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The q language

Q is the programming system for working with kdb+. This corresponds to SQL for traditional databases, but unlike SQL, q is a powerful programming language in its own right.

Q is an interpreted language. Q expressions can be entered and executed in the q console, or loaded from a q script, which is a text file with extension .q.

You need at least some familiarity with q to use kdb+. Try following the examples here in the q console interface. Also, ensure that you have installed the example files.

The following pages will also be useful:

Loading q

You load q by changing to the main q directory, then running the q executable. Note that you should not just click the q executable from the file explorer – this will load q but start in the wrong directory.

It is best to create a start-up batch file or script to do this, and there are examples in the q/start directory, see q.bat (Windows), (Linux) and (macOS).

For example, the Windows q.bat is:

cd \q
w32\q.exe %*

In Linux/macOS, it is best to call the q executable under rlwrap to support line recall and edit. The Linux script is:

cd ~/q
rlwrap l32/q "$@"

First steps

Once q is loaded, you can enter expressions for execution:

q)2 + 3
q)2 + 3 4 7
5 6 9

You can confirm that you are in the QHOME directory by calling a directory list command, e.g.

q)\ls *.q
q)\dir *.q

Command-line options

Command-line options e.g. q profile.q -p 5001

  • loads script profile.q at startup. This can in turn load other scripts.
  • sets listening port to 5001

At any prompt, enter \\ to exit q.

Console modes

The usual prompt is q). Sometimes a different prompt is given; you need to understand why this is, and how to return to the standard prompt.

  1. If a function is suspended, then the prompt has two or more ). In this case, enter a single \ to remove one level of suspension, and repeat until the prompt becomes q). For example:

    q)f:{2+x}        / define function f
    q)f `sym         / function call fails with symbol argument
    {2+x}            / and is left suspended
    q))\             / prompt becomes q)). Enter \ to return to usual prompt
  2. If there is no suspension, then a single \ will toggle between q and k modes:

    q)count each (1 2;"abc")    / q expression for length of each list item
    2 3
    q)\                         / toggle to k mode
      #:'(1 2;"abc")            / equivalent k expression
    2 3
      \                         / toggle back to q mode
  3. If you change namespace, then the prompt includes the namespace.

    q)\d .h                     / change to .h namespace
    q.h)\d .                    / change back to default namespace

    Basics: System command \d

Error messages

Error messages are terse. The format is a single quote, followed by error text:

q)1 2 + 10 20 30             / cannot add 2 numbers to 3 numbers
q)2 + "hello"                / cannot add number to character

Basics: Errors

Introductory examples

To gain experience with the language, enter the following examples and explain the results. Also experiment with similar expressions.

q)x:2 5 4 7 5
2 5 4 7 5
q)count x
q)8 # x
2 5 4 7 5 2 5 4
q)2 3 # x
2 5 4
7 5 2
q)sum x
q)sums x
2 7 11 18 23
q)distinct x
2 5 4 7
q)reverse x
5 7 4 5 2
q)x within 4 10
q)x where x within 4 10
5 4 7 5
q)y:(x;"abc")             / list of lists
2 5 4 7 5
q)count y
q)count each y
5 3

The following is a function definition, where x represents the argument:

q)f:{2 + 3 * x}
q)f 5
q)f til 5
2 5 8 11 14

Q makes essential use of a symbol datatype:

q)a:`toronto        / symbol
q)b:"toronto"       / character string
q)count a
q)count b
q)a~b               / a is not the same as b
q)a~`$b             / `$b converts b to symbol

Data structures

Q basic data structures are atoms (singletons) and lists. Other data structures like dictionaries and tables are built from lists. For example, a simple table is just a list of column names associated with a list of corresponding column values, each of which is a list.

q)item:`nut                 / atom (singleton)

q)items:`nut`bolt`cam`cog   / list
q)sales: 6 8 0 3            / list
q)prices: 10 20 15 20       / list

q)(items;sales;prices)      / list of lists
nut bolt cam cog
6   8    0   3
10  20   15  20

q)dict:`items`sales`prices!(items;sales;prices) / dictionary
items | nut bolt cam cog
sales | 6   8    0   3
prices| 10  20   15  20

q)tab:([]items;sales;prices)                   / table
items sales prices
nut   6     10
bolt  8     20
cam   0     15
cog   3     20

Note that a table is a flip (transpose) of a dictionary:

q)flip dict
items sales prices
nut   6     10
bolt  8     20
cam   0     15
cog   3     20

The table created above is an ordinary variable in the q workspace, and could be written to disk. In general, you create tables in memory and then write to disk.

Since it is a table, you can use SQL-like query expressions on it:

q)select from tab where prices < 20
items sales prices
nut   6     10
cam   0     15

Since it is an ordinary variable, you can also index it and do other typical data manipulations:

q)tab 1 3                 / index rows 1 and 3
items sales prices
bolt  8     20
cog   3     20

q)tab `sales              / index column sales
6 8 0 3

q)tab, tab                / join two copies
items sales prices
nut   6     10
bolt  8     20
cam   0     15
cog   3     20
nut   6     10
bolt  8     20
cam   0     15
cog   3     20

A keyed table has one or more columns as keys:

q)1!tab                   / keyed table
items| sales prices
-----| ------------
nut  | 6     10
bolt | 8     20
cam  | 0     15
cog  | 3     20

Functions, operators, keywords, iterators

All functions take arguments on their right in brackets. Operators can also take arguments on left and right, as in 2+2 (infix syntax). Iterators take value arguments on their left (postfix syntax) and return derived functions.

q)sales * prices                 / operator: *
60 160 0 60
q)sum sales * prices             / keyword: sum
q)sumamt:{sum x*y}               / define lambda: sumamt

q)(sum sales*prices) % sum sales / calculate weighted average
q)sales wavg prices              / keyword: wavg

q)sales , prices                 / operator: , join lists
6 8 0 3 10 20 15 20
q)sales ,' prices                / iterator: ' join lists in pairs
6 10
8 20
0 15
3 20

Functions can apply to dictionaries and tables:

q)-2 # tab
items sales prices
cam   0     15
cog   3     20

Functions can be used within queries:

q)select items,sales,prices,amount:sales*prices from tab
items sales prices amount
nut   6     10     60
bolt  8     20     160
cam   0     15     0
cog   3     20     60


A q script is a plain text file with extension .q, which contains q expressions that are executed when loaded.

For example, load the script KxSystems/kdb/sp.q and display the s table that it defines:

q)\l sp.q                                / load script

q)s                                      / display table s
s | name  status city
--| -------------------
s1| smith 20     london
s2| jones 10     paris
s3| blake 30     paris
s4| clark 20     london
s5| adams 30     athens

Within a script, a line that contains a single / starts a comment block. A line with a single \ ends the comment block, or if none, exits the script.

A script can contain multi-line definitions. Any line that is indented is taken to be a continuation of the previous line. Blank lines, superfluous blanks, and lines that are comments (begin with /) are ignored in determining this. For example, if a script has contents:

a:1 2

/ this is a comment line

    + 4


Then loading this script would define a and b as:

5 6 7                / i.e. 1 2 3 + 4

Multi-line function definitions

In scripts, indentation allows function definitions to span multiple lines.

  b:x+til floor y;
  a & b }

The convention entails that in a multi-line definition the closing brace must also be indented. It is less likely to get misplaced if suffixed to the last line.

Q queries

Q queries are similar to SQL, though often much simpler. Loading the script KxSystems/kdb/sp.q to populate tables s,p and sp we can show some query examples:

\l sp.q

q)select from p where weight=17
p | name color weight city
--| ------------------------
p2| bolt green 17 paris
p3| screw blue 17 rome

SQL statements can be entered, if prefixed with s).

q)s)select * from p where color in (red,green)  / SQL query
p | name  color weight city
--| -------------------------
p1| nut   red   12     london
p2| bolt  green 17     paris
p4| screw red   14     london
p6| cog   red   19     london

The q equivalent would be:

q)select from p where color in `red`green

Similarly, compare:

q)select distinct p, from sp
s)select distinct sp.p, from sp,s where sp.s=s.s


q)select from sp where
s)select sp.s,sp.p,sp.qty from s,p,sp where sp.s=s.s
    and sp.p=p.p and

Note that the dot notation in q automatically references the appropriate table.

Q results can have lists in the rows.

q)select qty by s from sp
s | qty
--| -----------------------
s1| 300 200 400 200 100 400
s2| 300 400
s3| ,200
s4| 100 200 300

ungroup will flatten the result.

q)ungroup select qty by s from sp
s qty
s1 300
s1 200
s1 400
s1 200

Calculations can be performed on the intermediate results.

q)select countqty:count qty,sumqty:sum qty by p from sp
p | countqty sumqty
--| ---------------
p1| 2        600
p2| 4        1000
p3| 1        400
p4| 2        500
p5| 2        500
p6| 1        100