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Get Data - Object Storage

The purpose of this walkthrough is to demonstrate how to ingest data from object storage into a database.

We have provided a weather dataset, hosted on each of the major cloud providers, for use in this walkthrough.

No kdb+ knowledge required

No prior experience with q/kdb+ is required to build this pipeline.

Before you import data, ensure the insights-demo database is created, as described here.

Once pipeline is created, you can the following activities on the pipeline - Review - Save - Deploy

Import Data

The import process creates a Pipeline which is a collection of nodes:

Open the import wizard by selecting 2. Import from the Overview page, as shown below.


Next, you are prompted to select a reader node.

Select a Reader

A reader node stores details of data to import, including any required authentication. Select a cloud providers from one of the following tabs, for settings specific to the reader for each: Google, Microsoft, and AWS.

  1. Select from one of the Cloud providers listed:

    Select from one of the Cloud providers.

  2. Complete the reader properties for the selected cloud provider.


    setting value
    GS URI* gs://kxevg/weather/temp.csv
    Project ID kx-evangelism
    Tenant Not applicable
    File Mode* Binary
    Offset* 0
    Chunking* Auto
    Chunk Size* 1MB
    Use Watching No
    Use Authentication No


    setting value
    MS URI* ms://kxevg/temp.csv
    Account* kxevg
    Tenant Not applicable
    File Mode* Binary
    Offset* 0
    Chunking* Auto
    Chunk Size* 1MB
    Use Watching Unchecked
    Use Authentication Unchecked


    setting value
    S3 URI* s3://kx-ft-public-share/temp.csv
    Region* us-east-1
    File Mode* Binary
    Tenant kxinsights
    Offset* 0
    Chunking* Auto
    Chunk Size 1MB
    Use Watching No
    Use Authentication No
  3. Click Next to select a decoder.

Select a Decoder

In this step you select a Decoder node which defines the type of data imported.

  1. Select CSV, as shown below, as the weather data is a csv file.

    Select the csv decoder for the weather data set.

  2. In the Configure CSV screen keep the default CSV decoder settings.

    Keep the default CSV decoder settings.

  3. Click Next to open the Configure Schema screen.

Configure schema screen

Configure the Schema

Next, you must configure the schema, which converts data to a type compatible with a kdb+ database. Every imported data table requires a schema; and every data table must have a timestamp key to be compatible with kdb's time series columnar database. The insights-demo has a predefined schema for weather data.

  1. Complete the Configure Schema properties as follows:

    setting value
    Apply a Schema Enabled
    Data Format Any
    Schema Enter each column and its desired type, as described in the next step.
    1. Click Load Schema and select the following values

    2. Database - Select insights-demo, that is the database you created earlier.

    3. Table - Select the weather table.

    Database and table

  2. Click Load.

  3. Click Next to open the Configure Writer screen.

Configure the Writer

Finally, you must add a Writer, which writes transformed data to the kdb Insights Enterprise database.

  1. Configure the writer settings as follows:

    setting value
    Database insights-demo
    Table weather
    Write Direct to HDB Unchecked (Default)
    Deduplicate Stream Checked (Default)
    Set Timeout Value Unchecked (Default)
  2. Click Open Pipeline to review the pipeline in the pipeline viewer.

Review Pipeline

You can now review the Pipeline that you created to read in, transform and write the weather data to your insights-demo database. This is shown below.

A completed weather pipeline following the import steps.

At this stage you are ready to save the pipeline.

Save the Pipeline

Now you can save your Pipeline and then perform a test deploy.

  1. Enter a unique name in the top left of the workspace. For example, weather-1.

  2. Click Save.

    Save the pipeline as weather-1.

  3. The weather-1 pipeline is available under Pipelines in the left-hand menu.

    The list of available pipelines for deployment in the left-hand menu.

Test Deploy

Before you deploy your pipeline, you can run a test deploy that previews your pipeline prior to deployment. The test deploy returns a picture of the data at each step along the pipeline, but does not write the data to the database.

  1. Click Quick Test. Note that it may take several minutes to run.

    A message is displayed at the bottom of the screen to show that the test deploy has been successful.

    Test deploy successful

  2. Select a Node in the pipeline and choose the Data Preview tab, in the lower part of the screen, to view the data output from the step.

Test deploy results display in lower panel of pipeline template view.

Deploy the Pipeline

You are now ready to deploy your pipeline. Deploying the pipeline reads the data from its source, transforms it to a kdb+ compatible format, and writes it to a kdb Insights Enterprise database.

  1. Click on Save & Deploy, in the top panel, as shown below.

    Save and deploy the pipeline

  2. Check the progress of the pipeline under the Running Pipelines panel of the Overview tab. The data is ready to query when Status equals Finished. Note it may take several minutes for the pipeline to reach a running state.

    A running weather pipeline available for querying.

Pipeline warnings

Once the pipeline is running some warnings may be displayed in the Running Pipelines panel of the Overview tab, these are expected and can be ignored.

Pipeline Teardown

Once the CSV file has been ingested, the weather pipeline can be torn down. Ingesting this data is a batch ingest operation, rather than an ongoing stream, so it is ok to teardown the pipeline once the data is ingested. Tearing down a pipeline returns resources, so is a good practice when it is no longer needed.

  1. Click X in Running Pipelines on the Overview tab to teardown a pipeline.

    Teardown a pipeline.

  2. Check Clean up resources after teardown as these are no longer required now that the CSV file has been ingested.

    Teardown a pipeline to free up resources.

Troubleshoot Pipelines

If any errors are reported they can be checked against the logs of the deployment process. Click View diagnostics in the Running Pipelines section of the Overview tab to review the status of a deployment.

Click *View Diagnostics* in **Running Pipelines** of **Overview** to view the status of a pipeline deployment.

Next Steps

Now that data has been ingested into the weather table you can:

Further Reading

To learn more about specific topics mentioned in this page please see the following links: