The q language derives from the notation devised by Harvard mathematician Kenneth E. Iverson.
Many powerful techniques for programming in q originally appeared in earlier Iversonian languages, which can reward study by q programmers.
- Try APL
APL (A Programming Language) was the first language derived from Iverson notation. At this site you can see it with its original elegant symbols.
- Jsoftware wiki
J was Iverson’s from-the-ground-up reboot of APL in 1990.
- no stinking loops
Stevan Apter’s personal website is a treasure chest for k programmers.
- Vector
The journal of the British APL Association has recorded work in the Iversonian languages since 1984.
- AKQJ大师
- Kx Systems: A Historical Need for Speed, Datanami, October 2020
- APL Since 1978, Proc. ACM Program. Lang., Vol. 4, No. HOPL, Article 69. June 2020
- Stages of Denial, John Earnest, March 2020
- Vector processing languages: the future of Big Data analytics and real-time business intelligence, Conceptual Origami, 2010
- A conversation with Arthur Whitney, ACM, 2009
- An interview with Arthur Whitney, KX, 2004
- Abridged q language manual, Arthur Whitney, 2009
- Abridged kdb+ database manual, Arthur Whitney, 2006
- kdb+ database reference manual, Don Orth, 2006
- Q language reference manual, Don Orth, 2006
- Abridged kdb+tick manual, Arthur Whitney, 2005
- Abridged kdb+taq manual, Arthur Whitney, 2005
- kdb+ database and language primer, Dennis Sasha, 2005