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Using packages locally

You can run any Custom APIs or UDFs stored within your packages locally to prototype the loading of your package content. This enables you to develop and test the functions.

To do this, you need to install the package into the KX_PACKAGE_PATH, which is a special directory that the CLI uses as a repository for packages. It provides a common location to store packages which the CLI uses to find packages, load code, and resolve links with other packages.

A package is installed when it appears in the KX_PACKAGE_PATH directory. Once in this directory, you can load the package and test the runtime code components using q or Python development environments.


You can use the help command to provide information regarding the additional options.

kxi package install --help
 Usage: kxi package install [OPTIONS] [REQUIREMENT_SPECIFIER]                   

 Install a package given a requirement or path.                                 

╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --override-deps     TEXT  Specify which deps to override during install.     │
│                           format 'name/ver:path/to/new/package'              │
│ --simple                  Simplify the output to name/version format.        │
│ --add-symlink-to    PATH  Create a symlink of package_name/version at the    │
│                           specified directory.                               │
│ --force                   Force install: overwrite existing packages and     │
│                           dependencies.                                      │
│ --help                    Show this message and exit.                        │

If any dependencies are specified in the manifest, the CLI will download them, if possible, and install them in KX_PACKAGE_PATH .

The install command can be run as follows:

kxi package install mypkg

The following example details how to create three packages, add pkg-b and pkg-c as dependencies to pkg-a and install pkg-a:

kxi package init --force pkg-a
kxi package init --force pkg-b
kxi package init --force pkg-c
kxi package add --to pkg-a dep --name pkg-b --version 0.0.1
kxi package add --to pkg-a dep --name pkg-c --version 0.0.1
kxi package install pkg-a
Creating package at location: pkg-a
Writing pkg-a/manifest.yaml
Creating package at location: pkg-b
Writing pkg-b/manifest.yaml
Creating package at location: pkg-c
Writing pkg-c/manifest.yaml
Writing pkg-a/manifest.yaml
Writing pkg-a/manifest.yaml
Writing /tmp/package_lib/pkg-a/0.0.1/manifest.yaml
Writing /tmp/package_lib/pkg-b/0.0.1/manifest.yaml
Writing /tmp/package_lib/pkg-c/0.0.1/manifest.yaml
    "pkg-b": [
            "version": "0.0.1",
            "_status": "InstallationStatus.SUCCESS"
    "pkg-c": [
            "version": "0.0.1",
            "_status": "InstallationStatus.SUCCESS"
    "pkg-a": [
            "version": "0.0.1",
            "_status": "InstallationStatus.SUCCESS"

By installing pkg-a all three packages will be added to KX_PACKAGE_PATH location.

Developing and testing

The following examples outline how you can locally list and load available packages and UDFs in addition to developing a unit test for a specified UDF using the Python and q APIs. This example uses a package generated and installed following the command line interface API quickstart guide.

>>> import pykx as kx
>>> import kxi.packages as pakx
>>> pakx.init()

# List all installed packages
>>> pakx.packages.list()
       name versions
0  qpackage    1.0.0

# List all available UDFs
>>> pakx.udfs.list()
     name      function language                              file_path udf_sym description category tag   package version
0  sp_map        q  /tmp/packages/qpackage/1.0.0/src/sp.q     udf                [map]  sp  qpackage   1.0.0

# Load and test a UDF
>>> sp_udf = pakx.udfs.load('sp_map', 'qpackage', '1.0.0')
sp_udf(kx.q('([]100?100;100?1f)'), None)
x x1        
6 0.785033  
9 0.08123546
8 0.6108817 
8 0.4976492 
1 0.09059026
0 0.6203014 
4 0.1627662 
2 0.9149882 
5 0.3869818 
7 0.2430836 
0 0.07347808

# Load the full package using the default entrypoint
>>> pakx.packages.load('qpackage', '1.0.0')
>>> kx.q('.kxi.packages.loaded')
package    location                       version entry     init
""         ""                             ""      ""        0   
"qpackage" "/tmp/packages/qpackage/1.0.0" "1.0.0" "default" 1   

The following example uses version 1.4.0 of the kxi_packages API

q)\l kxi_packages/1.4.0/init.q

// List all installed packages
name       versions
"qpackage" "1.0.0" 

// List all installed UDFs
name     function       language file_path                               udf_..
"sp_map" "" ,"q"     "/tmp/packages/qpackage/1.0.0/src/sp.q" "udf..

// Load and test a UDF
x x1        
6 0.785033  
9 0.08123546
8 0.6108817 
8 0.4976492 
1 0.09059026
0 0.6203014 
4 0.1627662 
2 0.9149882 
5 0.3869818 
7 0.2430836 
0 0.07347808

// Load the full package using the default entrypoint
package    location                       version entry     init
""         ""                             ""      ""        0   
"qpackage" "/tmp/packages/qpackage/1.0.0" "1.0.0" "default" 1   


You can use the help command to provide information regarding the additional options.

 Usage: kxi package uninstall [OPTIONS] [OBJECTS]...                            

 Uninstall specified locally installed packages and artifacts.                  

╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --artifacts                                   Remove available artifacts     │
│                                               rather than installed          │
│                                               packages.                      │
│ --obj-type     [Package|Artifact|Deployment]  Remove available object from   │
│                                               system                         │
│ --force                                       Force uninstall: suppress user │
│                                               confirmation during removal.   │
│ --help                                        Show this message and exit.    │

Remove installed packages and .kxi package files as follows:

kxi package uninstall all --force
    "myotherpkg": [
            "_status": "DELETED",
            "version": "0.0.1"
    "pkg-a": [
            "_status": "DELETED",
            "version": "0.0.1"
    "pkg-b": [
            "_status": "DELETED",
            "version": "0.0.1"
    "pkg-c": [
            "_status": "DELETED",
            "version": "0.0.1"

kxi package uninstall all --force --obj-type=Artifact
    "mypkg": [
            "_status": "DELETED",
            "version": "0.0.1_3D51A950"
            "_status": "DELETED",
            "version": "0.0.1"
            "_status": "DELETED",
            "version": "0.0.1_345ADE69"