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Package deployment

The deploy command enables you to deploy and teardown the database and pipeline configuration defined in your package inside kdb Insights Enterprise.

Once a package has been uploaded to kdb Insights Enterprise, it is ready for deployment. Run the deploy command to bring your configurations online.


You can use the help command to provide information regarding the additional options.

 Usage: kxi package deploy [OPTIONS] [EXTRA_ARGS]... SOURCE                     

 Deploy a package to an insights instance.                                      
 SOURCE: package-name[/version]                                                 

╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --hostname,--url                  TEXT   Insights URL                        │
│                                          [env var: INSIGHTS_URL]             │
│ --realm                           TEXT   Realm                               │
│                                          [env var: INSIGHTS_REALM]           │
│                                          [default: insights]                 │
│ --client-id                       TEXT   Client id                           │
│                                          [env var: INSIGHTS_CLIENT_ID]       │
│ --client-secret                   TEXT   Client secret                       │
│                                          [env var: INSIGHTS_CLIENT_SECRET]   │
│ --auth-enabled/--auth-disabled           Will attempt to retrieve bearer     │
│                                          token for request                   │
│                                          [env var: KXI_AUTH_ENABLED]         │
│                                          [default: auth-enabled]             │
│ --server-timeout                  FLOAT  Timeout for Insights server calls   │
│                                          [env var: INSIGHTS_SERVER_TIMEOUT]  │
│                                          [default: 60]                       │
│ --db                              TEXT   Deploy an existing package's        │
│                                          database (must be defined in the    │
│                                          package)                            │
│ --pipeline                        TEXT   Deploy an existing package's        │
│                                          pipeline (must be defined in the    │
│                                          package)                            │
│ --rm-existing-data                       Remove the data associated with the │
│                                          old deployment                      │
│ --env                             TEXT   Inject environment variables to the │
│                                          deployed package.                   │
│                                          `[component_name:]VAR=value`        │
│ --help                                   Show this message and exit.         │

Most of the parameters shown above are used to initialize the connection with kdb Insights Enterprise.

The deploy command can be run as follows:

kxi package deploy mypackage/1.0.0

This command searches kdb Insights Enterprise for mypackage, version=1.0.0 and deploys its contents.

Inject environment variables

You can inject environment variables when you deploy a package to make small changes to settings in your package, for example to increase or decrease an application limit.

Inject environment variables during the deploy command using the --env modifier, as in the following example:

kxi package deploy mypackage/1.0.0 --env mypipeline:myenvar=1

In the above example, kdb Insights Enterprise deploys version 1.0.0 of the package named mypackage and sets the myenvar environment variable to a value of 1.

To change the value of myenvar, run the deploy command again with the new desired value. The command automatically tears down the existing deployment and deploys again with the new value.

Tearing down

The teardown command enables you to tear down the database and pipelines configuration defined in your package inside kdb Insights Enterprise.

You can use the help command to provide information regarding the additional options

 Usage: kxi package teardown [OPTIONS] [EXTRA_ARGS]... DEPLOYMENT_REF           

 Teardown a deployed packaged running on an insights instance                   

╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --hostname,--url                  TEXT   Insights URL                        │
│                                          [env var: INSIGHTS_URL]             │
│ --realm                           TEXT   Realm                               │
│                                          [env var: INSIGHTS_REALM]           │
│                                          [default: insights]                 │
│ --client-id                       TEXT   Client id                           │
│                                          [env var: INSIGHTS_CLIENT_ID]       │
│ --client-secret                   TEXT   Client secret                       │
│                                          [env var: INSIGHTS_CLIENT_SECRET]   │
│ --auth-enabled/--auth-disabled           Will attempt to retrieve bearer     │
│                                          token for request                   │
│                                          [env var: KXI_AUTH_ENABLED]         │
│                                          [default: auth-enabled]             │
│ --server-timeout                  FLOAT  Timeout for Insights server calls   │
│                                          [env var: INSIGHTS_SERVER_TIMEOUT]  │
│                                          [default: 60]                       │
│ --rm-data                                Remove the data associated with the │
│                                          deployment                          │
│ --help                                   Show this message and exit.         │

The teardown command uses the name of the package that has been deployed and searches kdb Insights Enterprise for a deployed package with that name.

Tracking deployments

You can find the status of the running deployments by running the following command:

kxi package remote-list --obj-type=Assembly -otable
│ id                                    name                 running  ready  hasResources │
│ 5c7f6928-2aee-4cbc-92c9-4a3ea9a7ba85  apple                True     False  True         │
│ 307235fb-37fa-4a50-9863-43c5de646788  bottle               True     False  True         │
│ bb57706b-8abe-4a4b-9395-539744b8d32a  equities             True     True   True         │
│ 0bdafca4-935e-438a-b45b-1c7ed84356f2  example-data         True     False  True         │
│ 5fd21b82-b9f3-4854-a432-ac415f02d6fc  manufacturing        False    False  False        │
│ 6778d002-bf63-401d-8e36-e495daf7d423  orange               False    False  False        │
│ dcfe8a57-c1b2-47c1-a8eb-49dd93cfc112  applepip1            False    False  False        │
│ c299a760-2dca-468d-8458-31b2e47ec9e7  example              False    False  False        │
│ 533e5bfa-0012-4391-9e14-b5f0857e358e  python-e2e-ub70      False    False  False        │
│ b7708364-797a-4d57-9fc1-7a4da4164421  sdk-sample-assembly  False    False  False        │
│ f3c0c136-6af3-424c-986d-cfc7fc0e432c  rich-test            False    False  False        │
│ b036f6d7-9634-4bc3-8641-84f45c2e3ce8  cy-test-dudd         False    False  False        │
│ 622175dd-0848-42cb-903e-3ec52a09bbc0  grape                False    False  False        │
│ 1143e651-beae-4418-a9ba-70b63667d00d  uitest               False    False  False        │
│ 142aea32-b265-4fce-9134-619532edde80  sk-test-1            False    False  False        │