File Text¶
Read or write text
The File Text operator 0:
has five forms:
Prepare Text table as a list of delimited strings
Save Text write a list of strings to file
Load CSV field-delimited string, list of strings, or file, as a list or matrix
Load Fixed fixed-format list of strings, or file, as a list or matrix
Key-Value Pairs delimited string as key-value pairs
Prepare Text¶
Represent a table as a list of delimited strings
delimiter 0: t 0:[delimiter;t]
is a char atomt
is a table in which the columns are either vectors or lists of strings
returns a list of character strings containing text representations of the rows of t
separated by delimiter
q)csv 0: ([]a:1 2 3;b:`x`y`z)
q)"|" 0: (`a`b`c;1 2 3;"xyz")
Temporals are represented according to ISO 8601.
q)show q:.z.p
q)show t:flip`d`t!flip"dt"$/:2#q
d t
2022.03.14 16:12:57.427
2022.03.14 16:12:57.427
q)csv 0:t
Any cells containing delimiter
will be embraced with "
and any embedded "
Since 4.1t 2023.08.18, csv export of symbol or character vector values containing newlines "\n" are enclosed in double quotes.
q)csv 0:([]("foo\nbar";"baz"))
Columns that are neither vectors nor lists of strings
Prepare Text signals a type error if a column of its right argument is neither a vector nor a list of strings.
q)t:([]Actual:1.47 0.03 300;FiscalTag:("FY2022Q2";"FY2022Q2";enlist"FY2022H1"))
Actual FiscalTag
1.47 "FY2022Q2"
0.03 "FY2022Q2"
300 ,"FY2022H1"
q)csv 0:t
[0] csv 0:t
You cannot diagnose this condition with meta
, which examines only the first row of its argument
q)meta t
c | t f a
---------| -----
Actual | f
FiscalTag| C
but type each
is your friend.
q)cols[t] where 1<(count distinct type each)each t cols t
Q for Mortals §11.4.3 Preparing Text
Save Text¶
Write a list of strings to file
filesymbol 0: strings 0:[filesymbol;strings]
is a file symbolstrings
a list of character strings
are saved as lines in the file. The result of Prepare Text can be used as strings
q)`:test.txt 0: enlist "text to save"
q)`:status.txt 0: string system "w"
If filesymbol
- does not exist, it is created, with any missing containing directories
- exists, it is overwritten
Load CSV¶
Interpret a field-delimited string, list of strings, or file as a list or matrix
(types;delimiter ) 0: y 0:[(types;delimiter);y]
(types;delimiter;flag) 0: y 0:[(types;delimiter;flag);y]
is a file descriptor, string, or a list of stringstypes
is a string of column type codes in upper casedelimiter
is a char atom or 1-item listflag
(optional, default0
, since V3.4) is a long atom indicating whether line-returns may be embedded in strings:0
returns a vector, matrix, or table interpreted from the content of y
With column names¶
If delimiter
is enlisted, the first row of the content of y
is read as column names and the result is a table; otherwise the result is a list of values for each column.
/load 2 columns from space-delimited file with header
q)t:("SS";enlist" ")0:`:/tmp/txt
Use optional argument flag
to allow line returns embedded within strings.
0 1
"ab\nc" "def"
Where y
is a string and delimiter
an atom, returns a single list of the data split and parsed accordingly.
Without column names¶
If the CSV file contains data but no column names:
We can read the columns:
q)("ISI";",") 0:`data.csv
0 10 20
hea dfi oil
481 579 77
Create a column dictionary and flip it:
table: flip `a`b`c!("ISI";",") 0:`data.csv
Column names must not be the null symbol `
Multithreaded Load¶
CSV load (excluding embedded line return mode) can use multiple threads when kdb+ is running in multithreaded mode.
q)v:` sv 10000000#","0:10 10#til 100
q)system"s 10";(10#"J";",")0:v
Since 4.1t 2021.09.28.
Load Fixed¶
Interpret a fixed-format list of strings or file as a list or matrix
(types; widths) 0: y 0:[(types;widths);y]
is a file descriptor or a list of stringstypes
is a list of column types in upper casewidths
is an int vector of field widths
returns a vector or matrix interpreted from the content of y
q)sum("DT";8 9)0:enlist"20130315185540686"
q)("DT";8 9)0:("20130315185540686";"20130315185540686")
2013.03.15 2013.03.15
18:55:40.686 18:55:40.686
q)dates:("Tue, 04 Jun 2013 07:00:13 +0900";"Tue, 04 Jun 2013 07:00:13 -0500")
q)sum(" Z T";5 20 1 5)0:dates
2013.06.04T16:00:13.000 2013.06.04T02:00:13.000
Load Fixed expects either a \n
after every record, or none at all.
/reads a text file containing fixed-length records
q)t:("IFC D";4 8 10 6 4) 0: `:/q/Fixed.txt
Tips for Load CSV and Load Fixed
- To load a field as a nested character column or list rather than symbol use
as the identifier - To omit a field from the load use
" "
Multithreaded Load¶
Fixed width load can use multiple threads when kdb+ is running in multithreaded mode
Since 4.1t 2021.09.28.
Key-Value Pairs¶
Interpret a delimited string as key-value pairs
x 0: string 0:[x;string]
Where x
is a 3- or 4-char string:
and key-type
is S
for symbol, I
for integer, or J
for long, returns a 2-row matrix of the keys and values.
one two three
,"1" ,"2" ,"3"
one two three
,"1" ,"2" ,"3"
1 2 3
"first" "second" "third"
8 | "FIX.4.2"
9 | "339"
35| ,"D"
34| "100322"
49| "JM_TEST1"
52| "20130425-06:46:46.387"
The inclusion of an asterisk as the third character allows the delimiter character to appear harmlessly in quoted strings. (Since V3.5.)
(5 6i;("hello,world";,"1"))
(5 6;("hello,world";,"1"))
Q for Mortals §11.5.3 Key-Value Records
Column types and formats¶
B boolean /[01tfyn]/i
G guid /[0-9a-f]{8}(-[0-9a-f]{4}){3}-[0-9a-f]{12}/i
X byte
H short [0-9][0-9]
I int
J long
E real
F float
C char
S symbol
P timestamp date?timespan
M month [yy]yy[?]mm
D date [yy]yy[?]mm[?]dd or [m]m/[d]d/[yy]yy
Z datetime date?time
N timespan hh[:]mm[:]ss[[.]ddddddddd]
U minute hh[:]mm
V second hh[:]mm[:]ss
T time hh[:]mm[:]ss[[.]ddd]
(blank) skip
* literal chars
namespace for JSON
File system
How do I import a CSV file into a table?
Q for Mortals
§11.4.1 Reading and Writing Text Files