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kdb Insights Enterprise Packaging


A kdb Insights Enterprise package is a group of components that can be managed as one entity via the kdb Insights Enterprise UI, or from outside kdb Insights Enterprise using the kxi package command in the kdb Insights CLI.

A package is made up of:

  • A manifest file describing the content of a package and its dependencies.
  • Deployment Components including details on how processes need to be created and orchestrated.
  • Runtime Components defining the runtime behavior when you load a package from a q or python session.
  • Static Context describing relationships with other packages.
  • An initialization script defining the file/files to be loaded when a package is loaded.

A package is a directory containing files and sub-folders that describe these components.

Advantages of using packages over the deprecated assembly deployment mechanism.

The CLI and the kdb Insights Enterprise UI both interact with packages stored and deployed in kdb Insights Enterprise ensuring that the packages UI is kept in sync with the CLI and vice versa.

Package life cycle

The following list outlines the normal life cycle of a package, from creation to removal:

  1. Create a package locally.
  2. Add all the components you require to the local package.
  3. Pack the package locally into a .kxi package file, ready for upload to kdb Insights Enterprise.
  4. Upload the .kxi package to kdb Insights Enterprise.
  5. Deploy the package on kdb Insights Enterprise.
  6. Tear down the package on kdb Insights Enterprise.
  7. Remove a local package or a package on kdb Insights Enterprise.

Converting assemblies to packages

The CLI provides a conversion function to help you migrate from assemblies to packages. The remote-convert function takes an assembly file and creates a package with the same name. The packages is stored in a directory next to the original assembly.

This new package can be managed via the CLI or the UI, once uploaded to a kdb Insights Enterprise deployment. When you deploy the package, it behaves in the same way as the assembly it was created from:

kxi package remote-convert --help
 Usage: kxi package remote-convert [OPTIONS] ASSEMBLY_FILE                      

 Convert V1/V2 assemblies into Packages with the server. Optionally keep the    
 package installed on the server.                                               

╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --hostname,--url                  TEXT   Insights URL                        │
│                                          [env var: INSIGHTS_URL]             │
│ --realm                           TEXT   Realm                               │
│                                          [env var: INSIGHTS_REALM]           │
│                                          [default: insights]                 │
│ --client-id                       TEXT   Client id                           │
│                                          [env var: INSIGHTS_CLIENT_ID]       │
│ --client-secret                   TEXT   Client secret                       │
│                                          [env var: INSIGHTS_CLIENT_SECRET]   │
│ --auth-enabled/--auth-disabled           Will attempt to retrieve bearer     │
│                                          token for request                   │
│                                          [env var: KXI_AUTH_ENABLED]         │
│                                          [default: auth-enabled]             │
│ --server-timeout                  FLOAT  Timeout for Insights server calls   │
│                                          [env var: INSIGHTS_SERVER_TIMEOUT]  │
│                                          [default: 60]                       │
│ --install                                Additionally installs the resulting │
│                                          package on the server.              │
│ --help                                   Show this message and exit.         │

The example below runs the conversion of an existing assembly that includes a database, tables and a pipeline:

kxi package -q remote-convert asm.yaml && kxi package unpack asm && kxi package info asm


name: asm
version: 0.0.1
    dir: databases/asm-db
    - asm-db-shard
    - trade
    - quote
    - exchange
    - instrument
    file: pipelines/sp-asm.yaml
router: router/router.yaml
deployment_config: deployment_config/deployment_config.yaml

If the conversion fails, kdb Insights Enterprise indicates which fields are problematic.

To ensure a successful conversion, modify the existing assembly by fixing the required fields. For example:

spec -> elements -> sm -> tiers -> 1 -> compression -> level field required (type=value_error.missing)
spec -> elements -> sm -> tiers -> 2 -> compression -> level field required (type=value_error.missing)
spec -> elements -> sm -> stream
extra fields not permitted (type=value_error.extra)

In the example above, the conversion requires the field compression to be added to the two tiers and the field "stream" to be removed from the Storage Manager.