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Write data to external or internal data source using the Stream Processor

Writers are a specialized type of operator that allow users to push data from a streaming pipeline to different external data sources.

See APIs for more details

A q interface can be used to build pipelines programatically. See the q API for API details.

A Python interface is included along side the q interface and can be used if PyKX is enabled. See the Python API for API details.

The pipeline builder uses a drag-and-drop interface to link together operations within a pipeline. For details on how to wire together a transformation, see the building a pipeline guide.

Amazon S3

Writes data to an object in an Amazon S3 bucket

Amazon S3 writer properties

See APIs for more details

q API: .qsp.write.toAmazonS3 Python API: kxi.sp.write.to_amazon_s3

Required Parameters:

name description default
Mode Indicates if this writer should write to a single file path or if it should use a function to derive a function path from the data in the stream. Single path
Destination If Single path is selected, the destination is the path of the object to write to in Amazon S3. If Dynamic path is selected, destination is a function that accepts the current batch of data and returns a string of the object path in S3 to save data to
On Teardown Indicates the desired behavior for any pending data when the pipeline is torn down. The pipeline can perform no action (None) and continue to buffer data until the pipeline starts again. This is recommended for most use cases. Alternatively, the pipeline can be set to Abort any partial uploads. Or the pipeline can be set to Complete any partial uploads. None

Optional Parameters:

name description default
Override File Completion Trigger When selected, an Is Complete function is required to be provided. This allows the completion behavior for partial data to be customized No
Is Complete A function that accepts metadata and data and returns a boolean indicating if after processing this batch of data that all partial data should be completed.
Region The AWS region of the bucket to authenticate against us-east-1
Use Authentication Enable Kubernetes secret authentication. No
Kubernetes Secret The name of a Kubernetes secret to authenticate with Azure Cloud Storage. Only available if Use Authentication is enabled.

Amazon S3 Authentication

To access private buckets or files, a Kubernetes secret needs to be created that contains valid AWS credentials. This secret needs to be created in the same namespace as the kdb Insights Enterprise install. The name of that secret is then used in the Kubernetes Secret field when configuring the reader.

To create a Kubernetes secret containing AWS credentials:

kubectl create secret generic --from-file=credentials=<path/to/.aws/credentials> <secret-name>

Where <path/to/.aws/credentials> is the path to an AWS credentials file, and <secret-name> is the name of the Kubernetes secret to create.

Note that this only needs to be done once, and each subsequent usage of the Amazon S3 reader can re-use the same Kubernetes secret.


Writes to the console

Console writer properties

See APIs for more details

q API: .qsp.write.toConsole Python API: kxi.sp.write.to_console

Optional Parameters:

name description default
Prefix A customized message prefix for data sent to the console. ""
Timestamp Indicates what timezone should be used for timestamps, either Local Time, UTC or No Timestamp. Local Time
Split Lists Indicates if each element of a list should be on its own line or if it can all be on a single line. No
QLog Logs written by the console output are in raw text format. Check this option to wrap all output in QLog format. No

kdb Insights Database

Write data to a kdb Insights Database

Database writer properties

See APIs for more details

q API: .qsp.write.toDatabase Python API: kxi.sp.write.to_database

Required Parameters:

name description default
Database The name of the database to write data to.
Table The name of the table to insert data into.

Optional Parameters:

name description default
Write Direct to HDB When enabled, data is directly written to the database for data older than the purview of the HDB. For large historical ingests, this option will have significant memory savings. Note that when this is selected, data will not be available for query until the entire pipeline completes. No
Direct Write Overwrite When checked, overwrites content within a each date partition with the new batch ingest table data. If left unchecked, batch ingest data is merged with existing data. Only available if Write Direct to HDB is enabled. Yes
Direct Write Mount Name When using direct write, this name indicates the name of the mount to use writing to the database. This must match the database mount name used for the HDB tier. This value corresponds to<hdb tier>.mount in the database assembly file. Only available if Write Direct to HDB is enabled. hdb
Deduplicate Stream For deterministic streams, this option ensures that data that is duplicated during a failure event only arrives in the database once. Only uncheck this if your model can tolerate data that is duplicated but may not be exactly equivalent. Yes
Set Timeout Value Whether to set a value to return on timeout. No
Timeout Value The value to receive on timeout.

Direct write overwrites partitions

When ingesting with direct write, each date for the target table will be overwritten in the database with the newly ingested data.

Direct write should not to be used with a Reader node using the Watching option

When using the direct write option it is not possible to pair this with a Reader using the Watching option since direct write relies on a definitive finish point which is not guaranteed when using a watcher.

kdb Insights Stream

Write data using a kdb Insights Reliable Transport stream

Stream writer properties

See APIs for more details

q API: .qsp.write.toStream Python API: kxi.sp.write.to_stream

Optional Parameters:

name description default
Table Wraps outbound data with the given table name as part of the message. Without this field, data is sent using the key name as the table name. Leave this blank for pipelines that both read and write from a stream.
Deduplicate Stream For deterministic streams, this option ensures that data that is duplicated during a failure event only arrives in the database once. Only uncheck this if your model can tolerate data that is duplicated but may not be exactly equivalent. Yes

To write data to a stream, an assembly must be provided. This is done at pipeline deploy time. When you click the Deploy button and select the Assembly Integration tab. On this page, you need to set the assembly name and topic name.

Deploy dialog assembly integration


Publish data on a Kafka topic

Kafka writer properties

See APIs for more details

q API: .qsp.write.toKafka Python API: kxi.sp.write.to_kafka

Required Parameters:

name description default
Broker Location of the Kafka broker as host:port. If multiple brokers are available, they can be entered as a comma separated list.
Topic The name of the Kafka topic to subscribe to.

Optional Parameters:

name description default
Use TLS Enable TLS for encrypting the Kafka connection. When selected, certificate details must be provided with a Kubernetes TLS Secret No
Kubernetes Secret The name of a Kubernetes secret that is already available in the cluster and contains your TLS certificates. Only available if Use TLS is selected.
Certificate Password TLS certificate password, if required. Only available if Use TLS is selected.
Use Schema Registry Use the schema registry to automatically decode data in a Kafka stream for JSON and Protocol Buffer payloads. When enabled, will automatically deserialize data based on the latest schema. No
Registry Kafka Schema Registry URL. Only available if Use Schema Registry is selected.
Auto Register Whether or not to generate and publish schemas automatically. When enabled, the Stream Processor will update the registry with a new schema if the shape of data changes. If false, the schema for this topic must already exist. No

Advanced Parameters:

name description default
Retry Attempts The maximum number of retry attempts allowed. 5
Retry Wait Time The amount of time to wait between retry attempts. 2s

Use Advanced Configuration

Allows more flexible options for security protocol configuration or changes to fetch intervals, as seen when subscribing to an Azure Event Hub Kafka connector.

Use Advanced Configuration

Allows more flexible options for security protocol configuration or changes to fetch intervals, as seen when subscribing to an Azure Event Hub Kafka connector.

See this guide for more details on setting up TLS Secrets


Writes data to a subscriber

This node emits a summarized view of the input data, with one record per unique combination of values in the list of keyed columns. The remaining columns are set to their latest values.

Subscriber writer properties

See APIs for more details

q API: .qsp.write.toSubscriber Python API: kxi.sp.write.to_subscriber

Required Parameters:

name description default
Table Name of the subscription. Used to subscribe to data emitted from this node.
Keyed Columns A list of keyed columns in the input data (ex. sym). There must be at least one keyed column set and keyed columns must be of type symbol

These keyed columns are the only columns that can be used to filter the data in a View.

Optional Parameters:

name description default
Publish Frequency Interval at which the node sends data to its subscribers (milliseconds) 500


Write data to a kdb+ process

Process writer properties

See APIs for more details

q API: .qsp.write.toProcess Python API: kxi.sp.write.to_process

Required Parameters:

name description default
Mode Chose for data to either be added to a table in the remote process or to call a function. Upsert to Function
Handle An IPC handle to a destination process (ex. tcps://

Optional Parameters:

name description default
Table When using Upsert to Function mode, this is the table name to write data to in the remote process.
Function When using Call function mode, this is the name of the function to invoke in the remote process.
Parameter When using Call function mode, these are additional arguments to pass to the remote function call. The last parameter is always implicitly the data to be sent.
Asynchronous Indicates if data should be sent to the remote process asynchronously. If unchecked, the pipeline will wait for the remote process to receive each batch of data before sending the next. Disabling this will add significant processing overhead but provide greater reliability. Yes

Advanced Parameters:

name description default
Retry Attempts The maximum number of retry attempts allowed. 5
Retry Wait Time The amount of time to wait between retry attempts. 1s
Queue Length The maximum async message queue length before flush.
Queue Size The maximum number of bytes to buffer before flushing. 1000