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SQL2 is a significant enhancement to the SQL functionality in kdb Insights, it is designed to address the memory, performance, and implementation limitations of its predecessor, SQL. The new implementation is now fully integrated with kdb Insights, eliminating previous compatibility issues and enabling a more seamless experience. SQL2 is built to work natively within the kdb Insights query architecture, ensuring that it evolves alongside the product, reducing the likelihood of compatibility issues that were common in previous versions.

The primary goal for SQL2 is to achieve substantial compliance with the PostgreSQL standard. While we may not reach 100% compliance due to the underlying kdb database architecture, this objective serves as our guiding principle for ongoing development and improvements.

The SQL2 API allows for the specification of ad-hoc SQL queries that can be distributed and aggregated across the system. However, the SQL2 API only supports a subset of the full SQL operators and functions specified here.

Supported Syntax

The SQL2 implementation supports the following query structures:



The SQL2 API does not support INSERT, CREATE, or DELETE statements.

Query Examples

The following examples demonstrate the supported SQL query syntax:

This example selects all columns from the quote table.

SELECT count(*) FROM trade
This example calculates the total number of rows in the trade table.
SELECT DISTINCT country,currency FROM exchange
This example selects the distinct country and currency combinations in the exchange table.
SELECT sym,price FROM trade WHERE date='2024.01.26' ORDER BY price DESC LIMIT 10
This example selects the sym and price columns from the trade table where the date is 2024.01.26, ordered by price in descending order, and limited to 10 results.
SELECT min(ask) as min_price,max(bid) as max_price FROM quote WHERE label_exchange = 'nyse' AND time >= '2024.01.26 12:00:00'
This example selects the minimum ask and maximum bid values from the quote table, aliased as min_price and max_price, respectively, where the label_exchange column equals nyse and the time column is greater than or equal to 2024.01.26 12:00:00.

Calling SQL vs SQL2

SQL2 is enabled by default in query environments. If you want to enable SQL2 in environments not primarily designed for queries, include .kxi.sql2 in the comma-separated list of allowed sandbox APIs in the KXI_ALLOWED_SBX_APIS environment variable.

For example:

  • If you don’t activate SQL2, all SQL queries continue to use the existing SQL API, as in versions earlier than 1.9.

  • Once enabled, the new SQL2 API aims to phase out the old SQL API over time as we implement new features. You don’t need to take any extra steps to use it, just call .kxi.sql as you normally would. If the SQL2 API can handle the query, it does. If it can’t, the system automatically falls back to the old SQL API.

Target SQL or SQL2 Explicitly in the Following ways

  • To call SQL2 explicitly, use .kxi.sql2 instead of .kxi.sql.
  • To target a specific version in the API request, use the opts parameter and specify version=2 (for SQL2) or version=1 (for SQL).

For example:

Gateway URL

The GATEWAY variable below is defined as an IPC connection to the Service Gateway. For example, `:insights-qe-gateway:5050 connects to the query environment gateway within an insights namespace.

/ Target SQL2
GATEWAY (`.kxi.sql2;enlist[`query]!enlist("SELECT sym,realTime,price,size FROM trade LIMIT 5");`;()!())
/ Target SQL2
GATEWAY (`.kxi.sql;enlist[`query]!enlist("SELECT sym,realTime,price,size FROM trade LIMIT 5");`;enlist[`version]!(enlist 2))
/ Target SQL (version=1)
GATEWAY (`.kxi.sql;enlist[`query]!enlist("SELECT sym,realTime,price,size FROM trade");`;enlist[`version]!(enlist 1))

The body of the response is a tuple with a header and the payload.

Response Header
rcvTS     | 2024.03.14D21:31:00.414000000
corr      | 554ed9a1-e138-4948-8aa0-33bf371bbfe1
protocol  | `gw
logCorr   | "554ed9a1-e138-4948-8aa0-33bf371bbfe1"
client    | `:
api       | `.kxi.sql2
userName  | `
version   | 2
userID    | 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
retryCount| 0
to        | 2024.03.14D21:31:00.414000000
agg       | `:
pvVer     | 8
rpID      | 0
refVintage| -0W
startTS   | 2024.03.14D20:25:59.000000001
endTS     | 0Wp
rc        | 0h
ac        | 0h
ai        | ""

Inspecting the payload of the response, we see the query result.

sym      realTime                      price    size
JBMH.CAN 2024.01.15D00:00:04.500000000 127.9574 880
FNLH.CAN 2024.01.15D00:00:09.500000000 403.3123 853
DNDF.CAN 2024.01.15D00:00:14.500000000 357.7171 969
MGPJ.CAN 2024.01.15D00:00:19.500000000 87.40093 753
JBMH.CAN 2024.01.15D00:00:24.500000000 127.994  984

Gateway URL

The $GATEWAY variable should point at your kdb Insights install. For a microservice install, this is the hostname using port 8080. For an enterprise install, this is your $INSIGHTS_HOSTNAME with /servicegateway/qe as the URL prefix.

SELECT sym,realTime,price,size FROM trade

This example uses the above query set as a variable called $QUERY.

        # Target SQL2
        curl -X POST "$GATEWAY/kxi/sql2" \
        --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
        --header "Accepted: application/json" \
        --data "{query: \"$QUERY\"}"
        # Target SQL2
        curl -X POST "$GATEWAY/kxi/sql" \
        --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
        --header "Accepted: application/json" \
        --data "{query: \"$QUERY\" , opts: { version : 2 }}"
        # Target SQL (version=1)
        curl -X POST "$GATEWAY/kxi/sql" \
        --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
        --header "Accepted: application/json" \
        --data "{query: \"$QUERY\" , opts: { version : 1 }}"

The body of the response is an object with a header and the payload.

{ "header": { ... }, "payload": { ... } }
Response Header

The query result is displayed in the response payload.


Differences between SQL and SQL2

  • When doing SELECT * FROM ..., virtual columns (date and labels) are the first columns, rather than the last.
  • SQL supports both the old label style and the new label style here. Therefore the virtual label columns are always prefixed with label_{label_name}.
  • Slightly different logic when returning columns without explicitly specifying the output column name, see Differences between SQL2 and PostgreSQL.

Differences between SQL2 and PostgreSQL

The goal is to achieve as much compliance with PostgreSQL as possible. However, due to the fact that kdb+ is not a traditional SQL server, there are some differences. The known differences are listed below:

  • kdb Insights SQL does not retain trailing zeros in floating-point values. For more information on how kdb+ handles precision, see here
  • If you don’t explicitly specify column names in the query, the default column names follow the default kdb+ behavior, not PostgreSQL. Refer to the following examples:

    postgres=# SELECT count(*) FROM trade;
    postgres=# SELECT min(price),max(price) FROM trade;
     min | max
      10 |  25
    postgres=# SELECT price*size FROM trade;
    // Use the last referenced column (or `x` if none), suffixed with 1, 2, 3, ... for repeated names.
    q)SELECT count(*) FROM trade
    q)SELECT min(price),max(price) FROM trade
    price price1
    10    25
    q)SELECT price*size FROM trade
  • kdb+ has the concept of typed nulls. However, there’s no String type null (equivalent of char or varchar), so the untyped null (::) is the appropriate equivalent. More information on this will be provided as string functions are added.

  • Symbols and strings are not interchangeable. More information on this will be provided as string functions are added.
  • Table and column names are case-sensitive. For example, SELECT * FROM MYTABLE is Not equivalent to SELECT * FROM mytable.

Known Limitations

Please note the following limitations when using SQL2:

  • Sorting Direction: SQL2 does not support multi-directional sorting in the ORDER BY clause. You must specify all columns to be sorted in the same direction, either ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending).

  • String Comparisons: The in and = operators in SQL2 currently do not support string comparisons.

  • Date and Time Restrictions: When restricting the date or partition time column in WHERE clauses in SQL2, irreversible operations are not allowed. Here are some examples to illustrate this:

    // This is acceptable in SQL2.
    SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE date+1 = '2024-01-26'
    // This is not supported in SQL2.
    SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE date % 2 = 0
  • Selects on Set Operations: Currently only LIMIT and ORDER BY clauses are supported on the results of UNION, EXCEPT and INTERSECT queries. For example:

    // This is acceptable in SQL2.
    (SELECT sym , price FROM TRADE)
    (SELECT sym , bid FROM QUOTE)
     ORDER BY sym LIMIT 5
    // This is not suppored in SQL2.
    SELECT sym, price as test FROM (SELECT sym , price FROM TRADE)
    (SELECT sym , bid FROM QUOTE)
    WHERE sym='ABC"
  • Join Restrictions: Currently a single join between two tables is supported with a single join on clause. The join clause must be = and both the left and right-hand columns must be the same kdb+ datatype. For more information see the Joins section. For example:

    // This is acceptable in SQL2.
    (SELECT sym , price FROM TRADE) t
    (SELECT sym , bid FROM QUOTE) q
    ON t.sym=q.sym
    // This is not suppored in SQL2.
    (SELECT sym , price FROM TRADE) t
    (SELECT sym , bid FROM QUOTE) q
    ON t.price>

Routing and Labels

This section provides information on how to use routing and labels with the SQL2 API.

Enabling the API

By default, this API is only enabled in query environments. If you want to enable it in non query environments, you need to set the KXI_ALLOWED_SBX_APIS in the RCs and DAPs where you want to enable it. For more information, see the Database configuration section.

Routing Decisions

Routing decisions across multiple assemblies are determined by specifying the desired assembly labels in the WHERE clause of the SQL query. Alternatively, you can use the scope.assembly parameter to target an individual assembly. For more information, see the Scope section.


Consider the following assemblies with their respective name and labels sections:

Labels in Queries

In a query, labels should be referenced with a label_ prefix. For example, the label class would be referenced as label_class in the query.

# Assembly tsx-equity.
name: tsx_eq
  exchange: tsx
  class: equity

# Assembly tsx-futures.
name: tsx_fut
  exchange: tsx
  class: futures

# Assembly nyse-equity.
name: nyse_eq
  exchange: nyse
  class: equity

# Assembly nyse-futures.
name: nyse_fut
  exchange: nyse
  class: futures

# Assembly lse-equity.
name: lse_eq
  exchange: lse
  class: equity

# Assembly lse-futures.
name: lse_fut
  exchange: lse
  class: futures

The following table shows how different queries target different assemblies:

Query scope.assembly Assemblies Explanation
SELECT ... All No where clause defaults to all.
SELECT ... WHERE label_exchange='tsx' tsx-equity, tsx-futures One exchange, all classes.
SELECT ... WHERE label_exchange='nyse' and class='equity' nyse-equity Specify both exchange and class.
SELECT ... WHERE label_exchange in ('tsx', 'lse') or class<>'futures' All except nyse-futures Logically equivalent to not(label_exchange='nyse' and class='futures').
SELECT ... tsx_eq tsx_eq Uniquely target assembly with specified name.
SELECT ... WHERE label_exchange='tsx' tsx_eq tsx_eq As above. The labels of tsx-eq are more than required, but they are consistent with the labels of tsx.
SELECT ... WHERE label_exchange='tsx' nyse_eq None (failure) Label does not match nyse_eq.

Labels can be used to target as many or as few assemblies as required. They also don’t need to be consistent across assemblies, allowing the creation of new assemblies with different labels within a running system. For example, if we deploy the following assembly to the above set:

# New assembly with different labels.
  dev: john_doe

Then a query of the form SELECT ... WHERE label_dev='john_doe' targets only this new assembly.