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kdb Insights Python API Quickstart

This quickstart provides you with a step-by-step guide to publish and retrieve data from a running instance of kdb Insights Enterprise using API calls and SQL.


  • You have installed the kdb Insights Python API following the installation guide.
  • You have access to a running version of the kdb Insights Enterprise.
  • You have access to some data within a database in your kdb Insights Enterprise instance.
  • You have access to and have set the following environment variables INSIGHTS_URL, INSIGHTS_CLIENT_ID and INSIGHTS_CLIENT_SECRET required to complete a query which are associated with your instance of kdb Insights Enterprise. The values for INSIGHTS_CLIENT_ID and INSIGHTS_CLIENT_SECRET can be retrived through keycloak as outlined here.



>>> from datetime import datetime, timedelta
>>> from kxi.publish.rtpublisher import RtPublisher
>>> from kxi.util import QType
>>> import kxi.query
>>> import os
>>> os.environ['KXI_CONFIG_URL']
>>> item = {'vendor': ['Happy Cabs'], 'pickup': [], 'dropoff': [ + timedelta(minutes=15)], 'passengers': [2], 'distance': [5], 'fare': [20], 'extra': [0],'tax': [0], 'tip': [2], 'tolls': [0], 'fees': [0], 'total': [22], 'payment_type': ['AMEX'] }
>>> schemas =  { 'taxi': {'vendor': QType.get('symbol'), 'pickup': QType.get('timestamp'), 'dropoff': QType.get('timestamp'), 'passengers': QType.get('long'), 'distance': QType.get('long'), 'fare': QType.get('long'), 'extra': QType.get('long'), 'tax': QType.get('long'), 'tip': QType.get('long'), 'tolls': QType.get('long'), 'fees': QType.get('long'), 'total': QType.get('long'), 'payment_type': QType.get('symbol') }}
>>> pub = RtPublisher(config_url=os.environ['KXI_CONFIG_URL'], rt_dir="/tmp/rt_data", schemas=schemas)
>>> pub.start() 
>>> pub.insert('taxi', item)
>>> pub.stop() 


The following shows two examples, the first returns the data as PyKX objects, which requires PyKX to be installed, the second returns the data as JSON data.

  • Create an authenticated connection to your instance of kdb Insights Enterprise using the kxi.query.Query class outlined here.

    >>> import kxi.query
    >>> import os
    >>> os.environ['INSIGHTS_URL']
    >>> os.environ['INSIGHTS_CLIENT_ID']
    >>> os.environ['INSIGHTS_CLIENT_SECRET']
    >>> conn = kxi.query.Query()
        >>> import kxi.query
        >>> import os
    >>> import json
        >>> os.environ['INSIGHTS_URL']
        >>> os.environ['INSIGHTS_CLIENT_ID']
        >>> os.environ['INSIGHTS_CLIENT_SECRET']
        >>> conn = kxi.query.Query(data_format='application/json')
  • Query the kdb Insights Deployment to retrieve the metadata relating to your deployed database. Including filtering for available API's.

    >>> conn.get_meta()
    rc      | +`api`agg`assembly`schema`rc`labels`started!(0 6;2 2;0 2;0 2;`andre..
    dap     | +`assembly`instance`startTS`endTS!(`python-test`crypto`crypto`pytho..
    api     | +`api`kxname`aggFn`custom`full`metadata`procs!(`.kxi.getData`.kxi.p..
    agg     | +`aggFn`custom`full`metadata`procs!(`.sgagg.aggFnDflt`.sgagg.getDat..
    assembly| +`assembly`kxname`tbls!(`s#`crypto`python-test;`crypto`python-test;..
    schema  | +`table`assembly`typ`pkCols`updTsCol`prtnCol`sortColsMem`sortColsID..
    >>> conn.get_meta()['api']
    api          kxname             aggFn          custom full metadata          ..
    .kxi.getData python-test crypto .sgagg.getData 0      1    `description`param..    python-test crypto                0      1    `description`param..
    >>> conn.get_meta()
    {'header': {'rcvTS': '2023-02-13T21:34:16.257000000', 'corr': '18d77741-a11f-4c45-bcbd-a555ba93b32a', 'protocol': 'gw', 'logCorr': '18d77741-a11f-4c45-bcbd-a555ba93b32a', 'client': ':', 'http': 'json', ...
    >>> conn.get_meta()['payload']['api']
    [{'api': '.kxi.getData', 'kxname': ['python-test', 'crypto'], 'aggFn': '.sgagg.getData', 'custom': False, 'full': True, 'metadata': {'description': 'Get timeseries and splayed data from data access processes.', 'params': [{'name': 'table', 'type': -11, 'isReq': True, 'description': 'Table to select from.'}, {'name': 'startTS', 'type': -12, 'isReq': False, 'description': 'Inclusive start time for period of interest.'}, {'name': 'endTS', 'type': -12, 'isReq': False, 'description': 'Exclusive end time for period of interest.'}, {'name': 'filter', 'type': 0, 'isReq': False, 'default': '', 'description': 'Custom filter.'}, {'name': 'groupBy', 'type': [-11, 11], 'isReq': False, 'default': '', 'description': 'Column(s) to determine aggregation grouping'}, {'name': 'agg', 'type': [-11, 11, 0], 'isReq': False, 'default': '', 'description': 'Column(s) to return or aggregations to perform (where ` returns all columns).'}, {'name': 'sortCols', 'type': [-11, 11], 'isReq': False, 'default': '', 'description': 'Column names to sort response payload on.'}, {'name': 'slice', 'type': [16, 18, 19], 'isReq': False, 'default': '', 'description': 'Timerange to grab from each date in request range'}, {'name': 'fill', 'type': -11, 'isReq': False, 'default': '', 'description': 'Fills option to apply to null data'}, {'name': 'temporality', 'type': -11, 'isReq': False, 'default': '', 'description': 'How to interpret time range, as continuous or as slice'}], 'return': {'type': 0, 'description': 'Triple consisting of sort columns (symbol[]), return columns (symbol[]), and table data (table)'}, 'misc': {'safe': True}, 'aggReturn': {'type': 98, 'description': 'Returns the raze of the tables.'}}, 'procs': []}, {'api': '', 'kxname': ['python-test', 'crypto'], 'aggFn': '', 'custom': False, 'full': True, 'metadata': {'description': 'Returns true if it reaches a target process.', 'params': [], 'return': {'type': -1, 'description': 'True.'}, 'misc': {'safe': True}, 'aggReturn': {}}, 'procs': []}]
  • Query the table my_table using an SQL statement.

    >>> conn.sql('SELECT * from taxi')
    date       label_kxname vendor     pickup                        dropoff     ..
    2024.05.14 na           Happy Cabs 2024.05.14D15:09:11.992705000 2024.05.14D1..
    2024.05.14 na           Happy Cabs 2024.05.14D15:30:40.666830000 2024.05.14D1..
    2024.05.14 na           Happy Cabs 2024.05.14D15:47:55.346594000 2024.05.14D1..
    >>> conn.sql('select * from obUpdates')['payload']
    'payload': [{'timestamp': '2023-01-11T09:15:52.447785984', 'market': 'Kraken', 'sym': 'BTCGBP', 'from_symbol': 'BTC', 'to_symbol': 'GBP', 'side': 'BID', 'action': 'ADD', 'ccseq': 1264949000, 'price': 14356.6, 'quantity': 0.09919806, 'seq': None, 'delay_timespan': '0D00:00:00.000806731', 'date': '2023-01-11', 'kxname': 'crypto'}, {'timestamp': '2023-01-11T09:15:52.985120000', 'market': 'Kraken', 'sym': 'BTCGBP', 'from_symbol': 'BTC',
  • Query the table my_table using a get_data API call, applying a filter and denoting the time from which data should be retrieved.

    >>> conn.get_data('obUpdates', start_time='2023.01.11D09:15:52.447785984', filter=[['=', 'side', 'BID']])
    timestamp                     market   sym    from_symbol to_symbol side acti..
    2023.01.11D09:15:52.447785984 Kraken   BTCGBP BTC         GBP       BID  ADD ..
    2023.01.11D09:15:53.058736128 Kraken   BTCGBP BTC         GBP       BID  REMO..
    2023.01.11D09:15:53.067506944 Kraken   BTCGBP BTC         GBP       BID  ADD ..
    2023.01.11D09:15:53.287335936 Kraken   BTCGBP BTC         GBP       BID  CHAN..
    2023.01.11D09:15:53.287882752 Bitfinex BTCGBP BTC         GBP       BID  CHAN..
    2023.01.11D09:15:53.462057984 Kraken   BTCGBP BTC         GBP       BID  REMO..
    >>> conn.get_data('obUpdates', start_time='2023.01.11D09:15:52.447785984', filter=[['=', 'side', 'BID']])['payload']
    [{'timestamp': '2023-01-11T09:15:52.447785984', 'market': 'Kraken', 'sym': 'BTCGBP', 'from_symbol': 'BTC', 'to_symbol': 'GBP', 'side': 'BID', 'action': 'ADD', 'ccseq': 1264949000, 'price': 14356.6, 'quantity': 0.09919806, 'seq': None, 'delay_timespan': '0D00:00:00.000806731'},