Q by examples¶
Simple arithmetic¶
q)2+2 / comment is ' /': left of /: whitespace or nothing
q)2-3 / negative numbers
q)2*3+4 / no precedence, right to left
q)(2*3)+4 / parentheses change order
q)3%4 / division
q){x*x}4 / square
q)sqrt 4 / square root
q)reciprocal 4 / 1/x
Operations using lists¶
q)2*1 2 3 / numeric list with space separators
2 4 6
q)1 2 3%2 4 6 / list-to-list operations, same size
0.5 0.5 0.5
q)count 1 2 3 / items in a list
q)3#1 / generate sequence of same numbers
1 1 1
q)5#1 2 / or from a list of given items
1 2 1 2 1
List items¶
q)first 1 2 3 / first item
q)last 1 2 3 / last item
q)1_1 2 3 / rest without first item
2 3
q)-1_1 2 3 / rest without last item
1 2
q)reverse 1 2 3 / reverse
3 2 1
Indexing and sorting¶
q)1 2 3@1 / indexing is zero-based
q)1 2 3@1 0 / index can be vector too
2 1
q)til 3 / generate zero-based sequence
0 1 2
q)2 4 6?4 / index of given item/s
q)iasc 2 1 6 / indexes of sorted order
1 0 2
q)asc 2 1 6 / sort vector
`s#1 2 6
List aggregation¶
q)1 2 3,10 20 / join lists
1 2 3 10 20
q)1+2+3 / sum of items
q)sum 1 2 3 / insert '+' between items
q)sums 1 2 3 / running sum of items
1 3 6
q)1,(1+2),(1+2+3) / same as this
1 3 6
q){1_x+prev x}til 5 / sum running pairs
1 3 5 7
q)sum each{(2*til ceiling .5*count x)_x}1 2 3 4 5 / non-intersecting pairs
3 7 5
q)(1 2;3 4 6;7 6) / list
(1 2;3 4 6;7 6)
q)first(3 4 6;7 6) / first item in the list
3 4 6
Function combinations¶
q){x+x*x}4 / a + a^2
q)(sqrt;{x*x})@\:4 / [sqrt(a), a^2]
q){x*x}sum 2 3 / (a +b)^2
q)sum{x*x}2 3 / a^2 + b^2
q){sum(x*x),2*/x}2 3 / (a + b)^2 = a^2 + b^2 + 2ab
q)sqrt sum{x*x}3 4 / sqrt(a^2 + b^2)
User-defined functions and arguments¶
q)d1:- / binary projection
q)d2:{x-y} / explicit binary
q)m1:neg / unary projection
q)m2:0- / unary projection
q)m3:{neg x} / explicit unary
q)(m1;m2;m3)@\:4 / unary functions
-4 -4 -4
q)(d1;d2).\:3 4 / binary functions
-1 -1
Exponent and logarithm¶
q)(e;2*e;e*e:exp 1) / e, 2e, e squared
2.718282 5.436564 7.389056
q)exp 2 / exponent, e^2
q)2 xexp 16 / exponent base 2, 2^16
q)log exp 2 / logarithm, ln e^2
q)2 xlog 65536 / logarithm base 2, log2 65536
q)a:(pi;2*pi;pi*pi:acos -1) / pi, 2 pi, pi squared
3.141593 6.283185 9.869604
q)cos pi / cosine of pi
q)(t:sum{x*x}@(cos;sin)@\:)pi / theorem of trigonometry
q)t a / test theorem at angles
1 1 1.0
q)1 2 3*/:1 2 3 / outer product: multiplication table
(1 2 3;2 4 6;3 6 9)
q){x=/:x}@til 3 / identity matrix
q)2 3#til 6 / generate matrix
(0 1 2;3 4 5)
q)2 2#0 1 1 1 / reshape vector to matrix
(0 1;1 1)
Structural transforms¶
q)show N:0 3_/:2 6#til 12 / list of atoms
0 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11
q)raze/[N] / ravel
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
q)raze each N / ravel each sub-matrix
(0 1 2 3 4 5;6 7 8 9 10 11)
q)show M:3 3#"ABC123!@#" / character matrix
q)(::;flip;reverse;reverse each;1 rotate)@\:M
"ABC" "123" "!@#"
"A1!" "B2@" "C3#"
"!@#" "123" "ABC"
"CBA" "321" "#@!"
"123" "!@#" "ABC"
q)M ./:/:f value group sum each f:n cross n:til 3 / secondary diagonals
q)M ./:a,'a:til count M / main diagonal
q)N:((0 1 2;3 4 5);(6 7 8;9 10 11))
q)((N 1) 1) 1 / repetitive selection of items From list
q)3@[;1]/N / apply select 3 times
q)N[1;1;1] / cross sectional select
q)N . 1 1 1 / cross sectional select too
Factorial and binomial¶
q)each[f:{$[x<0;0;prd 1.+til x]}]1+til 5 / factorial
1 2 6 24 120.0
q)prds 1+til 5 / running product
1 2 6 24 120
q)(b:{til[x]{$[x<y;0;floor f[x]%f[y]*f x-y]}\:/:til x})5 / binomial coeff.
(1 1 1 1 1;0 1 2 3 4;0 0 1 3 6;0 0 0 1 4;0 0 0 0 1)
q)/ fibonacci: sum of second diagonal of binomial matrix
q)1_{sum b[x]./:flip(til x;reverse til x)}each til 16
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610
Dot product¶
q)1 2 3 wsum 1 2 3 / dot product wsum=+/* (optimized)
q)1 2 3.$1 2 3. / also
q)M:(0 1.;1 1.) / assignment
q)M$M / matrix squared (optimized)
(1 1.;1 2.)
q)15$[M]/M / matrix to the power of 15, also fibonacci
(610 987.;987 1597.)
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610f
Randomness and probability¶
q)A:5?1.;A / 5 random floats from 0..1
0.03505812 0.7834427 0.7999031 0.9046515 0.2232866
q)B:10?2;B / coin toss
1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0
q)B1:10?0b;B1 / with booleans
q)C:-3?3;C / deal 3 unique cards out of 3
1 0 2
q)(min;max)@\:A / min and max over the list
0.03505812 0.9046515
q)B?0 / first zero
q)avg C~/:1_10000{-3?3}\() / method monte carlo
q)reciprocal f 3 / exact probability of 3 cards in given order
Unique elements¶
q)D:distinct S:"mississippi" / distinct items
q)K:D?S;K / find (?) indexes
0 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 3 3 1
q)S value group K / group by key
q)count each group S / frequencies
"misp"!1 4 4 2
q)I:(til count S)in first each group S;I / sieve of nub where D is in S
q)S where I / filter by sieve to get D
q)sum D=/:S / where items of D are in S
1 4 4 2
Source code kxcontrib/avrabecz/qybeg.q
Based on J by Example 06/11/2005 © Oleg Kobchenko