Before installing kdb Insights Enterprise on Azure, you need the following:
Permissions: Please refer to the Permissions Guidelines.
Availability zones: Ensure that you choose an Azure Region with Availability Zones.
Availability zones and Reliable Transport
By default, the kdb Insights Enterprise deployment runs across 3 Availability Zones (AZ) for higher resilience. The Reliable Transport component (RT) runs across 3 different RT nodes, but each RT node is not set to run in distinct Availability Zones due to performance considerations. If you want each RT node to run in a different Availability Zones, you can set the service affinity configuration to ensure maximum resiliency.
IP resources: The pre-requisites depend on your network connectivity choices as described here:
Required Resource Providers: the Resource Providers listed below must be registered in the subscription; if you are missing any of them, your deployment can fail.
To learn how to register resource providers, follow Microsoft Guidance.
Required Resource Providers Microsoft.Authorization Microsoft.Compute Microsoft.ContainerService Microsoft.Insights Microsoft.ManagedIdentity Microsoft.Network Microsoft.OperationalInsights Microsoft.OperationsManagement Microsoft.Resources Microsoft.Solutions
To start the installation process, refer to Start installation for more information.
Private AKS Cluster
Please be aware that kdb Insights Enterprise on Azure Marketplace does not support Private AKS Clusters or air-gapped environments at this time.