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Schema configuration

A schema describes a collection of tables. Schemas are used to describe all of the tables within a kdb Insights Database.

Schemas can either be defined as a static YAML configuration in an assembly or visually using the kdb Insights Enterprise UI. Within an assembly file, this configuration sits under spec.tables. Each table within a schema is a collection of columns, attributes and metadata information.

Partitioned tables

A schema must have at least one table that is a partitioned table.

      description: Manufacturing trace data
      type: partitioned
      blockSize: 10000
      prtnCol: updateTS
      sortColsOrd: [sensorID]
      sortColsDisk: [sensorID]
        - name: sensorID
          description: Sensor Identifier
          type: int
          attrMem: grouped
          attrOrd: parted
          attrDisk: parted
        - name: readTS
          description: Reading timestamp
          type: timestamp
        - name: captureTS
          description: Capture timestamp
          type: timestamp
        - name: valFloat
          description: Sensor value
          type: float
        - name: qual
          description: Reading quality
          type: byte
        - name: alarm
          description: Enumerated alarm flag
          type: byte
        - name: updateTS
          description: Ingestion timestamp
          type: timestamp


For each table in a schema, the following fields can be configured.

name type required description
description string No A textual description for the table. This can be used to provide an overview of the data collected in the current table.
type string Yes The type of the table is how the table is managed on disk. For time based tables, use partitioned. For supplementary data, use splayed, basic, or splayed_mem. Note that at least one of your tables must be partitioned. See Table types.
blockSize int No This value indicates when data should be written to disk. After this many records are received, data is written to disk. Writing more frequently increases disk IO but will use less memory. If omitted, the default value is 12 million records.
prtnCol string No The name of the column within the table to use to partition the content. The column type it points to must be a timestamp. This value is required if the table type is set to partitioned.
sortColsMem string[] No A list of columns to use for sorting columns in a memory tier. Setting this value will sort data as it arrives in memory. If you want data to also have the sorted attribute, set attrMem to sorted. This typically corresponds to the data sort of the RDB tier.
sortColsOrd string[] No A list of columns to use for sorting columns in an ordinal partitioned tier. Setting this value will sort data as it migrates into ordinal partitions. If you want data to also have the sorted attribute, set attrOrd to sorted. This typically corresponds to the data sort of the IDB tier.
sortColsDisk string[] No A list of columns to use for sorting columns in a normal disk tier. Settings this value will sort data as it is migrated into disk partitions. If you want data to also have the sorted attribute, set attrDisk to sorted. This typically corresponds to the data sort of the HDB tier.
primaryKeys string[] No Names of columns to use as primary keys for this table. Primary keys are used for indicating unique data within a table. When provided, the table is keyed by these columns and any updates that have matching keys will update records with matching keys.
isSharded boolean No Specifies if this table is split across multiple assemblies. When using this property, it must be consistent for all instances of this table in all assemblies.
columns object[] Yes A list of the columns in the table. The order of this list of columns is the order they will be organized as. See below for column configuration.
oldName string No The name of a previous version of this table. This field can be used when changing the name of a table within a schema. See schema modifications below for details.

Table types

The list of supported table types is as follows:

type description
partitioned Data is stored in date partitions, and distributed across RDB, IDB, and HDB.
splayed Data is stored as a single directory (each column an individual file therein) in the IDB directory. The same copy of the data is memory mapped in RDB, IDB, and HDB (within an assembly).
basic Data is stored as a single file in the IDB directory. The same copy of the data is memory mapped in RDB, IDB, and HDB (within an assembly).
splayed_mem Data is stored as a single directory (each column an individual file therein) in the IDB directory. The same copy of the data is loaded into memory in RDB, IDB, and HDB (within an assembly).

Splayed and basic table name restrictions

Splayed and basic table names MUST begin with a letter ([a-zA-Z]).


For each column in a table, the following fields can be configured.

name type required description
name string Yes The name of the column in the table. The name must be unique within a single table and should be a single word that represents the purpose of the data within the column. This name must conform to kdb+ naming restrictions:
• Should not use any reserved kdb+ primitives. See for details.
• Should not use reserved word 'date' or 'int'.
• Should not use reserved word/prefix: 'label_'.
type string Yes The type of the column. See types below for more details.
description string No A textual description of the column for documentation purposes.
attrMem string No Column attributes to apply when the table is in memory. This typically only applies to the RDB tier. See attribute details below for more information.
attrOrd string No Column attributes to apply when the table is ordinal partitioned. This typically only applies to the IDB tier. See attribute details below for more information.
attrDisk string No Column attributes to apply when the table is partitioned on disk. This typically only applies to the HDB tier. See attribute details below for more information.
foreign string No Indicates the values of this column are a foreign key into a column in another table. This value should be in the form of table.column, where the table is another table in the same schema and the column is in that table. If the foreign key value is provided, the column type must match the type of the column in the other table.
anymap boolean No Indicates if nested data can be stored as a memory mapped 'anymap' file. An anymap file allows lists of lists to be stored in a column. Using this settings reduces the amount of memory used when loading table with this column as loading is deferred until the column is specifically used. Note that compression is not currently supported for columns that have anymap specified. See the release notes for more details on anymap files.
oldName string No Indicates the name of a previous version of this column. This is used when renaming a column. See schema modification below for details.
backfill string No The name of the function to call to get the value for the column when backfilling it. See schema modification below for details.


Column types support all of the base datatypes supported in kdb+. For columns containing only atom values, use the singular form of the data type. To indicate that a column is intended to support vectors of a given type, use the plural of the type name, except for char, whose vector equivalent is string.

Type example

For a column of long numbers, use the type long.


For a column of vectors of long integers, use longs.

0 1 2
4 5 6
7 8 9

For a column of vectors of characters, use string.

name type description
boolean 1h True or false values.
guid 2h Unique identifiers in the form of 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000.
byte 4h Individual byte values on the range of 0x00 to 0xFF.
short 5h A 2 byte short integer value in the range of -32767h to 32767h.
int 6h A 4 byte integer value value in the range of -2147483647 to 2147483647.
long 7h An 8 byte integer value with the maximum unsigned integer byte range.
real 8h A 4 byte floating point value.
float 9h An 8 byte floating point value.
char 10h A byte value representing a character value.
symbol 11h A symbol is a string of characters that is stored as an enumeration on disk. Reserve this datatype for repeated character values. Using this for unique character data will incur significant query performance overhead.
timestamp 12h Stores a date and time as the number of nanoseconds since 2000.01.01. All partitioned tables should have at least one column that is a timestamp for partitioning its data on.
month 13h Represents a month and year value without a day.
date 14h Represents a month, year and day value as a date.
datetime 15h A deprecated format for storing temporal values that uses a float as its underlying data structure. When using this datatype, it is possible to have two datetimes point to the same day but not be equivalent due to float precision. Use a timestamp over datetime whenever possible.
timespan 16h Stores a time duration as a number of nanoseconds.
minute 17h Stores hours and minutes of a timestamp.
second 18h Stores hours, minutes and seconds of a timestamp.
time 19h Stores hours, minutes, seconds and sub-seconds to nanosecond precision.

To indicate a mixed type of 0h, provide the type field with an empty string.

- name: mixedData
  type: ""


Attributes are used to tune the performance of queries in a kdb Insights database. You can set attributes differently depending on the different tiers of your database and you can tune attributes to optimize performance at each tier. Using attributes slightly increases storage space usage, RAM usage and processing required during ingest. Note that the sorted attribute is not the same as the sorting setting (sortColsOrd/sortColsDisk). The following column attributes are available:

  • no attributes - requires a linear scan for filters against the column
  • sorted (requires sorting) - ascending values - allows binary search for filters against the column
  • parted (requires sorting) - maintains an index allowing constant time access to the start of a group of identical values
  • grouped (does not require sorting) maintains a separate index for the column, identifying the positions of each distinct value. note - this index can take up significant storage space.
  • unique - (requires all values be distinct) allows a constant-time lookup - typically used for primary keys

More information about attributes, their use, and tradeoffs is available in the kdb+ documentation.

Within the table configuration, an attribute property can be set on particular columns within the table. There are three levels of attributes that can be set, attrMem, attrOrd and attrDisk. The memory level attribute applies when data is in memory which is used for any real-time tiers (RDB) in your database configuration. The ordinal level attribute is used for data that is stored intermittently throughout the day. This applies to the IDB tier of a database. Lastly, the disk attribute applies to all disk tiers including the HDB and subsequent tiers such as object storage.

KX recommends that you use the parted attribute on the column that will be used for filtering most frequently. You can only have one column in a table with the sorted or parted attribute. You can apply the grouped attribute to any column without needing to sort it. Setting the parted attribute requires sorting, which requires a significant amount of memory. Ensure that the Storage Manager has enough memory allocated for a full day's worth of data for the largest column that is sorted.


Offline modifications to schemas are supported when using an assembly file. You can make the following modifications:

  • Adding tables
  • Renaming tables
  • Deleting tables
  • Adding columns
  • Renaming columns
  • Removing columns
  • Reordering columns
  • Changing column attributes
  • Changing data types of columns
  • Enabling and disabling encryption

Changing column sort is not supported

Changes to the sort columns of data on disk is currently not supported. This includes modifying sortColsOrd and sortColsDisk. Modifications to the sort order of a database would require the entire database to loaded, reordered and rewritten. This restriction implies that changing the parted and sorted attributes for columns that do not already have a sort applied will fail. In order to make this type of modification, the database must be manually exported, sorted and then re-imported using an initial import with the re-ordered data.

The Storage Manager performs schema modification during initialization. To trigger this process, you must first stop your assembly or Storage Manager, make the desired modification and then start it again. If SM detects a difference in the schema of the table currently stored on disk and the provided schema, it will start a schema conversion. SM will not accept any new data until the schema conversion is complete.

Blocking change

The Storage Manager will not accept any new data while a schema conversion is taking place. When performing a schema upgrade on a large database, this process can take some time to finish. This is especially true when an object storage tier is used. During a schema conversion, it is recommended that all data publishers are stopped until the schema conversion is complete. This will avoid accumulating back pressure on any streams in the system. Once the schema conversion is complete, SM will process any messages that were buffered in the stream while the conversion was taking place.

Modifying the assembly file

Conversion operations are triggered by changing the schema in the assembly file. Most schema changes can be expressed in a straightforward way by modifying the tables section. Table and column renames need to be specified explicitly to link tables and columns to their previous names by setting the oldName attribute. If a table or column is found that matches the oldName of a table or column, a rename takes place. To avoid confusing scenarios, oldName values for different tables or columns must not match, nor may they match the current name of another table or column. The restriction on columns applies within the columns of a table. Therefore more complex operations such as swapping two columns requires a multi-step process where a swap is performed in one upgrade and a rename in a subsequent upgrade. Once the renaming is complete, it is recommended to update the schema again to remove the oldName values.

Step-by-step process

  1. Teardown the assembly, either from the UI or the CLI.
  2. Update the assembly configuration.
  3. Start SM and DA processes (Before 1.4.0, wait for the conversion to end before starting DAPs), either from the UI or the CLI.
  4. Check the logs of EOI for conversion status. When the conversion starts, Performing on-disk conversion is logged by EOI. Then each operation is logged as it is performed. Upon successful completion, On-disk conversion complete, elapsed=XXX is logged with the actual elapsed time.

If there is an object storage tier, the conversion will first check if the object storage matches the schema in the assembly. Any discrepancies are printed out and the EOI process aborts.


Backfilling a column

When adding a new column, by default it is populated with the null values for its type. However, it may be desirable to populate it with calculated values instead. The backfill property can be used for this purpose.

See an example schema definition below. In this example, colB and colC are assumed to be newly-defined columns in your schema. The custom functions you wish to run to generate your new colB and colC are referenced in the backfill field.

      - name: sym
        description: Symbol name
        type: symbol
      - name: realTime
        description: Time
        type: timestamp
      - name: colA
        description: colA
        type: long
      - name: colB
        description: colB
        type: long
        backfill: .my.calcColB
      - name: colC
        description: colC
        type: float
        backfill: .my.calcColC
      - name: sym
        description: Symbol name
        type: symbol
      - name: realTime
        description: Time
        type: timestamp
      - name: size
        description: size
        type: long
      - name: price
        description: price
        type: float

With the custom function referenced, .my.calcColB and .my.calcColC will be called for every partition (for intraday data, this means every interval individually) during the database conversion that will add your new column.

To provide the definition of the two functions, we must first create a package with a storage-manager entrypoint. The manifest.yaml file would look like:

name: test-package
version: 0.0.1
  description: ''
  - name: root
    email: ''
  storage-manager: convert.q

And in the convert.q file we can define the function:

  exec `long$4 mavg colA from data

  exec `float$sum size*price from .kxi.db.getTableData[`trade;part]

To load the package we have to add it to the list of packages loaded by SM using the KXI_PACKAGES environment variable in the assembly:

        - name: KXI_PACKAGES
          value: "test-package:0.0.1"

The function is called with the following parameters:

  • tn (symbol): the table name
  • part (opaque): a unique partition identifier
  • data (table): the contents of the table for the given partition

The function must return an atom or list of the correct type. If the return value is a list, it must be the same length as the other columns in data. Failing to meet these requirements results in a failure during conversion.

If the value of the new column depends only on the other columns in the same table, the data parameter can be used to inspect the other columns. If the data comes from another table, the function .kxi.db.getTableData[tn;part] can be used to retrieve a partition from an arbitrary table in the same assembly. The part parameter to .kxi.db.getTableData should be the same part as the one received by the backfill function.

Advanced operations like making the column depend on data from mismatching partitions (such as partition d depending on data from partition d+1 or d-1) or other assemblies is not supported via the backfill property. Furthermore tables or columns that are being renamed in the same conversion should not be accessed, as either the old or the new name may be invalid at the point the backfill function is called.

Renaming a column

Starting with the following schema:

      - name: sym
        description: Symbol name
        type: symbol
      - name: realTime
        description: Time
        type: timestamp
      - name: colA
        description: colA
        type: long
      - name: colB
        description: colB
        type: long

To rename colB to colC, we need to change the name in the schema from colB to colC, as well as add the oldName attribute to colC with the value of colB to ensure that SM sees this as a rename and not the deletion and addition of a column:

      - name: sym
        description: Symbol name
        type: symbol
      - name: realTime
        description: Time
        type: timestamp
      - name: colA
        description: colA
        type: long
      - name: colC
        description: colC
        type: long
        oldName: colB

After the conversion is finished, the schema can be updated again to remove the oldName attribute:

      - name: sym
        description: Symbol name
        type: symbol
      - name: realTime
        description: Time
        type: timestamp
      - name: colA
        description: colA
        type: long
      - name: colC
        description: colC
        type: long
This is in fact a necessary intermediate step if we also want to reintroduce the name colB (either by adding a new column or renaming colA). SM wouldn't allow a column named colB to be added as long as there is a column with an oldName of colB.

Renaming a table

Renaming a table works similarly to renaming a column, except we are adding the oldName attribute to the table itself.

Starting from the following schema:

    description: Example table
    type: partitioned
    blockSize: 10000
    prtnCol: realTime
    sortColsOrd: sym
    sortColsDisk: sym
      - name: sym
        description: Symbol name
        type: symbol
      - name: realTime
        description: Time
        type: timestamp
      - name: colA
        description: colA
        type: long
      - name: colB
        description: colB
        type: long

To rename tbl to tbl2, we need to change the name in the schema from tbl to tbl2, as well as add the oldName attribute to tbl2 with a value of tbl to ensure that SM sees this as a rename and not the deletion and addition of a table:

    description: Example table
    type: partitioned
    blockSize: 10000
    prtnCol: realTime
    sortColsOrd: sym
    sortColsDisk: sym
    oldName: tbl
      - name: sym
        description: Symbol name
        type: symbol
      - name: realTime
        description: Time
        type: timestamp
      - name: colA
        description: colA
        type: long
      - name: colB
        description: colB
        type: long

Once the conversion is done we can remove the oldName attribute.

Enabling encryption

To enable encryption, the following must be added at the top level:

  encryptAll: true

This will cause all tables to be encrypted both retroactively and for new data. To disable encryption, change true to false or remove this setting. This will cause all data to be decrypted retroactively and keep new data unencrypted.

Known issues

In version earlier than 1.4, DAPs could load the database while conversion was in progress resulting in errors. After 1.4, DAPs now wait until the conversion is complete before connecting to SM.