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Storage configuration

The kdb Insights Database uses the Storage Manager (SM) to perform data writedown and data tier migration. The Storage Manager configuration goes under the sm key of the elements field within an assembly file. The configuration for storage details a data source via a stream and a set of tiers for data to migrate through. Storage configuration relies on mounts to be configured with a location for storing data.

User interface configuration

This guide discusses configuration using YAML files. You can configure your system using the kdb Insights user interface


Configuration for the Storage Manager is nested under an key within an assembly file.

In kdb Insights Enterprise, the elements key is nested under a spec key within the assembly file.


  # Other fields ..

      source: stream
        - name: rdb
          mount: rdb
        - name: idb
          mount: idb
            freq: 0D00:10:00 # every 10 minutes
        - name: hdb
          mount: hdb
            freq: 1D00:00:00 # every day
            snap:   01:35:00 # at 1:35 AM
            time: 2 days
name type required description
source string Yes The source field is the entrypoint for all data in the database. The stream configuration is the name of a bus that is configured in the assembly file.
initialImport boolean No When the flag is enabled the SM will check for an existing kdb+ database under the data sub-directory of the directory pointed to by baseURI of the HDB-based mount. If a database isn't found at the location the SM will terminate. After the first SM startup, the flag is redundant and can be removed.
tiers list Yes Tiers describe how data migrates over time within the database. This is an ordered list that indicates the flow of data, from most recent to least. See tiers configuration below for details.
enforceSchema boolean No Indicates if table schemas should be enforced during writedown, otherwise error. Enabling this field ensures that no data is written which may introduce schema inconsistencies but does add performance overhead at writedown time. This check is disabled by default.
disableDiscovery boolean No Allows discovery to be disabled when running an install without discovery. This can be useful when running the database as a microservice without discovery installed.
chunkSize integer No When writing tables during an EOI or EOD operation, this value is the maximum number of records to write to disk at once. Increasing this value will increase writedown throughput but will consume more memory. Defaults to 500000 records.
sortLimitGB integer No Limits the amount of memory consumed during a sort operation. The limit is the number of GB of data to hold in memory during the sort operation. Data is sorted by pulling the sort columns into memory, applying the sort and then using the sort order across the other columns in the table. This limit applies to the other columns of the table, memory still must be allocated for the entire sort column. If the size of data exceeds the size limit, it is processed in chunks. Defaults to 10 GB.
waitTm integer No When connecting to other processes, this value is the number of milliseconds to wait for between subsequent connection attempts. Defaults to 250ms.
eodPeachLevel string[] No Multiple levels of parallelism can be specified as a list but as of this release only the topmost level of parallelism can result in a performance improvement. The available levels are:
• part - Write each partition in parallel.
• table - Write each table in parallel.
• column - Write each column within a table in parallel.
By default, tables are written in parallel.
reloadTimeout string No Indicates the maximum amount of time that SM will wait for a DAP or other client process to reload its data purview. This value is specified as a q timespan string, e.g. "0D01:00:00". By default, this is set to the EOI interval frequency.
idbUsed boolean No Indicates whether system configuration expects a DAP for access to an ordinal mount. When off, SM will calculate temporal purviews assuming the RDB covers the purview since the last EOD. Defaults to true.
env list No Environment variable configuration as a list of name and value pairs. See environment variables for an example.


Tiers describe the locality, segmentation format, and rollover configuration of each storage tier. Storage tiers are used to migrate data over time from fast, expensive storage to slower, less-expensive storage. Depending on your use case, this configuration can be tuned to either have more data in memory for faster query performance, or have more data on disk to reduce costs.

Tier design

For more information on tiers and how best to configure your storage, see the storage tiering guide.

A storage tier has the following structure:

name type required description
name string Yes The name of the storage tier. This name must be unique and is used in logs to identify a specific tier.
mount string Yes Corresponding mounts entry which determine locality and segmentation format, and also location at which data in the tier may be accessed. See mounts for more details.
store string No Where the tier physically stores data on the specified mount. See store
schedule string No Policy for when rollovers should be considered. See schedule below for details.
retain string No Policy for how much data should be stored in this tier before it is rolled over into the next tier. See retain below for details.
compression string No Policy for compression of data. See compression below for details.
inventory string No Object storage inventory file location for object storage tiers.


URI describing where this tier physically stores data. If not specified, becomes <baseURI>/data of the corresponding mount (enforced, even if specified, for mounts of type local with partition:ordinal). For multiple tiers within the same mount, there can be only one tier without explicitly specified store. If specified explicitly, store must be outside the mount's baseURI.


If present, this dictionary contains the following keys.

  • freq: HH:MM:SS Used by the ordinal partition mount (IDB) to specify length of interval in each ordinal partition (default: 00:10:00).
  • snap: HH:MM:SS Used by the date partition mount (HDB) to specify when to move data from ordinal to date partition mount (default: 00:00:00).

A snap value of 00:01:00 allows any late data that arrives in the one minute from 00:00 to 00:01 belonging to the previous date partition to be saved to that location. Any late data that arrives after 00:01:00 belonging to the previous date partition is written at the next snap. The data received from 00:00 to 00:01 belonging to the current date partition is also saved at this time.


This dictionary may have one or more of the following keys.

  • time: A timespan consisting of a number followed by a unit: {Years,Months,Weeks,Days,Hours,Minutes}, e.g. 2 Years. Data which has been stored for this length of time is rolled over.
  • sizePct: A size as percentage of total storage of corresponding mount, specified as a number from 1 to 100.

If multiple keys are set, they are interpreted in an inclusive-OR fashion.

Because of how Storage Manager components interact with the on-disk database, the actual number of partitions on HDB tiers may be one greater on disk than in the configuration.

A mount partitioned as ordinal, or of type stream cannot be used with a storage tier that has a retain policy.


If present, this dictionary contains the following keys.

  • algorithm: Compression algorithm: {none, qipc, gzip, snappy, lz4hc}
  • block: Block size
  • level: Compression level

The compression policy currently applies only to tiers associated with a mount of type:local and partition:date.


If present, this dictionary contains the following keys.

  • enabled: true or false to enable inventory files. If true, you must provide location (default: false)
  • location: Location relative to the root of the bucket/storage that the inventory is written to.

Inventory only applies when using a store that is an object storage URI.

The following example configuration produces s3://kxi-example-data/inventory/inventory.tgz:

    name: hdb-s3
    mount: hdb
    store: s3://kxi-example-data/db
      enabled: true
      location: inventory/test-db-inventory.tgz

Object Storage Inventory files

The Storage Manager can write inventory files at end of day, or produce them on startup if none exist. The inventory files are used to speed up subsequent reload times for the Storage Manager and Data Access processes.

To configure the SM to produce these files, set inventory along with store under the tier configuration. See the tiers section above for layout information.

You can configure the DA to set KX_OBJSTR_INVENTORY_FILE to the inventory path, relative to the root of the bucket.

A full configuration of the DA and the SM follows:

        - name: streaming
          mount: rdb
        - name: interval
          mount: idb
            freq: 01:00:00
        - name: recent
          mount: hdb
            freq: 1D00:00:00
            snap:   00:00:00
            time: 7 Days
        - name: s3
          mount: hb
          store: s3://kxi-sm-example/db
            enabled: true
            location: inventory/inventory.tgz
            - name: KX_OBJSTR_INVENTORY_FILE
              value: "inventory/inventory.tgz"

Environment Variables

Advanced configuration can be supplied to the Storage Manager using environment variables. Environment variables are configured differently depending on the method of deployment. In all cases, the variables are always string values.

In an assembly, environment variables have to be set for the sm element. Environment variables are supplied under the env as a list of objects where each is a pair of name and value.

        - name: KXI_NAME
          value: "sm"

In kdb Insights Enterprise, variables can be supplied in the user interface under the advanced writedown settings option.

name description
KXI_NAME Process name.
KXI_SC Service class.
KXI_ASSEMBLY_FILE Assembly configuration file.
KXI_RT_LIB Path to Reliable-Transport client-side q module. Required when using a message bus of type custom.
KXI_SM_SMADDR SM container’s address for inter-container communication.
KXI_SM_EOIADDR EOI container’s address for inter-container communication.
KXI_RT_SM_LOG_PATH Specifies the path to the logs for the SM process (e.g., "/logs/rt/sm").
KXI_RT_EOI_LOG_PATH Specifies the path to the logs for the EOI process (e.g., "/logs/rt/eoi").
KXI_SM_EOI_THREADS Thread count for the EOI process (e.g., "8").
KXI_SM_EOD_THREADS Thread count for the EOD process (e.g., "8").
KXI_SM_DBM_THREADS Thread count for the DBM process (e.g., "8").
KXI_SM_BATCHUPD_CLEANUP_AFTER A timestamp indicating how long to hold onto a batch ingest or delete session created from the REST interface before removing it from the status table. (default: "1D")
KXI_RT_EVENT_FATAL If "true", RT badtail and badmsg events are treated as fatal; SM crashes and ingestion stops. If "false" or unspecified, events are logged but ingestion continues. Note that reset events are never treated as fatal.
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS access key. Required when using object storage on AWS, as well as the next two variables.
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS secret key associated with the access key.
AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT Azure storage account name. Required when using object storage on Azure, as well as the next variable.
KXI_SM_EOD_SORT Activates a new sorting algorithm to help lower RAM requirements and improve performance. The algorithm sorts each table in chunks that use KXI_SM_EOD_SORT_LIMIT of memory. Once the data is sorted, the application of attributes may cause the memory usage to exceed this limit. It is recommended that KXI_SM_EOD_THREADS is set to a value greater than 4 and the eodPeachLevel is set to column(in particular when the HDB tier is compressed). (default: "1").
KXI_SM_EOD_SORT_LIMIT Sets the limit on the amount of RAM used by the EOD sorting algorithm. Note: this limit does not apply to application of the attributes which may require more RAM. (default: kubernetes SM pod RAM limit).

In addition, the following environment variables apply to both the sidecar and SM images.

name container description
KXI_CONFIG_FILE sidecar Path to the sidecar configuration file.
KXI_LOG_FORMAT ALL Log message format.
KXI_LOG_DEST ALL Log endpoints.
KXI_LOG_LEVELS ALL Component routing.
KXI_LOG_CONFIG ALL Alternative logging configuration: replaces KXI_LOG_FORMAT, KXI_LOG_DEST, and KXI_LOG_LEVELS.