

q)((d @ 1) @ 2) @ 0         / selection in terms of a series of @s
q)d @/ 1 2 0                / selection in terms of @-Over

Cross sections

Index is cross-sectional when the items of i are lists. That is, items-at-depth in d are indexed for paths made up of all combinations of atoms of i[0] and atoms of i[1] and atoms of i[2], and so on to the last item of i.

The simplest case of cross-sectional index occurs when the items of i are vectors. For example, d .(2 0;0 1) selects items 0 and 1 from both items 2 and 0:

q)d . (2 0; 0 1)
13 14 15 16 17 18
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
q)count each d . (2 0; 0 1)
2 2

Note that items appear in the result in the same order as the indexes appear in i.

The first item of i selects two items of d, as in d@i[0]. The second item of i selects two items from each of the two items just selected, as in (d@i[0])@'i[1]. Had there been a third vector item in i, say of count 5, then that item would select five items from each of the four items-at-depth 1 just selected, as in ((d@i[0])@'i[1])@''i[2], and so on.

When the items of i are vectors the result is rectangular to at least depth count i, depending on the regularity of d, and the kth item of its shape vector is (count i)[k] for every k less than count i. That is, the first count i items of the shape of the result are count each i.

More general cross-sectional indexing occurs when the items of i are rectangular lists, not just vectors, but the situation is much like the simpler case of vector items.

Nulls in i

Nulls in i mean “select all”: if i[0] is null, then continue on with d and the rest of i, i.e. 1_i; if i[1] is null, then for every selection made through i[0], continue on with that selection and the rest of i, i.e. 2_i; and so on. For example, d .(::;0) means that the 0th item of every item of d is selected.

(1 2 3;4 5 6 7)
(8 9;10;11 12)
(13 14;15 16 17 18;19 20)
q)d . (::;0)
1 2 3
8 9
13 14

Another example, this time with i[1] equal to null:

q)d . (0 2;::;1 0)
(2 1;5 4)
(14 13;16 15;20 19)

Note that d .(::;0) is the same as d .(0 1 2;0), but in the last example, there is no value that can be substituted for null in (0 2;;1 0) to get the same result, because when item 0 of d is selected, null acts like 0 1, but when item 2 of d is selected, it acts like 0 1 2.

The general case of a non-negative integer list i

In the general case, when the items of i are non-negative integer atoms or lists, or null, the structure of the result can be thought of as cascading structures of the items of i. That is, with nulls aside, the result is structurally like i[0], except that wherever there is an atom in i[0], the result is structurally like i[1], except that wherever there is an atom in i[1], the result is structurally like i[2], and so on.

The general case of Index can be defined recursively in terms of Index At by partitioning the list i into its first item and the rest:

  $[ F~::; Index[d; first R; 1 _ R];
     0 =count R; d @ F;
     0>type F; Index[d @ F; first R; 1 _ R]
     Index[d;; R]'F ]}

That is, d . i is Index[d;first i;1_i].

To work through the definition, start with F as the first item of i and R as the remainder. At each step in the recursion:

  • if F is null then select all of d and continue on, with the first item of the remainder R as the new F and the remainder of R as the new remainder;
  • otherwise, if the remainder is the empty vector apply Index At (the right argument F is now the last item of i), and we are done;
  • otherwise, if F is an atom, apply Index At to select that item of d and continue on in the same way as when F is null;
  • otherwise, apply Index with fixed arguments d and R, but independently to the items of the list F.

Dictionaries and symbolic indexing

If i is a symbol atom then d must be a dictionary or handle of a directory on the K-tree, and d . i selects the value of the entry named in i. For example, if:

dir:`a`b!(2 3 4;"abcdefg")

then `dir . enlist`b is "abcdefg" and `dir . (`b;1 3 5) is "bdf".

If i is a list whose items are non-negative integer atoms and symbol atoms, then just like the non-negative integer vector case, d . i is a single item at depth count i in d. The difference is that wherever a symbol appears in i, say as the kth item, the selection up to the kth item must produce a dictionary or a handle of a directory. Selection by the kth item is the value of an entry in that dictionary or directory, and further selections go on from there. For example:

q)(1;`a`b!(2 3 4;10 20 30 40)) . (1; `b; 2)

As we have seen above for the general case, every atom in the kth item of i must be a valid index of all items at depth k selected by d . k # i. Moreover, symbols can only select from dictionaries and directories, and integers cannot. Consequently, if the kth item of i contains a symbol atom, then all items selected by d . k # i must be dictionaries or handles of directories, and therefore all atoms in the kth item of i must be symbols.

It follows that each item of i must be made up entirely of non-negative integer atoms, or entirely of symbol atoms, and if the kth item of i is made up of symbols, then all items at depth k in d selected by the first k items of i must be dictionaries.

Note that if d is either a dictionary or handle to a directory then d . enlist key d is a list of values of all the entries.

Step dictionaries

Where d is a dictionary, d@i or d[i] or d i returns for each item of i that is outside the domain of d a null of the same type as the keys.

cat  | chat
cow  | vache
dog  | chien
sheep| mouton
q)d `sheep`snake`cat`ant
q)e:(10*til 10)!til 10
0 | 0
10| 1
20| 2
30| 3
40| 4
50| 5
60| 6
70| 7
80| 8
90| 9
q)e 80 35 20 -10
8 0N 2 0N

A step dictionary has the sorted attribute set. Its keys are a sorted vector. Where s is a step dictionary, and i[k] are the items of i that are outside the domain of d, the value/s for d@i@k are the values for the highest keys that are lower than i k.

q)ds `sheep`snake`cat`ant
q)es 80 35 20 -10
8 3 2 0N

Set Attribute
Step Dictionaries

Apply At, Index At

@ is syntactic sugar for the case where u is a unary and ux a 1-item list. u@ux is always equivalent to u . enlist ux.

Brackets are syntactic sugar

The brackets of an argument list are also syntactic sugar. Nothing can be expressed with brackets that cannot also be expressed using ..

You can use the derived function @\: to apply a list of unary values to the same argument.

q){`o`h`l`c!(first;max;min;last)@\:x}1 2 3 4 22  / open, high, low, close
o| 1
h| 22
l| 1
c| 22


A sequence of unaries u, v, w… can be composed with Apply At as u@v@w@. All but the last @ may be elided: u v w@.

q)tc:til count@  / indexes of a list
q)tc "abc"
"0 1 2"

The last value in the sequence can have higher rank if projected as a unary by Apply.

q)di:reciprocal(%).  / divide into
q)di 2 3             / divide 2 into 3



In the ternary, if evaluation of the function fails, the expression is evaluated. (Compare try/catch in some other languages.)


If the expression is a function, it is evaluated on the text of the signalled error.

q).[+;"ab";{"Wrong ",x}]
"Wrong type"

For a successful evaluation, the ternary returns the same result as the binary.

q).[+;2 3;{"Wrong ",x}]

Trap At

@[f;fx;e] is equivalent to .[f;enlist fx;e].

Use Trap At as a simpler form of Trap, for unary values.

.Q.trp (extend trap at)

Limit of the trap

Trap catches only errors signalled in the applications of f or g. Errors in the evaluation of fx or gg themselves are not caught.

  [0]  @[2+;"42"+3;`err]

When e is not a function

If e is a function it will be evaluated only if f or g fails. It will however be parsed before any of the other expressions are evaluated.

  [0]  @[2+;"42";{)}]

If e is any other kind of expression it will always be evaluated – and first, in the usual right-to-left sequence. In this respect Trap and Trap At are unlike try/catch in other languages.

q)@[string;42;a:100] / expression not a function
q)a // but a was assigned anyway
q)@[string;42;{b::99}] / expression is a function
q)b // not evaluated
  [0]  b

For most purposes, you will want e to be a function.

Q for Mortals §10.1.8 Protected Evaluation

Errors signalled

index    an atom in vx or ux is not an index to an item-at-depth in d
rank     the count of vx is greater than the rank of v
type     v or u is a symbol atom, but not a handle to an value
type     an atom of vx or ux is not an integer, symbol or null

Amend, Amend At