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Functional qSQL

The functional forms of delete, exec, select and update are particularly useful for programmatically-generated queries, such as when column names are dynamically produced.

Functional form is an alternative to using a qSQL template to construct a query. For example, the following are equivalent:

q)select n from t
q)?[t;();0b;(enlist `n)!enlist `n]


The q interpreter parses delete, exec, select, and update into their equivalent functional forms, so there is no performance difference.

The functional forms are

![t;c;b;a]              /update and delete

?[t;i;p]                /simple exec

?[t;c;b;a]              /select or exec
?[t;c;b;a;n]            /select up to n records
?[t;c;b;a;n;(g;cn)]     /select up to n records sorted by g on cn


  • t is a table, or the name of a table as a symbol atom.
  • c is the Where phrase, a list of constraints.
    Every constraint in c is a parse tree representing an expression to be evaluated; the result of each being a boolean vector. The parse tree consists of a function followed by a list of its arguments, each an expression containing column names and other variables. Represented by symbols, it distinguishes actual symbol constants by enlisting them. The function is applied to the arguments, producing a boolean vector that selects the rows. The selection is performed in the order of the items in c, from left to right: only rows selected by one constraint are evaluated by the next.
  • b is the By phrase.
    The domain of dictionary b is a list of symbols that are the key names for the grouping. Its range is a list of column expressions (parse trees) whose results are used to construct the groups. The grouping is ordered by the domain items, from major to minor. b is one of:
    • the general empty list ()
    • boolean atom: 0b for no grouping; 1b for distinct
    • a symbol atom or list naming table column/s
    • a dictionary of group-by specifications
  • a is the Select phrase. The domain of dictionary a is a list of symbols containing the names of the produced columns. QSQL query templates assign default column names in the result, but here each result column must be named explicitly.
    Each item of its range is an evaluation list consisting of a function and its argument(s), each of which is a column name or another such result list. For each evaluation list, the function is applied to the specified value(s) for each row and the result is returned. The evaluation lists are resolved recursively when operations are nested.
    a is one of
    • the general empty list ()
    • a symbol atom: the name of a table column
    • a parse tree
    • a dictionary of select specifications (aggregations)
  • i is a list of indexes
  • p is a parse tree
  • n is a non-negative integer or infinity, indicating the maximum number of records to be returned
  • g is a unary grade function

Call by name

Columns in a, b and c appear as symbols.

To distinguish symbol atoms and vectors from columns, enlist them.

q)t:([] c1:`a`b`a`c`a`b`c; c2:10*1+til 7; c3:1.1*1+til 7)

q)select from t where c2>35,c1 in `b`c
c1 c2 c3
c  40 4.4
b  60 6.6
c  70 7.7

q)?[t; ((>;`c2;35);(in;`c1;enlist[`b`c])); 0b; ()]
c1 c2 c3
c  40 4.4
b  60 6.6
c  70 7.7

Note above that

  • the columns c1 and c2 appear as symbol atoms
  • the symbol vector `b`c appears as enlist[`b`c]

Use enlist to create singletons to ensure appropriate entities are lists.

Different types of a and b return different types of result for Select and Exec.

           | b
a          | bool    ()         sym/s   dict
()         | table    dict       -       keyed table
sym        | -        vector     dict    dict
parse tree | -        vector     dict    dict
dict       | table    vector/s   table   table 

? Select


Where t, c, b, and a are as above, returns a table.

q)show t:([]n:`x`y`x`z`z`y;p:0 15 12 20 25 14)
n p
x 0
y 15
x 12
z 20
z 25
y 14

q)select m:max p,s:sum p by name:n from t where p>0,n in `x`y
name| m  s
----| -----
x   | 12 12
y   | 15 29


Following is the equivalent functional form. Note the use of enlist to create singletons, ensuring that appropriate entities are lists.

q)c: ((>;`p;0);(in;`n;enlist `x`y))
q)b: (enlist `name)!enlist `n
q)a: `m`s!((max;`p);(sum;`p))
name| m  s
----| -----
x   | 12 12
y   | 15 29

Degenerate cases

  • For no constraints, make c the empty list
  • For no grouping make b a boolean 0b
  • For distinct rows make b a boolean 1b
  • To produce all columns of t in the result, make a the empty list ()

select from t is equivalent to functional form ?[t;();0b;()].

Select distinct

For special case select distinct specify b as 1b.

q)t:([] c1:`a`b`a`c`b`c; c2:1 1 1 2 2 2; c3:10 20 30 40 50 60)

q)?[t;(); 1b; `c1`c2!`c1`c2]        / select distinct c1,c2 from t
c1 c2
a  1
b  1
c  2
b  2

Rank 5

Limit result rows


Returns as for rank 4, but where n is

  • an integer or infinity, only the first n rows, or the last if n is negative
  • a pair of non-negative integers, up to n[1] rows starting with row n[0]
q)show t:([] c1:`a`b`c`a; c2:10 20 30 40)
c1 c2
a  10
b  20
c  30
a  40

q)?[t;();0b;();-2]                   / select[-2] from t
c1 c2
c  30
a  40

q)?[t;();0b;();1 2]                 / select[1 2] from t
c1 c2
b  20
c  30

Rank 6

Limit result rows and sort by a column


Returns as for rank 5, but where

  • g is a unary grading function
  • cn is a column name as a symbol atom

sorted by g on column cn.

q)?[t; (); 0b; `c1`c2!`c1`c2; 0W; (idesc;`c1)]
c1 c2
c  30
b  20
a  10
a  40

Q for Mortals §9.12.1 Functional select

? Exec

A simplified form of Select that returns a list or dictionary rather than a table.


The constraint specification c (Where) is as for Select.

q)show t:([] c1:`a`b`c`c`a`a; c2:10 20 30 30 40 40; 
    c3: 1.1 2.2 3.3 3.3 4.4 3.14159; c4:`cow`sheep`cat`dog`cow`dog)
c1 c2 c3      c4
a  10 1.1     cow
b  20 2.2     sheep
c  30 3.3     cat
c  30 3.3     dog
a  40 4.4     cow
a  40 3.14159 dog


No grouping

b is the general empty list.

b   a      result
()  ()     the last row of t as a dictionary
()  sym    the value of that column
()  dict   a dictionary with keys and values as specified by a
q)?[t; (); (); ()]                          / exec last c1,last c2,last c3 from t
c1| `a
c2| 40
c3| 3.14159
c4| `dog

q)?[t; (); (); `c1]                         / exec c1 from t

q)?[t; (); (); `one`two!`c1`c2]             / exec one:c1,two:c2 from t
one| a  b  c  c  a  a
two| 10 20 30 30 40 40

q)?[t; (); (); `one`two!(`c1;(sum;`c2))]    / exec one:c1,two:sum c2 from t
one| `a`b`c`c`a`a
two| 170

Group by column

b is a column name. The result is a dictionary.

Where a is a column name, in the result

  • the keys are distinct values of the column named in b
  • the values are lists of corresponding values from the column named in a
q)?[t; (); `c1; `c2]     / exec c2 by c1 from t
a| 10 40 40
b| ,20
c| 30 30

Where a is a dictionary, in the result

  • the key is a table with a single anonymous column containing distinct values of the column named in b
  • the value is a table with columns as defined in a
q)?[t; (); `c1; enlist[`c2]!enlist`c2]      / exec c2:c2 by c1 from t
 | c2
-| --------
a| 10 40 40
b| ,20
c| 30 30

q)?[t; (); `c1; `two`three!`c2`c3]          / exec two:c2,three:c3 by c1 from t
 | two      three
-| ------------------------
a| 10 40 40 1.1 4.4 3.14159
b| ,20      ,2.2
c| 30 30    3.3 3.3

q)?[t;();`c1;`m2`s3!((max;`c2);(sum;`c3))]  / exec m2:max c2,s3:sum c3 by c1 from t
 | m2  s3
-| -----------
a| 40  8.64159
b| 20  2.2
c| 30  6.6

Group by columns

b is a list of column names.

Where a is a column name, returns a dictionary in which

  • the key is the empty symbol
  • the value is the value of the column/s specified in a
q)?[t; (); `c1`c2; `c3]
| 1.1 2.2 3.3 3.3 4.4 3.14159

q)?[t; (); `c1`c2; `c3`c4!((max;`c3);(last;`c4))]
| c3  c4
| -------
| 4.4 dog

Group by a dictionary

b is a dictionary. Result is a dictionary in which the key is a table with columns as specified by b and

b     a     result value
dict  ()    last records of table that match each key
dict  sym   corresponding values from the column in a
dict  dict  values as defined in a
q)?[t; (); `one`two!`c1`c2; ()]
one two| c1 c2 c3      c4
-------| -------------------
a   10 | a  10 1.1     cow
a   40 | a  40 3.14159 dog
b   20 | b  20 2.2     sheep
c   30 | c  30 3.3     dog
q)/ exec last c1,last c2,last c3,last c4 by one:c1,two:c2 from t

q)?[t; (); enlist[`one]!enlist(string;`c1); ()]
one | c1 c2 c3      c4
----| -------------------
,"a"| a  40 3.14159 dog
,"b"| b  20 2.2     sheep
,"c"| c  30 3.3     dog
q)/ exec last c1,last c2,last c3,last c4 by one:string c1 from t

q)?[t; (); enlist[`one]!enlist `c1; `c2]     / exec c2 by one:c1 from t
---| --------
a  | 10 40 40
b  | ,20
c  | 30 30

q)?[t; (); `one`four!`c1`c4; `m2`s3!((max;`c2);(sum;`c3))]
one four | m2 s3
---------| ----------
a   cow  | 40 5.5
a   dog  | 40 3.14159
b   sheep| 20 2.2
c   cat  | 30 3.3
c   dog  | 30 3.3

Q for Mortals §9.12.2 Functional exec

? Simple Exec


Where t is not partitioned, another form of Exec.

q)show t:([]a:1 2 3;b:4 5 6;c:7 9 0)
a b c
1 4 7
2 5 9
3 6 0

q)?[t;0 1 2;`a]
1 2 3
q)?[t;0 1 2;`b]
4 5 6
q)?[t;0 1 2;(last;`a)]
q)?[t;0 1;(last;`a)]
q)?[t;0 1 2;(*;(min;`a);(avg;`c))]

! Update



Arguments t, c, b, and a are as for Select.

q)show t:([]n:`x`y`x`z`z`y;p:0 15 12 20 25 14)
n p
x 0
y 15
x 12
z 20
z 25
y 14

q)select m:max p,s:sum p by name:n from t where p>0,n in `x`y
name| m  s
----| -----
x   | 12 12
y   | 15 29

q)update p:max p by n from t where p>0
n p
x 0
y 15
x 12
z 25
z 25
y 15

q)c: enlist (>;`p;0)
q)b: (enlist `n)!enlist `n
q)a: (enlist `p)!enlist (max;`p)

n p
x 0
y 15
x 12
z 25
z 25
y 15

The degenerate cases are the same as in Select.

Q for Mortals §9.12.3 Functional update

! Delete

A simplified form of Update



One of c or a must be empty, the other not. c selects which rows will be removed. a is a symbol vector with the names of columns to be removed.


q)/following is: delete c2 from t
q)![t;();0b;enlist `c2]

q)/following is: delete from t where c2 = `y
q)![t;enlist (=;`c2; enlist `y);0b;`symbol$()]
c1 c2
a  x
c  z

Q for Mortals §9.12.4 Functional delete

Conversion using parse

Applying parse to a qSQL statement written as a string will return the internal representation of the functional form. With some manipulation this can then be used to piece together the functional form in q. This generally becomes more difficult as the query becomes more complex and requires a deep understanding of what kdb+ is doing when it parses qSQL form.

An example of using parse to convert qSQL to its corresponding functional form is as follows:

q)t:([]c1:`a`b`c; c2:10 20 30)
q)parse "select c2:2*c2 from t where c1=`c"

q)?[`t; enlist (=;`c1;enlist `c); 0b; (enlist `c2)!enlist (*;2;`c2)]

Issues converting to functional form

To convert a select query to a functional form one may attempt to apply the parse function to the query string:

q)parse "select sym,price,size from trade where price>50"

As we know, parse produces a parse tree and since some of the elements may themselves be parse trees we can’t immediately take the output of parse and plug it into the form ?[t;c;b;a]. After a little playing around with the result of parse you might eventually figure out that the correct functional form is as follows.

q)funcQry:?[`trade;enlist(>;`price;50);0b;`sym`price`size! `sym`price`size]

q)strQry:select sym,price,size from trade where price>50 q)

This, however, becomes more difficult as the query statements become more complex:

q)parse "select count i from trade where 140>(count;i) fby sym"

In this case, it is not obvious what the functional form of the above query should be, even after applying parse.

There are three issues with this parse-and-“by eye” method to convert to the equivalent functional form. We will cover these in the next three subsections.

Parse trees and eval

The first issue with passing a select query to parse is that each returned item is in unevaluated form. As discussed here, simply applying value to a parse tree does not work. However, if we evaluate each one of the arguments fully, then there would be no nested parse trees. We could then apply value to the result:

q)eval each parse "select count i from trade where 140>(count;i) fby sym"

The equivalence below holds for a general qSQL query provided as a string:

q)value[str]~value eval each parse str

In particular:

q)str:"select count i from trade where 140>(count;i) fby sym"

q)value[str]~value eval each parse str

In fact, since within the functional form we can refer to the table by name we can make this even clearer. Also, the first item in the result of parse applied to a select query will always be ? (or ! for a deleteor update query) which cannot be evaluated any further. So we don’t need to apply eval to it.

q)pTree:parse str:"select count i from trade where 140>(count;i) fby sym"
q)@[pTree;2 3 4;eval]
q)value[str] ~ value @[pTree;2 3 4;eval]

Variable representation in parse trees

Recall that in a parse tree a variable is represented by a symbol containing its name. So to represent a symbol or a list of symbols, you must use enlist on that expression. In k, enlist is the unary form of the comma operator in k:

q)(#;3;enlist `a`b`c`d`e`f)~parse"3#`a`b`c`d`e`f"

This causes a difficulty. As discussed above, q has no unary syntax for operators.

Which means the following isn’t a valid q expression and so returns an error.


In the parse tree we receive we need to somehow distinguish between k’s unary , (which we want to replace with enlist) and the binary Join operator, which we want to leave as it is.

Explicit definitions in .q are shown in full

The fby in the select query above is represented by its full k definition.

q)parse "fby"
k){@[(#y)#x[0]0#x 1;g;:;x[0]'x[1]g:.=y]}

While using the k form isn’t generally a problem from a functionality perspective, it does however make the resulting functional statement difficult to read.

The solution

We will write a function to automate the process of converting a select query into its equivalent functional form.

This function, buildQuery, will return the functional form as a string.

q)buildQuery "select count i from trade where 140>(count;i) fby sym"
  (enlist`x)! enlist (count;`i)]"

When executed it will always return the same result as the select query from which it is derived:

q)str:"select count i from trade where 140>(count;i) fby sym"
q)value[str]~value buildQuery str

And since the same logic applies to exec, update and delete it will be able to convert to their corresponding functional forms also.

To write this function we will solve the three issues outlined above:

  1. parse-tree items may be parse trees
  2. parse trees use k’s unary syntax for operators
  3. q keywords from .q. are replaced by their k definitions

The first issue, where some items returned by parse may themselves be parse trees is easily resolved by applying eval to the individual items.

The second issue is with k’s unary syntax for ,. We want to replace it with the q keyword enlist. To do this we define a function that traverses the parse tree and detects if any element is an enlisted list of symbols or an enlisted single symbol. If it finds one we replace it with a string representation of enlist instead of ,.

ereptest:{ //returns a boolean
  (1=count x) and ((0=type x) and 11=type first x) or 11=type x}
ereplace:{"enlist",.Q.s1 first x}
funcEn:{$[ereptest x;ereplace x;0=type x;.z.s each x;x]}

Before we replace the item we first need to check it has the correct form. We need to test if it is one of:

  • An enlisted list of syms. It will have type 0h, count 1 and the type of its first item will be 11h if and only if it is an enlisted list of syms.
  • An enlisted single sym. It will have type 11h and count 1 if and only if it is an enlisted single symbol.

The ereptest function above performs this check, with ereplace performing the replacement.

Console size

.Q.s1 is dependent on the size of the console so make it larger if necessary.

Since we are going to be checking a parse tree which may contain parse trees nested to arbitrary depth, we need a way to check all the elements down to the base level.

We observe that a parse tree is a general list, and therefore of type 0h. This knowledge combined with the use of .z.s allows us to scan a parse tree recursively. The logic goes: if what you have passed into funcEn is a parse tree then reapply the function to each element.

To illustrate we examine the following select query.

q)show pTree:parse "select from trade where sym like \"F*\",not sym=`FD"
,((like;`sym;"F*");(~:;(=;`sym;,`FD))) 0b

q)x:eval pTree 2         //apply eval to Where clause

Consider the Where clause in isolation.

q)x //a 2-list of Where clauses

q)funcEn x

Similarly we create a function which will replace k functions with their q equivalents in string form, thus addressing the third issue above.

q)kreplace:{[x] $[`=qval:.q?x;x;string qval]}
q)funcK:{$[0=t:type x;.z.s each x;t<100h;x;kreplace x]}

Running these functions against our Where clause, we see the k representations being converted to q.


q)funcK x //replaces ~: with “not”

Next, we make a slight change to kreplace and ereplace and combine them.

kreplace:{[x] $[`=qval:.q?x;x;"~~",string[qval],"~~"]}
ereplace:{"~~enlist",(.Q.s1 first x),"~~"}
q)funcEn funcK x
(like;`sym;"F*") ("~~not~~";(=;`sym;"~~enlist`FD~~"))

The double tilde here is going to act as a tag to allow us to differentiate from actual string elements in the parse tree. This allows us to drop the embedded quotation marks at a later stage inside the buildQuery function:

q)ssr/[;("\"~~";"~~\"");("";"")] .Q.s1 funcEn funcK x

thus giving us the correct format for the Where clause in a functional select. By applying the same logic to the rest of the parse tree we can write the buildQuery function.

q)buildQuery "select from trade where sym like \"F*\",not sym=`FD"

One thing to take note of is that since we use reverse lookup on the .q namespace and only want one result we occasionally get the wrong keyword back.

q)buildQuery "update tstamp:ltime tstamp from z"
"![z;();0b;(enlist`tstamp)!enlist (reciprocal;`tstamp)]"


These instances are rare and a developer should be able to spot when they occur. Of course, the functional form will still work as expected but could confuse readers of the code.

Fifth and sixth arguments

Functional select also has ranks 5 and 6; i.e. fifth and sixth arguments.

Q for Mortals: §9.12.1 Functional queries

We also cover these with the buildQuery function.

q)buildQuery "select[10 20] from trade"
"?[trade;();0b;();10 20]"
q)//5th parameter included

The 6th argument is a column and a direction to order the results by. Use < for ascending and > for descending.

q)parse"select[10;<price] from trade"


q)qfind each ("<:";">:")   //qfind defined above

We see that the k function for the 6th argument of the functional form is <: (ascending) or >: (descending). At first glance this appears to be hopen or hclose. In fact in earlier versions of q, iasc and hopen were equivalent (as were idesc and hclose). The definitions of iasc and idesc were later altered to signal a rank error if not applied to a list.



q)iasc 7

Since the columns of a table are lists, it is irrelevant whether the functional form uses the old or new version of iasc or idesc.

The buildQuery function handles the 6th argument as a special case so will produce iasc or idesc as appropriate.

q)buildQuery "select[10 20;>price] from trade"
"?[trade;();0b;();10 20;(idesc;`price)]"

The full buildQuery function code is as follows:

\c 30 200
tidy:{ssr/[;("\"~~";"~~\"");("";"")] $[","=first x;1_x;x]}
strBrk:{y,(";" sv x),z}

//replace k representation with equivalent q keyword
kreplace:{[x] $[`=qval:.q?x;x;"~~",string[qval],"~~"]}
funcK:{$[0=t:type x;.z.s each x;t<100h;x;kreplace x]}

//replace eg ,`FD`ABC`DEF with "enlist`FD`ABC`DEF"
ereplace:{"~~enlist",(.Q.s1 first x),"~~"}
ereptest:{(1=count x) and ((0=type x) and 11=type first x) or 11=type x}
funcEn:{$[ereptest x;ereplace x;0=type x;.z.s each x;x]}

basic:{tidy .Q.s1 funcK funcEn x}


//Where clause needs to be a list of Where clauses,
//so if only one Where clause, need to enlist.
stringify:{$[(0=type x) and 1=count x;"enlist ";""],basic x}

//if a dictionary, apply to both keys and values
  $[(0=count x) or -1=type x; .Q.s1 x;
    99=type x; (addbraks stringify key x ),"!",stringify value x;
    stringify x] }

  idxs:2 3 4 5 6 inter ainds:til count x;
  if[6 in idxs;x[6]:ssr/[;("hopen";"hclose");("iasc";"idesc")] x[6]];
  //for select statements within select statements
  x[1]:$[-11=type x 1;x 1;[idxs,:1;.z.s x 1]];
  x:@[x;ainds except idxs;string];
  x[0],strBrk[1_x;"[";"]"] }

buildQuery:{inner parse x}

Q for Mortals §9.12 Functional Forms
Functional Query Functions