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Publishing to kdb Insights Enterprise using q

In this example we will work through a q process sending data to an instance of kdb Insights Enterprise using a 1 or 3 node deployment of RT. The publisher will be running outside of the kdb Insights Enterprise deployment, meaning you could be sending data to kdb Insights Enterprise using a q session running on your laptop.

Reliable Transport (RT) comes with a set of q functions to send or receive message to and from RT. Details on these q function are touched on below, but for more information see here


Before data can be sent to kdb Insights Enterprise, a set of authentication steps need to be followed. These steps are outlined below.

The steps below show you how to authenticate and enrol a publisher client to RT, using the KXI CLI.

Create a user

The steps below assume that the user executing the steps has been provided with a set of credentials to log in to their kdb Insights Enterprise deployment.

  1. Configure your KXI CLI with the details of your deployment and namespace
    $ kxi configure
    Profile type (enterprise, microservices) [enterprise]:
    Hostname []:
    Namespace []: namespace
    Service account ID []:
    Encryption enabled (true/false) [true]: 
    CLI successfully configured, configuration stored in /home/user/.insights/cli-config

The file created should look like

$ cat ~/.insights/cli-config
usage = enterprise
hostname =
namespace = namespace =
auth.serviceaccount.secret =
encryption = true
admin.password = password


The entry for admin.password must be manually added to the file above. It will not be added using the kxi configure command.

  1. Authenticate against your insights deploy You should login with the credentials your Insights administrator have provided, for example
kxi auth login
  1. Create a client in keycloak

    kxi user create-client my-publisher

  2. Assign the relevant permissions to that client

    kxi user assign-roles service-account-my-publisher --roles insights.role.maintainer

  3. Obtain the client secret for the client

    kxi user get-client-secret my-publisher

  4. Configure your KXI CLI with the details obtained for the client ID and client secret

    kxi configure
    Profile type (enterprise, microservices) [enterprise]: enterprise
    Hostname []:
    Namespace [namespace]: namespace
    Service account ID [my-app]: my-publisher
    Service account Secret (input hidden):
    Re-enter to confirm (input hidden):
    Encryption enabled (true/false) [false]:
    CLI successfully configured, configuration stored in /home/username/.insights/cli-config

  5. Identify your external reference ID If using an assembly file, this will be the value "ext-taxi"

            external: true
              subTopic: "ext-taxi"

  6. Enrol a client using the kxi cli

    $ kxi client enrol --name my-publisher --insert-topic ext-taxi
      "message": "success",
      "detail": "Client enrolled",
      "url": "d955a31fc4deb880e53704794671bd49",
      "config_url": ""


In this example, we will make use of a RT publish function, This is an API, maintained by KX, that can be called to send data into RT.

In order to access the API, download the rt.qpk.

curl -L$version/rt-$version.qpk -o rt.tar.gz
unzip rt.tar.gz

Start a q session and publish the data

$ cd rt
$ q startq.q
q)setenv[`KXI_CONFIG_URL] ""; // Note, this is taken from the client enrolment step above
q)params:`config_url`path!(getenv`KXI_CONFIG_URL; "/tmp/rt/");
config_url| ""  
path      | "/tmp/rt/"               // location where the user wishes to write the RT log file. A location with suitable disk space should be chosen.
q)[params];            // initialize your connection to RT. This creates a foreign object used to publish.
q)data:([] col1:`a`b`c; col2:1 2 3)
q)p(`.b; `table; data)  // publish to RT

Data format

RT is data format agnostic. The 3 item list we are publishing above is a messageType, table name and payload. The kdb Insights Database and Stream Processor expect data in this format.

Querying Data

You have now sent data into kdb Insights Enterprise. There are a number of ways of querying that data back, including the REST call getData and SQL.